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  • Aerial view;aero-plane view
  1. 但因为我们有几栋楼,下面的鸟瞰图可能会有帮助。

    But because we have several buildings , the overlook below might be helpful .

  2. 在鸟瞰图绘制中,对地形采用了基于Cg语言的凹凸纹理效果,进一步提高了系统的绘制效率。

    For improving efficiency , bump mapping is used to render terrain in Cg language .

  3. 利用P-Buffer模拟虚拟场景的后视镜和鸟瞰图

    Simulation of Rearview Mirror and Airscape in Virtual Environment with P-Buffer

  4. 这是这个公寓区的鸟瞰图。

    This is the bird 's eye view of the apartment complex .

  5. 讨论了城市鸟瞰图的概念、技术和特点。

    Discusses the concept , technology and feature of city airview map .

  6. 布莱斯:让我给看下鸟瞰图。

    Bryce : Let me show you an aerial view .

  7. 这是模拟出的表演艺术中心鸟瞰图。

    This image shows a simulated aerial view of her proposal for the Performing Arts Centre .

  8. 城市鸟瞰图的研究

    Research on City Airview Map

  9. 我们可以查一下鸟瞰图看看那里周围有什么

    We can map it an aerial view . It 'll show us what 's around there ,

  10. 鸟瞰图显示凸形的,首都马尔代夫群岛在印度洋。

    An aerial view shows Male , the capital city of the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean .

  11. 在显微镜下看起来,它就像一幅繁花似锦的那伐鹤地毯,或是一幅铁路调车场的鸟瞰图。

    Under a microscope , it resembles a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad switching yard .

  12. 秋季使这幅纽约中央公园的鸟瞰图画面变得柔和。

    Autumn softens this aerial view of New York City 's Central Park , the first public park built in the U.S.

  13. 这幅照片,相信是日军人员在空袭汕头时从战机上所拍摄到的鸟瞰图。

    A bird 's-eye view of Swatow , probably taken by a Japanese soldier aboard a bomber flying over the city .

  14. 直觉就像一张引导企业家穿过迷宫的鸟瞰图,甚至当他们拥有一张路线图的时候,也是如此。

    Intuition is like the bird 's eye view that guides entrepreneurs through a maze , even when they have a map .

  15. 这是学院的鸟瞰图,从这你能看到国际中心。附近还有露天的游泳馆和网球场。

    This is an aerial view of the college . You can see the International Centre . We have an open air swimming pool and tennis courts nearby .

  16. 为消除图像处理中的透视变换对视觉测距的精度影响,采用构建鸟瞰图的方法,消除透视现象的影响,并提高了视觉测距的精度。

    In order to eliminate the perspective effect on visual location accuracy during the image processing this paper used the bird ' s-eye view method and enhanced visual location precision .

  17. 维多利亚州首府墨尔本城附近有国际运动会场馆(鸟瞰图,从左至右):墨尔本公园网球中心与墨尔本城;

    Melbourne , capital of Victoria , has international sporting venues sited close to the city ( aerial view , left to right ): Melbourne Park Tennis Centre and the city ;

  18. 并且挑取园记中记载相对完善的园记进行复原,绘制平面及鸟瞰图,为园林研究提供参考。

    Recorded in the park and picked up relatively well documented record for restoration of the park , drawing plane and aerial view , provide a reference for the research landscape .

  19. 实践派企业家希望为他们的社会使命活动找到最有利的合法结构,慈善家们希望确保他们没有忽略社会变革成效中的革新,学者们试图给我们整个事件的鸟瞰图。

    Practitioner-entrepreneurs want to figure out the most advantageous legal structure for their social mission activities , philanthropists want to make sure they aren 't ignoring innovations in social change efforts , and academics try to give us a bird 's eye-view of the whole matter .

  20. 尽管传递速度是光速,从地球上发射出的信号到达探测器的时候还是需要好几分钟,所以该探测器半自动化地向科学家和其他自动仪器长期提供火星鸟瞰图。

    Traveling at the speed of light , it 'll still take several minutes for any commands sent from Earth to reach the helicopter , so the flying rover will have to be at least partially autonomous as it provides scientists and other autonomous vehicles with the first long-term bird 's-eye view of the planet .