
huáng yè
  • yellow pages
  1. 实体店似乎要步入黄页的后尘。

    Brick and mortar stores seem to be going the way of the yellow pages .

  2. 1995年,他创办了面向中国企业的在线名录&中国黄页(ChinaYellowPages)。

    In 1995 , he set up the China Yellow Pages , an online directory for Chinese businesses .

  3. 看到这个机会,马云回到中国,建立了一个名为"中国黄页"的网站,那时他甚至对电脑知之甚少。

    Seeing the chance , Ma returned to China and set up a website called China Pages without even knowing much about computers .

  4. 最后说明了语义Web服务在黄页服务中的应用现状和设想。

    Furthermore , we argue about the application and assumption of semantic web services in yellow page .

  5. 发现用于构建SOA应用程序的服务,其结果就象电子黄页一样。

    The result is like electronic yellow pages for discovering the services you need to build SOA applications .

  6. 网络信息服务(NIS)最初称为“黄页”(YellowPage),有时称为“名称服务”(NameService),并遵循客户机-服务器体系结构。

    Network Information Service ( NIS ), originally known as Yellow Pages , is sometimes called Name Services and follows the client-server architecture .

  7. 马云回到家,创办了中国最早的网络公司之一中国黄页(ChinaPages);这是一个在线目录,帮助国内企业寻找海外客户。

    Mr. Ma returned home and set up one of the country 's first web companies , China Pages , an online directory for domestic businesses looking for customers overseas .

  8. 该文提出使用语义Web技术和Web服务相结合的语义Web服务来解决该问题,即构造语义级别的黄页服务。

    This paper presents the idea of solving the problem using semantic web services that brings together web services and semantic web . That is , enabling yellow page service by marking semantic .

  9. 网络信息访问(NIS)是由SunMicrosystems开发的,也称为黄页(YellowPages)服务。

    The Network Information Service ( NIS ) was developed by Sun Microsystems , and was also known as the Yellow Pages service .

  10. 在GOOGLE上的排名靠前是十分重要的,它比在企业黄页上的排名更重要。

    Being near the top of a Google search is as important ,( if not more so in instances ), than being listed in the Yellow Pages these days .

  11. 利用改进的统计量法(CHI),通过对数以千计的黄页样本数据的训练学习,构建了相应的特征词库和语料库。

    Use improved CHI , training and learning according to data through thousands of yellow page , construct the theme characteristic thesaurus and corpus .

  12. 该注册中心从概念上说类似于黄页(YellowPages),对此感兴趣的人可以从注册中心查找到您,并获得您的WSDL描述以发现如何与您进行集成。

    This registry is similar in concept to the Yellow Pages , where interested parties can look you up and obtain your WSDL description to discover how to integrate with you .

  13. 他们懒得读报纸、从不买CD或使用黄页指南,除了音乐会和电影票,他们一般会尽量不为其他任何东西付钱。

    They cannot be bothered to read a newspaper , never buy CDs or use yellow pages directories , and generally try to avoid paying for anything other than concerts and cinema tickets .

  14. 对于房地产经纪企业而言,建立企业内部网INTRANET及企业的WEB站点的巨大投入阻碍了电子商务发展,其中大多数仅停留在网上黄页的层面。

    The huge investment for intranet and web site prevents the development of the application of electronic business in small and medium real estate agency corporations , which only use the electronic business as an information platform simply .

  15. 与现有的移动代理系统黄页服务模型相比,该模型较好地解决了信息局部性和信息更新的问题,其结构具有良好的可扩展性和灵活性,能更好地适应Internet动态的网络环境。

    Compared with existing models of yellow page services , the model here has no trouble with issues that caused by information refreshing and locality of information . with a scalable and flexible structure , this model is more suitable to the dynamic Internet environment .

  16. 私人股本集团对明显拥有稳定现金流的公司尤为感兴趣,例如英国电信(BT)最终出售给KKR的黄页电话簿公司Yell。

    Private equity groups were particularly attracted to companies with apparently steady cash flows , such as Yell , the directories business that BT eventually sold to KKR .

  17. 将自己描绘成中国ebay的alibaba实际上与网上黄页差不多,不过是帮助买主找到卖主,而不是实际拍卖站。

    Alibaba , a site often described as the eBay of China , is in fact more an electronic yellow pages , helping buyers find sellers , than an online auction room .

  18. INBAR竹藤黄页信息系统概念模式设计

    Software Pattern Reuse Concept Programming of Yellow Page Information of INBAR

  19. 摩根大通表示,上市黄页公司净负债与ebitda之比今年平均将为5.7倍。

    Listed directories businesses will have an average of 5.7 times net debt to EBITDA this year , according to JPMorgan .

  20. 被调查的小型企业中有40%表示他们如今使用Facebook作为唯一的营销渠道,随后是报纸(21%),黄页(20%)和当地广播电台(7.5%)。

    Forty percent of small businesses surveyed say they now leverage Facebook as their sole marketing channel , followed by newspapers ( 21 % ), the yellow pages ( 20 % ) and local radio ( 7.5 % ) .

  21. 在创办中国黄页(ChinaYellowPages)失败之后,马云进入中国对外经济贸易部工作。有一天,他被指派陪同一位美国游客游览长城。

    After a failed attempt to start an online Chinese version of the Yellow Pages , Mr Ma went to work for the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation , where one day he was assigned to take an American visitor on a tour of the Great Wall .

  22. 然而,随着我国林业信息化的发展,林业电子黄页特别是基于WWW的林业黄页信息,呈现出分散、海量、异构、非结构、多元化等特点,从而影响林业黄页信息检索和利用的效率。

    With the development of forestry information . Forestry electronic Yellow Page , especially the forestry information based on WWW , showing the characteristics of the scattered , massive , heterogeneous , non-structural diversification .

  23. 一系列的服务设施让这次旅行成为可能:Facebook,Craigslist(资讯黄页网站),Ridejoy(自行车共享服务网站)以及CouchSurfing(沙发客网站)。

    There were a handful of services that made the trip possible : Facebook , Craigslist , Ridejoy ( a ridesharing service ) , and CouchSurfing .

  24. 2004年,参与法国出版商黄页年鉴集团(pagesjaunes)14亿欧元ipo的银行,根据整个过程设定重要步骤的完成状况收取费用。

    The banks involved in the 1.4bn IPO of pagesjaunes the French publisher , in 2004 received payment upon completion of set milestones throughout the process .

  25. 这些物品大多在Alibaba.com和1688.com都有销售,Alibaba.com是批发制造品的全球黄页,1688.com则是该英文网站的中文版,专注于国内b2b交易。

    Most of these items are for sale on Alibaba . com , which functions as a global Yellow Pages for wholesale manufactures , and also listed on 1688 . com , a Chinese version of the English site used for domestic business-to-business trade .

  26. 就看了黄页上的地址找到这儿了。

    I drove over here and looked you up in the directory .

  27. 电话电话簿有白页、蓝页和黄页。

    Phone books have white , blue and yellow pages .

  28. 中国黄页一开始步履蹒跚,但马云很乐观。

    China Pages struggled at first , but Mr. Ma was optimistic .

  29. 我可以在黄页纸上找到旅行社代理。

    I can find travel agent in the yellow pages .

  30. 去黄页上的第一家汽车旅馆。

    Go to the first motellisted in the Yellow pages .