
  • 网络caleb;Gaal;Galle
  1. 迦勒问他说,你要甚么。

    And Caleb said unto her , What wouldest thou ?

  2. 圣经故事(6)约书亚和迦勒的信仰

    The Bible Story ( 6 ) The Faith of Joshua and Caleb

  3. 于是迦勒率领示剑人出去,与亚比米勒交战。

    So Gaal led out the citizens of Shechem and fought Abimelech .

  4. 属犹大支派的有耶孚尼的儿子迦勒。

    Of the tribe of judah , Caleb the son of jephunneh .

  5. 阿苏巴死了,迦勒又娶以法他,生了户珥。

    When Azubah died , Caleb married Ephrath , who bore him Hur .

  6. 耶孚尼的儿子是迦勒。迦勒的儿子是以路,以拉,拿安。

    The sons of Caleb son of Jephunneh : Iru , Elah and Naam .

  7. 但是约书亚与迦勒,他们却不同意。

    But Joshua and Kaleb , they disagreed .

  8. 不但摩西和亚伦难过,约书亚和迦勒也很难过。

    Not only Moses and Aaron were upset , but also Joshua and Caleb .

  9. 迦勒又对亚比米勒说,增添你的军兵出来吧。

    And he said to Abimelech , Increase thine army , and come out .

  10. 是的,他们看见了亚衲族人,但是迦勒和约书亚所看见的只是神!

    Yes , they saw the giants , but Caleb and Joshua saw God !

  11. 于是约书亚为耶孚尼的儿子迦勒祝福,将希伯仑给他为业。

    Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as his inheritance .

  12. 迦勒的女儿是押撒。

    Caleb 's daughter was Acsah .

  13. 这最后的5倍分工显然是借自古代迦勒思想目前在美索不达米亚。

    This last five fold division is clearly borrowed from ancient Chaldean ideas current in Mesopotamia .

  14. 这些人的名字,犹大支派有耶孚尼的儿子迦勒。

    These are their names : Caleb son of Jephunneh , from the tribe of Judah ;

  15. 迦勒就从那里赶出亚衲族的三个族长,就是示筛,亚希幔,挞买。

    From Hebron Caleb drove out the three Anakites Sheshai , Ahiman and Talmai descendants of Anak .

  16. 迦勒挪岂不像迦基米施吗。哈马岂不像亚珥拔吗。撒玛利亚岂不像大马士革吗。

    Is not calno as carchemish ? Is not Hamath as arpad ? Is not Samaria as damascus ?

  17. 它使与约书亚和迦勒同一代的人不能进入神的应许之地。

    It caused the people who were Joshua and Caleb 's age to miss going into the Promised Land .

  18. 惟将属城的田地和村庄给了耶孚尼的儿子迦勒为业。

    But the fields and villages around the city they had given to Caleb son of Jephunneh as his possession .

  19. 希斯仑在迦勒以法他死后,他的妻亚比雅给他生了亚施户。

    After Hezron died in Caleb Ephrathah , Abijah the wife of Hezron bore him Ashhur the father of Tekoa .

  20. 以别的儿子迦勒和他的弟兄来到示剑,示剑人都信靠他。

    Now Gaal son of Ebed moved with his brothers into Shechem , and its citizens put their confidence in him .

  21. 只是属城的田地和村庄都为耶孚尼的儿子迦勒所得。

    But the fields of the city , and the villages thereof , they gave to Caleb the son of Jephunneh .

  22. 蒂普敦和她的丈夫迦勒还有两个女儿,分别是9岁的索菲亚和8岁的奥布里。

    Tipton and her husband , Caleb , have two other daughters , Sophia , 9 , and Aubrey , 8 .

  23. 正是约书亚和迦勒,虽然看到了迦南地高大的住民,他们也没有丧失信心。

    And it was Joshua along with Caleb who stood strong in their faith even after seeing giants in the land of Canaan .

  24. 迦勒说:“谁能攻打基列西弗,将城夺取,我就把我女儿押撒给他为妻。”

    And Caleb said ," I will give my daughter Acsah in marriage to the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher . "

  25. 亚比米勒住在亚鲁玛。西布勒赶出迦勒和他弟兄,不准他们住在示剑。

    And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah : and Zebul thrust out Gaal and his brethren , that they should not dwell in Shechem .

  26. 惟有基尼洗族耶孚尼的儿子迦勒和嫩的儿子约书亚可以看见,因为他们专心跟从我。

    Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite , and Joshua the son of Nun : for they have wholly followed the LORD .

  27. 所以,除了耶孚尼的儿子迦勒和嫩的儿子约书亚以外,连一个人也没有存留。

    And there was not left a man of them , save Caleb the son of Jephunneh , and Joshua the son of Nun .

  28. 士1:20以色列人照摩西所说的、希伯仑给了迦勒.勒就从那里赶出亚衲族的三个族长。

    Then they gave Hebron to Caleb , as Moses had promised ; and he drove out from there the three sons of Anak .

  29. 迦勒看见那些人,就对西布勒说,看哪,有人从山顶上下来了。

    And when Gaal saw the people , he said to Zebul , Behold , there come people down from the top of the mountains .

  30. 迦勒兄弟基纳斯的儿子俄陀聂夺取了那城,迦勒就把女儿押撒给他为妻。

    And Othniel the son of Kenaz , Caleb 's younger brother , took it : and he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife .