
  • 网络fluvial lake
  1. 镇江北湖是长江形成的河成湖。

    Zhenjiang North Lake is a lake made by the waterpower of the Yangzi River .

  2. 牛轭湖是平原或高平原地区河流两侧形成的特殊的河成湖,它通过河流两侧土壤水分的影响,对河流周边湿地的形成与生态系统的变化起着重要作用。

    Oxbow Lake is a special lake at the sides of the river in plain or high-plain areas , which plays an important role in the formation of wetlands around this river as well as the changes of ecosystem through the effect of soil moisture around it .

  3. 两条河汇流成一个湖。

    The two rivers mingle their waters to form a lake .

  4. 两条河汇流成一个湖。(河)蜿蜒流入大海

    The two rivers mingle their waters to form a lake . wind its way to the sea