
zì rán yán shēn yuán zé
  • Natural extension principle;doctrine of natural prolongation
  1. 中国主张运用自然延伸原则进行划界,而日本主张运用等距离中间线原则划分中日东海大陆架与专属经济区。

    China maintain , " extend naturally " principle , but Japan maintain " equidistant medium line " principle divide Sino-Japanese the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of East Sea naturally .

  2. 但是,笔者认为自然延伸原则在大陆架划界中的地位虽然受到动摇,但其仍然是大陆架划界中的一个重要原则。

    However , the author is of the opinion that even though the status of the natural prolongation principle has undermined , it is still an important principle for the continental shelf delimitation .

  3. 首先介绍了东海大陆架的地理和资源概况,其次阐述了中国和日本在东海大陆架问题上分别坚持自然延伸原则和等距离中间线原则,各执己见的状况,最后简单分析了两国的争议焦点。

    Author introduces geography and resource about the continental shelf at first , secondly illustrates that China insists on natural-extending principle and Japan insists on equitable principle , analyses the dispute focuses of two countries finally .

  4. 自上世纪70年代后期出现的大量案件和各国的划界实践发展很大程度上确实减弱了自然延伸原则在大陆架划界活动中的重要性。

    Since the late 1970s , a large number of cases and the delimitation of national practice development virtually weakened the importance of the natural prolongation principle to some extent during the continental shelf delimitation activities .

  5. 通过对自然延伸原则概念和渊源的分析,指出自然延伸是国家对大陆架的主权权利的根据。

    By exploring and analyzing the definition , and origins of the natural prolongation principle , it concludes that the natural prolongation principle in essence belongs to the State that enjoys sovereign rights of the continental shelf .

  6. 中国主张的自然延伸原则,不仅是《联合国海洋法公约》明文规定的最基本的客观标准,也是国际司法实践确定的基本规则。

    The principle of " Natural Extension " held by China is not only the most basic objective norm stipulated by the UN Marine Law Conventions , but also the basic regulation defined by the practice of the international judicature .

  7. 中日东海争端中自然延伸原则的重要地位&基于权利和划界规则之间关系的视角

    The Significance of Natural Prolongation Principle in the East China Sea Dispute between China and Japan & Perspective from the Relationship between Institution of Right and Rule of Delimitation ; The International Legal Basis on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf of East China Sea

  8. 本文结合1969年之后国际法院和仲裁机构审理的一系列大陆架和海域划界案件,逐一分析大陆架划界的协议义务、自然延伸原则、等距离原则和公平原则。

    The author thoroughly analyzes the principles on the continental shelf delimitation , in conjunction with a series of cases tried by ICJ and the arbitral tribunal after 1969 . Namely , it contains the agreement obligation , natural prolongation principle , equidistance principle and the equitable principle .

  9. 首先讨论了适用公平原则划界必须考虑的各种因素;其次,讨论了自然延伸原则,自然延伸是一个为实现公平的划界结果而应予考虑的重要因素之一。

    First , it discusses all the conditions considered in the equitable principle . Second , it studies the principle of natural prolongation . The principle of natural prolongation is one of the important conditions should be considered when it wants to achieve a fair result in the demarcation .