
  • 网络Hekou Village;La Push
  1. 3D激光扫描仪在河口村坝址地形图测绘中的应用

    3D Laser Scanning for Topographic Mapping in HeKou Dam

  2. 由于区域发展的滞后使河口村的基本格局得以保存至今。

    Because of this area Lack of development so that the basic pattern of the village can be preserved .

  3. 然而,也正是由于这种滞后成为了制约河口村保护与发展的障碍。

    However , it is precisely because of this backward has become an obstacle restricting the protection and development to Hekou village .

  4. 本文介绍了河口村水库水文自动测报系统的站网布设、系统总体结构、通信组网方式和洪水预报调度方案。

    This paper introduced station networks lay . System total structure , communicating forming mode and flood forecast anticipate scheme in HeKou village reservoir hydrology automatic observation and prediction system .