
  • 网络Calah
  1. 和尼尼微、迦拉中间的利鲜,这就是那大城。

    And Resen , which is between Nineveh and Calah ; that is the great city .

  2. 他从那地出来往亚述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉

    From that land he went to Assyria , where he built Nineveh , Rehoboth Ir , Calah

  3. 又有耶杜顿的曾孙,迦拉的孙子,示玛雅的儿子俄巴底,还有以利加拿的孙子,亚撒的儿子比利家。他们都住在尼陀法人的村庄。

    Obadiah son of Shemaiah , the son of Galal , the son of Jeduthun ; and Berekiah son of Asa , the son of Elkanah , who lived in the villages of the Netophathites .