
  • 网络ghana;Gardner;Howard Gardner
  1. 迦纳曾被英国作为黄金海岸,是其殖民地。

    Ghana was colonized as the Gold Coast by the British .

  2. 主要原因是迦纳农业发展迅速。

    The main reason is growth in agricultural production in Ghana .

  3. 这道餐是我最喜爱的迦纳菜之一。

    This dish is my most favorite because of rice balls .

  4. 我知道伊贝林不在迦纳的路上。

    I know that lbelin is not on the way to cana .

  5. 迦纳:位于几内亚湾的一个西部非洲国家。

    Ghana : A country of western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea .

  6. 桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。罗林斯(1947.6.22,迦纳阿克拉~)

    Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere , and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin .

  7. 迦纳成为首个赢得20岁以下世界杯的足球队。

    Ghana has become the first African team to win the Under-20 World Cup .

  8. 她还出售用贝壳制作的珠宝和迦纳传统的彩色布料。

    She has jewelry made from shells and rolls of the country 's traditional Kente cloth .

  9. 这些项目主要分布在迦纳,坦桑尼亚,巴西,玻利维亚,墨西哥和牙买加。

    There are programs in Ghana , Tanzania , Brazil , Bolivia , Mexico and Jamaica .

  10. 旅游业是迦纳除黄金,可可和木材之外的第四大外汇收入行业。

    Tourism is Ghana 's fourth largest foreign currency earner behind gold , cocoa , and timber .

  11. 他确信,非洲大陆所有的手艺人都会非常嫉妒迦纳成为奥巴马总统的首选。

    He is certain that artisans across the continent are jealous that Ghana is getting President Obama first .

  12. 迦纳队正享受著世界杯带来的节日般的气氛,他们已经准备好要去颠覆世界冠军。

    After SOT The Black Stars are enjoying the party atmosphere and are ready to upset the world champions .

  13. 布希总统夫妇星期三访问了迦纳的一个国际学校以及一个由美国资助为迦纳人提供的职业培训中心。

    The Bushes visited an international school and a U.S. - funded center that provides job training to Ghanaians .

  14. 我是一名学生,正对迦纳房屋和环境处境进行研究工作。

    I am a student and am researching into the issue of housing and the environment situation in Ghana .

  15. 随后他与家人赶赴访问的最后一站——迦纳。

    Then he headed for a final stop with his family -- Ghana . His father came from Kenya .

  16. 但是粮农组织表示,迦纳是唯一一个达到了两项降低饥饿比率目标的国家。

    But the F.A.O. says Ghana is the only country that has reached two sets of hunger reduction targets .

  17. 迦纳公共医疗卫生服务收到廿五艘设备完善的活动医疗船,可扩大服务河岸地区的人民。

    The Ghana Health Service acknowledged a shipment of 25 fully equipped mobile health boats to extend outreach services in river areas .

  18. 第一位黑人美国总统出访迦纳的事实对我们来说非常重要。

    " The fact that he is the first black American president visiting Ghana is a thing for us ," he said .

  19. 奥巴马总统周六参观海岸角城堡之后计划在独立广场向数千名迦纳人发表讲话。

    After the president 's tour of Cape Coast Castle Saturday he was scheduled to address thousands of Ghanians at Independence Square .

  20. 周日,迦纳蒂安和丈夫在当地稍作游览后,晚上就坐飞机回到了加拿大。

    Ghannadian and her husband had been squeezing in a bit of sightseeing before catching a flight back to Canada on Sunday night .

  21. 象牙海岸的邻国迦纳、奈及利亚和喀麦隆也是可可豆的主要生产国,这让西非成为全球巧克力热爱人士的主要供应者。

    With neighboring Ghana , Nigeria and Cameroon also major growers , Western Africa is the main supplier for the global chocolate craving .

  22. 他将支持迦纳,因为迦纳举行了一系列成功的选举,为非洲其他国家树立了榜样。

    He will hold up Ghana , which has had a series of successful elections as an example for the rest of Africa to follow .

  23. 非洲奴隶贸易中心,包括塞内加尔的戈雷岛和迦纳的海岸角城堡对美国黑人旅游者来说特别有吸引力。

    Sites central to the African slave trade including Senegal 's Goree Island and Ghana 's Cape Coast Castle are especially attractive to black American tourists .

  24. 迦纳一名国王在1838年被荷兰殖民者处决,多年来将其头颅保存在博物馆中。

    The Netherlands has returned to Ghana the bottled head of the king who was executed by Dutch colonists in1838 and kept in the museum for many years .

  25. 在殖民地化之前曾被若干古代王国占领,其中包括阿散蒂王国,19世纪70年代后迦纳沦为英国殖民地后于1957年独立。

    Inhabited in precolonial times by a number of ancient kingdoms , including that of the Ashanti , Ghana was a British colony after the1870 's and became independent in1957 .

  26. 迦纳要求荷兰政府归还,但是莱顿大学不想放弃,所以这笔交易很难达成。

    Ghana asked for the head back from the Dutch government and still Leiden University wasn 't willing to give it up so it was a bit of struggle to get it .

  27. 迦纳说,等一等,假定除冶里有其他认知才气果受伤而掉踪往,那亦是一种智能。

    Howard Gardner said wait a minute , if the brain , if there are other cognitive abilities within the brain that can be lost through damage , then that 's an intelligence .

  28. 一些来自佛罗里达的美国学生将养蜂业务带给迦纳一个社区的农民。

    US Students Bring Honey Project to Ghana This is the VOA Special English Development Report . Some American students from Florida are bringing the business of to farmers in a community in Ghana .

  29. 在迦纳的洪水中已有至少25人死亡,当地红十字会正在帮助易受害家庭发放帆布,毛毯,炊具,寝具,香皂和简便油桶。

    At least 25 people have been killed by flooding in Ghana , where the local Red Cross society is helping families with tarps , blankets , kitchen sets , sleeping mats , soap , and jerry cans .

  30. 我们的记者报道,在迦纳和布基纳法索,暴雨以导致至少32人死亡。布基纳法索150000多人因暴雨而离家避难,其中许多人是在首都瓦加杜古。联合国称,当地上周一天的降雨量相当于该国年平均降雨量的四分之一。

    Our correspondent reports , flooding has killed More than 150000 people have left their homes in Burkina Faso , many in the capital Ouagadougou , where the United Nations says the amount of rain that fell in one day last week s one-quarter of the nation 's average annual rainfall .