
  1. 巩固全民基本医保,通过改革整合城乡居民基本医疗保险制度。

    We will consolidate the national basic medical insurance system and integrate the basic medical insurance system for rural residents with that for non-working urban residents through reform .

  2. 常熟市通过统筹城乡居民基本医疗保险制度,增强了经办机构对医疗机构的控制力度,医疗费用增长速度得到控制。

    By integrating basic medical insurance system in urban and rural areas , the influence of the administrative institution on medical institutions get enhanced , and the rapid growth of medical expenditure get contained .

  3. 全民医保体系初步形成,超过13亿的城乡居民参保,基本医疗保险覆盖率超过95%。

    The medical insurance system covering the entire population took initial shape . More than 1.3 billion urban and rural residents subscribed to the programs and the coverage of basic medical insurance programs topped 95 % . We took active steps to adjust income distribution .