
  • 网络Bumping;bump
  1. 观察了某些金属及其盐类对暴沸的影响;

    Observations of the impact of some metals and salts have been made .

  2. 高压釜腐蚀试验中遇到的炉水暴沸、泄漏以及试片腐蚀产物的清除等问题严重地阻碍了高压釜腐蚀试验的顺利进行。

    In high pressure kettle experiments , sudden boiling , leakage and removing deposit in coupons seriously hindered test .

  3. 强酸性阳离子交换树脂具有较好的催化活性,但反应中存在严重的暴沸现象;SO42-/TiO2&ZrO2固体超强酸催化活性相对较高,产物中酯含量可达80%以上。

    Strong acidic cation exchange resin had good activity and ester contents , but had boiling over in the reaction .