
niǎo shòu
  • birds and beasts;fur and feather
鸟兽 [niǎo shòu]
  • [birds and beasts] 飞禽和走兽的统称

  • 器皿人物,以至鸟兽木石。--明. 魏学洢《核舟记》

鸟兽[niǎo shòu]
  1. 人跟伟大的鸟兽相比,真算不上什么。

    Man is not much beside the great birds and beasts .

  2. 讨论了日本服饰、饮食、文身、尚武、鸟兽信仰等风俗在中国古代文献中的描述和变化,随着科学技术的发展,文学作品中风俗描写呈现出被淡化的趋势。

    Descriptions of and about the changes of Japanese clothing , diets , tattoos , love for martial arts , religious beliefs in birds and beasts etc. in ancient Chinese works are expounded , however , they tend to dilute due to the development of science and technology .

  3. 枪声惊动了森林中的鸟兽。

    The gun shots startled the birds and animals in the forest .

  4. 大自然通过鸟兽在土壤上播种。

    Nature plants the seeds through birds or animals the soil .

  5. 如:以鸟兽为造型的“龙舞”象征风调雨顺;

    For instance , the " Dragon Dance " symbolizes favorable weather ;

  6. 每件行李或每只鸟兽的附加费

    " surcharge for every article of baggage , animal or bird "

  7. 佛坪自然保护区食竹鸟兽种类的初步调查

    Species of Birds and Mammals Feeding on Bamboo in Foping National Nature Reserve

  8. 鸟兽们都安全地在树上或树下睡着了。

    The birds and animals slept , safe in and under the trees .

  9. 与鸟兽虫鱼的亲密对话:动物行为学家洛伦茨他的亲昵行为吓走了所有的女同事。

    His intimacy scared off all female colleagues .

  10. 爱丽丝领着路,和这群鸟兽一起自岸边游去。

    Alice led the way , and the whole party swam to the shore .

  11. 锦屏一级电站工程对鸟兽的影响预测

    Evaluation of the Influence of Jinping Grade I Hydroelectric Project on Birds and Wild Beasts

  12. 纹饰呈几何形,部分状似鸟兽。

    The design shows geometric patterns , some may resemble stylised animals or bird forms .

  13. 甘肃濒危野生动物繁育中心周围地区鸟兽生态及地理分布研究

    Ecological Study on the Birds and Mammals around the Gansu Endangered Wild Animal Reproduction Center

  14. 中国不同地理区域鸟兽物种丰富度的相关性

    Correlation between avian and mammalian species richness in different geographic regions in China Studying Geography

  15. 论鸟兽跄跄的舞蹈服饰效应

    The Effect of Antique Dance Dress

  16. 他从早到晚都在学习鸟兽的习性。习惯性酗酒习惯性酗酒

    He learned the ways of birds and animals from morning till night . habitual excessive drinking

  17. 泄入大海的石油严重危害了大量鸟兽。

    The oil which discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals .

  18. 比起那些伟大的鸟兽来,人算不了什么。&《老人与海》。

    Pain does not matter to a man . & Hemingway , The Old Man and the Sea .

  19. 关于舞蹈起源和自然、鸟兽、祭祀的相关传说,在今天的民间依然广为流传。

    Legends about the origin of dance as related to nature , animals , birds , and sacrifices are still popular .

  20. 如同羽毛之于鸟兽,语言是文章写作的表达工具和唯一的呈现方式,语言美是文章美的一部分,刘勰认为语言之于文章有非常重大的意义。

    Language is the only writing tool and way of expressing . The beauty of language is part of the beauty of articles .

  21. 芒作为野生稻中普遍存在的一个结构,可以帮助种子散布,同时防止鸟兽啄食。

    As the common structure in the wild rice species , awn can help seed dispersal , and prevent birds or animals from eating .

  22. 突然一道亮光射进王子的眼睛,很快他就明白那就是神奇而又美丽的火鸟&一只半女人半鸟兽的珍宝。

    The Prince sees a bright light that blinds him , but soon realizes it is the magical and beautiful Firebird-half woman and half bird .

  23. 它会吞食一切虫鱼,鸟兽,花草,树木,咬破生铁,蚀穿金钢,将岩石化成飞灰,

    All things it devours . Birds , beasts , trees , flowers . Gnaws iron . Bites steel . Grinds hard stones to meal .

  24. 有些器物的盖纽或口嘴作成人头形或鸟兽形,稚拙而有趣。

    The lid or mouth of some of these utensils assumes the shape of human , animal or bird heads with a naive and attractive appearance .

  25. 双亲行为模型是指在鸟兽类中,内温性是对双亲行为选择的结果,因为内温性为双亲控制抚育温度提供了保证。

    The Parental Care Model hypothesizes that endothermy is arisen as a consequence of selection for parental care because endothermy enables a parent to control incubation temperature .

  26. 但是,不同区域间鸟兽物种数比值差异显著。该比值在中国呈中间低四周高的分布趋势,其中东北地区最高。

    The bird and mammal species ratio in China was lower in the central region but higher in the border regions with the highest value from northeast China .

  27. 鸟兽当然比人要小不少,而最高的树也只是比我高一点。

    The birds and animals are , of course , much smaller than the people , and the tallest trees are only a little taller than I am .

  28. 猪笼草是最大的瓶子草,这种植物能用自己的瓶状叶(或者杯状叶子)捉住蜥蜴和小型鸟兽。

    The largest of the pitcher plants is known as Nepenthes , and this plant does capture small vermin and lizards in its pitchers ( or cupped leaves ) .

  29. 《山经》以五方山川为纲,记述的内容包括古史、草木、鸟兽、神话、宗教等。

    Taking the mountains of five orientation as the key link , the content of the mountain includes puranas , vegetation , animals and birds , mythology , religions , etc.

  30. 唐代太原有过宗教徒尸体送近郊以饲鸟兽的葬俗,有两位学者认为是中亚袄教葬俗。

    In the TANG Dynasty , the persons of religious faith practised a burial custom of " sent the corpses to the outskirts to feed the birds and animals " in Taiyuan .