
  1. 杨维桢虽入任不羁,奇怪百出,却步履自高,不失法度;

    Yang Weizhen into any unruly though , strangely enough , 100 , but walking from high , losing Fadu ;

  2. 分析了杨维桢的思想、性格、经历与其诗文书法之风格特点的关系;

    The author also analyses the relationship with the thought , character , career and unique features of the style of poetry and calligraphy of Yang Weizhen .

  3. 杨维桢的咏史诗烙印着强烈的时代气息,对后世的咏史诗发展具有承前启后的重要作用。

    With special charming and high research value , His Poems has strong flavor of the times and play important role on later Poems by the past and the important role of the development .