
  • 网络intermediate mass;content
  1. 国人中间块的观察和测量

    Observation and measurement of the intermedial masses of the Chinese

  2. 儿童第三脑室中间块星形细胞瘤

    Mass intermedia astrocytoma of the third ventricle in children

  3. 目的明确第三脑室中间块星形细胞瘤的临床表现、诊断和手术治疗。

    Objective To confirm the mass intermedia astrocytoma of the third ventricle for the clinic manifestation , diagnosis and surgical treatment in children .

  4. 把中间那块转一下你就明白我说的什么了。

    Turn the middle piece , you 'll see what I was talking about .

  5. 觉慧忘了自己地把手指放在窗户中间那块小玻璃上轻轻敲了几下。

    Chueh-hui tapped lightly on the small pane of glass in the centre of the window .

  6. 芯块包壳化学相互酌中间那块岩芯曾加载。

    The middle core was loaded .

  7. 体外预应力混凝土梁是指在混凝土梁体外使用无粘结预应力钢筋或索,通过锚固端和梁相连接,通过中间转向块使索偏转的一种预应力结构。

    The externally prestressed concrete beam is defined as a structure & unbounded tendons are used outside the concrete beams , connected with the beam by the anchorage , and deflected by the middle deflecting blocks .

  8. 一块地会被划分成“井”字型的九块,中间那块的粮食收归政府所有,旁边土地的粮食分给个体农户。

    a piece of land was divided into nine squares in the shape of the character jing , with the grain from the middle square taken by the government and that of surrounding squares kept by individual farmers .

  9. 该艺术品在两面圆形大镜子中间插入一块玻璃板。

    The work interposes a glass plate between two large circular mirrors .

  10. 两支部队分守舞台的左右侧,中间隔着一块空出的场地。

    Two armies are situated stage right and stage left with an open area separating them .

  11. 村子中间有一块十字形石碑。

    There was a stone cross in the middle of the village .

  12. 这耳坠中间是一块翡翠,四周镶着珍珠。

    Trees with their apparel of foliage . The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald .

  13. 在大石所呆的地方出现了一个圆形的空间,中间有一块四方形的石板,上面有一个铁环。

    On the spot it had occupied was a circular space , exposing an iron ring let into a square flag-stone .

  14. 他的哥哥,道格拉斯和两个男孩在森林中间的一块开阔地玩耍。

    His older brother , Douglas , and two other boys were playing together in an open field that was surrounded by a forest .

  15. 虽然不算是新闻,但在德国站比赛中引起较多争议的是减震器的使用,其结构是在垂直的弹簧中间加入减震块。

    Not new , but the subject of much controversy in Germany , the damper takes the form of a free-moving mass inside a vertical spring .

  16. 你能看到纹理的地方其实是在偏暗的中间调那块,明暗交界线之前。

    The place where you really see the texture is in the darker halftone , just before the terminator divides the light side from the shadow side .

  17. 在监狱会客室之外的院子中间,一块大石头上用中文写着:法律之下,人人自由。

    Outside the visitors ' room , in the middle of the prison courtyard , a large stone sign was painted with the Chinese words : Within the law , everyone is free .

  18. 通过采用中间数据分块技术,很好地解决了海量航拍图像在进行处理操作中速度较慢的关键性问题,使三维虚拟系统的性能得到提升。

    We adopt technology of segmentation of mesne data , have solved the problem of carrying on the picture with slower processing speed , and make the performance of the 3D virtual simulation system promoted .

  19. 弹坑中间有一块东西,仿佛融化成焦糖色的口香糖,直到现在还散发着一点点微弱的温度:那是一艘大飞船溶解后的残余。

    There was still a faint warm glow coming from what would otherwise have looked like an enormous piece of caramelised chewing gum in the centre of the pit : the melted remains of a great spaceship .

  20. 它是用甜菜、洋葱、少许糖和柠檬汁做成的一种甜汤,通常会在碗中间放一块酸奶油作装饰。

    It is a sweet soup made of beets , onion , a bit of sugar , and lemon juice . Cold borscht is often garnished with a dollop of sour cream at the center of the bowl .

  21. 这中间,每一块落脚的土地,都是我们行走的支撑点,至关重要;

    Each part of the land where we step is our support point .

  22. 我们中间只隔着一块田地。

    Only one field lies between us .

  23. 一种是中间带有集中质量块的自由直梁模型;另一种是自由曲梁模型。

    One is free straight beam model with lumped mass in middle ; the other is free curved beam .

  24. 她对信念的狂喜使她变得神圣起来;脸上容光焕发,两边脸颊的中间现出来一块红晕;在她眼睛的瞳仁里,投射进去的烛光的影子闪闪发亮,就好像是两颗钻石。

    The ecstasy of faith almost apotheosized her ; it set upon her face a glowing irradiation , and brought a red spot into the middle of each cheek ; while the miniature candle-flame inverted in her eye-pupils shone like a diamond .