
  • 网络Multiple Inheritance;Multi inherit
  1. C++支持类的多继承,而Java采用类的单继承。

    C + + uses multiple inheritance , while Java discards multiple inheritance of class .

  2. 它类似于C++中多继承的概念,但却没有众所周知的diamondsyndrome副作用。

    They are comparable to C + + multiple inheritance constructs but omit the nasty side-effect known as the diamond syndrome .

  3. 运用面向对象的分析方法对空间钢结构CAD软件系统进行分析,在传统的面向对象有限元方法基础上,提出了采用多继承和多层抽象方法实现空间钢结构CAD软件的方法。

    Spatial steel structure CAD ( SSSCAD ) system is analyzed by object-oriented analysis method . Based on the object-oriented finite element method , multiple inheritance and multiple level abstraction methods are presented to realize this software system .

  4. 如果记得没错的话,Stroustroup在“C++的设计与演化”一书中说到他应该写一个标准程序库来支持多继承,我等无福消受啊。

    If I recall it right , Stroustroup wrote in " The Design and Evolution of C + + " that he delayed a standard library in favor of multiple inheritance . I would have enjoyed it more the other way .

  5. 如:多继承,阻塞,重载等功能。

    Such as multiple inheritance , blocking , and overriding .

  6. 太多继承而来的财富会让社会基因库陷入停滞。

    Too much inherited wealth and the gene pool stagnates .

  7. 研究演绎对象数据库的重要特性之一&继承性。主要提出实现继承的多种方法和解决多继承时冲突的方法。

    Research inheritance that is one of importance characteristics in deductive object-oriented database .

  8. 多继承中函数调用的冲突检查

    Ambiguity Analysis of Function Call in Multiple Inheritance System

  9. 接口继承可以间接替代多继承,具有多继承的优点,而且使用简单。

    Hence , the inheritance provided by interface is much simpler and more flexible than multiple inheritance of class .

  10. 设置角色属性解决满足多继承要求的私有权限问题及实现角色之间的部分继承;

    It constructs the role attribute to resolve the problem of private permission for multi-inherited case and realize partial inheritance ;

  11. 在C++面向对象的程序设计中,多继承使用频繁,然而使用多继承容易出现二义性问题。

    Multiple inheritance is used frequently in C + + object-oriented programming , but appearance of ambiguity is easy by using multiple inheritance .

  12. 用户必须理解元类编程和传统面向对象编程的不同点和相同点(单继承和多继承)。

    Users must understand the differences and interactions between metaclass programming and traditional object-oriented programming ( under both single and multiple inheritance ) .

  13. KBASE~+的数据模型可以方便地支持对象标识、类层次、多继承等面向对象概念。

    Some object-orientation concepts such as object identity , class hierachy , and multi-inheritance can be supported conveniently by KBASE + data model .

  14. 大臣守在外面,这已经成为惯例了,他将第一时间证明并且承认这个作为冈多继承人的婴儿诞生。

    It was a tradition that the Chancellor would be up waiting so that he could witness and accept the child as heir for the people of Gondor .

  15. 同时提供接口和抽象类是多余的,但我发现这样很方便:在大多数情况下,我只需要抽象类,但接口支持多继承性。

    Offering both an interface and an abstract class is redundant , but I find it convenient : In most cases , I only need the abstract class , but the interface enables multiple inheritance .

  16. 使用容器管理的永久性实体EJB,无法实现属性跨越多个继承的DBMS。

    Using container management entities EJB cannot realize to design attributes beyond more succeeded DBMSs .

  17. 就使用方便这一范畴而言,在JDOM、dom4j和ElectricXML这三个主要竞争者中,dom4j与其它两个的区别在于它使用带有多个继承层的基于接口的方法。

    Among the three leading contenders in the ease of use category , dom4j differs from the others in using an interface-based approach with multiple layers of inheritance .

  18. 为什么有这么多关于继承的规则?

    Why Are There So Many Rules for Inheritance ?

  19. 多组继承性岩浆锆石年龄的获得,指示东北地区古生代至中生代期间发生过多次构造热事件。

    Several inheritable magmatic zircons appearing different ages implied that NE China experienced multiple tectonic-thermal events in Mesozoic .

  20. 实际上并不是这样,主要是因为:转换环境并不像转换配置那样可以支持多个继承性。

    That 's not the case for one major reason : transformation contexts do not support multiple inheritances .

  21. 用于扩展函数的父类(以及模拟多个继承的“混合”类)

    A parent class to extend function from ( plus any " mix-in " classes to simulate multiple inheritance )

  22. 并通过商业与自然的互渗,多模式继承历史文化和因地制宜组织天际线等措施,力求形成现代高效、独具特色和充满活力的商业步行街区。

    In this way , the heritage of historic feature and the appearance of lively pedestrian space in the shopping area can be both considered .

  23. 前者多为继承性盆地,含油层系多、远景好,后者多为残余盆地,含油气情况复杂。

    The former are mostly an inherited basin , with various oil-bearing sequences and better oil potential ; and the latter are mostly a residual basin , with complex hydrocarbon condition .

  24. 此外,获得多组继承/捕虏锆石年龄值(581~2492Ma),为本区存在早前寒武纪变质结晶基底及华南陆壳具多阶段生长演化特征提供了佐证。

    Moreover , inherited zircon ages ( 581 ~ 2492 Ma ) in this pluton provide evidence for the exiting of an early Precambrian crystalline basement and multistage evolution of crust in this region .

  25. 野田没有太多遗产可以继承,他的父亲在六兄妹中年龄最小,他的母亲也在11个兄妹中年龄最小。

    Mr. Noda , whose father was the youngest of six siblings and his mother the last of eleven , has no inheritance of note .

  26. 具有悠久历史的中国赣西传统文化,是我们赣西人民的巨大的精神财富,它包括着许许多多值得我们继承和汲取的精华。

    The west of Gan traditional culture , which has a long history and extensive knowledge , is a large spirit treasure belonging to the people of west of Gan .

  27. 历史悠久、内容丰富的中国优秀传统思想文化,是一笔巨大的值得我们珍惜的精神财富,因为它包含着许许多多值得我们继承和汲取的有利于当前思想政治教育的思想精华。

    With a long history , rich content of outstanding Chinese traditional ideology and culture is a huge spiritual wealth , which is worth cherishing because it contains many , many worthy inheritances .

  28. 一个基于多线程的优先级继承协议锁的算法研究

    A multi-threaded mutex algorithm based on priority inheritance protocol

  29. 多变量时滞过程继承了无时滞多变量过程的复杂性,且包含的时滞因子使得这种复杂性变得更加难以控制。

    Multivariable processes with multiple time delays inherit the complexities of delay-free multivariable processes , and furthermore , the time delays in processes made these complexities more challenging .

  30. 最后,通过对现时会计系统和多频道系统的继承与扬弃,我们提出了集传统模式与用户主导模式于一身的折衷模型,并对这一模型做出了评价。

    By inheriting and discarding the multi channeled accounting system , we raise a compromising mode that combines the traditional mode and customer orient-ed mode , and make assessment of this mode .