
  • Angelababy;Baby
  1. 这名二十六岁的女演员,真名杨颖,于周四在公证人和几名记者的陪伴下,在北京一家医院接受了一系列X光扫描和检查,其中一个步骤是医生用手戳她的脸。

    The 26-year-old actress , whose real name is Yeung Wing , went through a series of X-ray scans and tests - which at one stage involved a doctor prodding her face - at a plastic surgery hospital in the capital on Thursday . She was accompanied by notaries public and several journalists .

  2. 从此之后杨颖经常飞往内地片场探班。

    Angelababy often flew to Mainland China and visited Xiaoming on the filming set .

  3. 约会六年后,黄晓明和杨颖终成眷属。

    After dating for six years , Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy finally get married !

  4. 中国女演员Angelababy(杨颖)于日前正式成为了一名母亲。

    Chinese actress Angelababy has become a mother .

  5. 演员阵容包括中国的一线明星黄渤、陈坤、舒琪、杨颖等。

    It stars a cast of Chinese A-listers , including Huang Bo , Chen Kun , Shu Qi and Yang Ying .

  6. 美图的粉丝中,包括我还有中国明星女演员杨颖(Angelababy),她也参与此次限量版水兵月手机的面世。

    That includes me and Chinese superstar Angelababy , who 's helping launch the Sailor Moon Pretty Soldier Edition of the phone .

  7. Angelababy原名杨颖,在进入电影圈之前是以一名模特的身份开始的她的职业生涯。

    Angelababy , whose real name is Yang Ying , began her career as a model before moving into the film scene .

  8. 该片由人气偶像杨颖(Angelababy)和赵又廷主演,将观众们带回到校园时光,精准地演绎出两位主角间纯洁而浪漫的爱情故事。

    Starring popular young idols Angelababy and Mark Chao , the film takes the audience back to school and guarantees a pure , romantic love story between the two .

  9. 中国女演员杨颖--更为人知的是其艺名Angelababy,近日成为美国野生救援组织最年轻的公益大使。该协会是一个重点关注减少野生动物产品需求的环保组织。

    Chinese actress Yang Ying , better known by her stage name Angelababy , has become the youngest ambassador for WildAid , an environmental organization that focuses on reducing the demand for wildlife products .

  10. 黄晓明非常想要一个孩子,他已经37岁了,可是杨颖却只有26岁,在很多场合黄晓明都表达了这个想法,黄晓明之前还许愿,希望自己可以在40岁之前得子。

    While Angelababy is only be 26 years old , 37-year-old Xiaoming is anxious to have a baby very soon . Expressing his love for children on numerous occasions , Xiaoming previously revealed that he wished to have his first child before he turns 40 years old .