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  • reader
  1. 她因战后浪漫戏剧《朗读者》赢得了奥斯卡最佳女演员,今年早些时候因服务戏剧而获得CBE勋章。

    She won a best actress Oscar for the postwar romantic drama The Reader and accepted a CBE earlier this year for services to drama .

  2. 而小说《生死朗读者》无疑是他最轰动的作品。

    And the novel The Reader is undoubtedly his most sensational work .

  3. 在一档很受欢迎的电视节目《朗读者》中,嘉宾被邀请上台来阅读他们喜欢或写的诗歌和文章。

    In Readers , a popular TV show , people are invited to read poems and articles they like or wrote .

  4. STEVENWEINBERGER:“最大的长处当然是这份档案非常统一,你可以立即对斯瓦希里语朗读者和英语母语朗读者做比较。但其缺点是,缺乏训练的人对朗读这篇短文可能存在困难,可能无法表现出他们真正的发音能力。”

    STEVEN WEINBERGER : " The biggest plus , of course , is that it is so uniform that you can immediately compare a Kiswahili speaker to a native English speaker . But the downside is that a less-than-skilled reader will have difficulties with the paragraph that might not demonstrate their true phonetic abilities . "

  5. 我很高兴我看过《朗读者》这部片子。

    I was glad I watched the Reader .

  6. 京晶:你看过《朗读者》吗?

    Did you ever see the Reader ?

  7. 朗读者的任务是把作品的精神实质传达给听众,因此,朗读的再造性,意味着朗读者对作品的理解和感受。

    The creativity of recitation means the comprehension and the feeling of reciter about the works .

  8. 就像《朗读者》,你想要单独花两个小时的时间,来认真看这部片子。

    Like the Reader , you 'll want to set aside the two hours to really watch it .

  9. 本哈德·施林克的长篇小说《朗读者》是20世纪末德语小说中颇具代表性的作品。

    Bernhard Schlink 's full-length novel READER is a representative of German novel of the end of20th century .

  10. 这份语言口音档案提供给任何想对不同英语朗读者的口音做比较和分析的人士使用。

    The speech accent archive is for anyone who wants to compare and analyze the accents of different English speakers .

  11. 想必是因为它只卖书,而把上乘书籍卖给丹布朗读者的可能性很小。

    Presumably because it only sells books and the likelihood of selling quality books to Dan Brown readers is slim .

  12. 首播三日后,《朗读者》在评论网站豆瓣上的评分达到9.2分(满分为10分)。

    Three days after its debut , " Readers " has been rated 9.2 points out of 10 on review site Douban .

  13. 首先,美国学生在各个方面(不仅仅是在团结程度上)都给了美音朗读者很高的评价。

    First , American students rated the American speakers quite highly on all accounts ( not just on measures of solidarity ) .

  14. 其次,最引人注目的是,新西兰和澳大利亚的学生也在各方面给了美音朗读者很高的评价。

    Second , and most strikingly , the New Zealand and Australian students also rated the American speakers very highly across the board .

  15. 历史寓言书写及对德国成长小说宏大叙事传统的超越&评《朗读者》

    On the Writing of Historical Allegories and Its Transcendence over the Grand Narrative Tradition of German Bildungsroman & A Comment on The Declaimer ;

  16. 热播节目《中国诗词大会》收官两周后,新节目《朗读者》又火了。

    Two weeks after the conclusion of the hit show " Chinese Poetry Competition , " a new program , " Readers , " has become a sensation .

  17. 听一本配有音频书籍或者其他英文录音材料,多按停止健,努力理解所说的内容,并且努力模仿朗读者的发音。

    Listen to an audio book or other recording in English , stopping it frequently , trying to understand what is being said , and trying to imitate the speaker 's pronunciation .

  18. 凯特·温斯莱特塑造了不少美丽的女性角色,但在《朗读者》中,她完美演绎了一个目不识丁却杀害了数百人而被定罪的德国女人。

    Kate Winslethas portrayed quite a few beautiful women , but it was the role of an illiterate German woman that was convicted for the death of hundreds of people in The Reader .

  19. 这份档案包括1500多份录音,它们可以通过多种途径搜索,包括使用出生地和朗读者开始学习英语的年龄搜索。

    The archive contains more than one thousand five hundred recordings . These can be searched many ways , including by place of birth and the age at which the speaker began to learn English .

  20. 音乐同样会给我们的身体健康带来无穷的好处,已经证明音乐会降低血压.科学家最近在不善长朗读者身上用玩音乐游戏的方法测试音乐的影响力,和音乐是怎样改善他们的阅读能力,在一些医院和养老院里,

    Music also has unending benefits on our health . It has been proven that music reduces blood pressure . Scientists are currently testing the effects of playing music games with dyslexics , and how it may improve their reading ability .

  21. 高水平的朗读离不开朗读者对朗读表达技巧的恰当运用。

    High level reading demands a proper use of reading techniques .