
  • 网络OPCA
  1. 橄榄-脑桥-小脑萎缩的定量CT研究

    A quantitative study of the CT scans in olivopontocerebellar atrophy

  2. 小脑萎缩的临床CT诊断

    Clinical CT Diagnosis of Cerebellar Atrophy

  3. MRI测量诊断橄榄-桥脑-小脑萎缩

    OPCA Diagnosis by MRI measurements

  4. 橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩听觉P300认知电位的研究

    Study on auditory cognitive potential P300 in patients with olivopontocerebellar atrophy

  5. 目的观察P300检查在橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩中的应用价值及影响因素。

    Objective To investigate clinically applied value of P300 with influential factors in olivopontocerebellar atrophy ( OPCA ) .

  6. 头颅MRI检查28例,发现朕氏体发育不良5例,小脑萎缩3例,大脑萎缩1例。

    Cranial CT or MRI were performed in 28 cases , 5 cased showed hypoplasia of corpus callosum , 3 cased showed atrophy of cerebellum , 1 case showed atrophy of cerebrum .

  7. 7%的患者ECG示窦性心动过缓,26.7%的患者头颅MRI检查示小脑萎缩,10%的患者脑干听觉诱发电位中枢段检查异常。

    ECG showed that 6.7 % of patients had sinus bradycardia ; MRI scan showed 26.7 % of patients had atrophic cerebellums brainstem auditory evoked potential ( BAEP ) showed 10 % of patients were abnormal in central segment .

  8. 脑CT表现:主要表现为不同程度脑萎缩及脑内软化灶,大脑萎缩15例,小脑萎缩14例,小脑合并大脑萎缩9例,脑萎缩并脑内软化灶7例;

    The CT findings of brain were cerebral atrophy in different degree and encephalomalacia foci . Fifteen cases had cerebellum atrophy , 14 cases had cerebral atrophy , 9 cases had both cerebellum and cerebral atrophy , 7 cases had cerebral atrophy with encephalomalacia foci .

  9. 其中橄榄体桥小脑萎缩(OPCA)26例,22(84%)例首发症状为走路不稳。

    The initial symptom of 22 out of the 26 patients with OPCA ( 84 % ) was cerebella ataxia .

  10. 应用弥散加权MRI定量评估多系统萎缩症的脑干情况目的探讨橄榄桥小脑萎缩(OPCA)的本质及与其他神经元变性病的关系。

    Objective In order to explore the entity of olivopontocerebellar atrophy ( OPCA ), the relationship of OPCA with progressive neurodegenerative diseases and the application of the term multiple system atrophy ( MSA ) clinically .

  11. 方法:用电生理多用诊断仪对29例橄榄-桥脑-小脑萎缩(OPCA)、10例直立性低血压(SDS)和19例健康志愿者(对照组)的脑干诱发电位进行检测。

    Methods : The brainstem auditory evoked potentials ( BAEP ) were recorded in 29 cases of OPCA , 10 cases of SDS and 19 healthy volunteers by using Nicolet Viking ⅱ .

  12. 结果本组有橄榄脑桥小脑萎缩(OPCA)15例,Shy-Drager综合征(SDS)20例和纹状体黑质变性(SND)13例。

    Results Among the 48 cases , 15 cases were olivopontocerebellar atrophy ( OPCA ), 20 cases Shy-Drager syndrome ( SDS ) and 13 cases striatonigral degeneration ( SND ) .

  13. 犊牛遗传性小脑萎缩共济失调研究报告

    Study on heredo - cerebellar - atrophy - ataxia in calf

  14. 有机磷酸酯类中毒引起橄榄桥脑小脑萎缩2例报告

    Olivo-Ponto-Cerbellar-Atrophy Induced by Organophosphorus Compounds : a Report of 2 Cases

  15. 人神经干细胞移植治疗小脑萎缩

    Clinical transplantation of human neural stem cells in treatment of cerebellar atrophy

  16. 中暑致小脑萎缩1例报告

    Cerebellum atrophy due to siriasis & A case report

  17. 橄榄体桥小脑萎缩(附一例报告)

    Olivopontocerebellar atrophy ( report of 1 case )

  18. 橄榄-桥脑-小脑萎缩的临床神经电生理学研究

    Clinical electrophysiology of the patients with olivo-ponto-cerebellar atrophy

  19. 结论:嗅鞘细胞移植能迅速改善橄榄体桥脑小脑萎缩患者的神经功能,且应用安全。

    CONCLUSION OEC transplantation is effective and safe in treating the neurological function of patients with OPCA .

  20. 橄榄脑桥小脑萎缩与十字征影像学除脑干变细、小脑体积变小外,可出现特征性的十字征表现。

    Brainstem and cerebella shrinking can be seen on neuroimaging , and cross sign is the characteristic appearance on neuroimaging .

  21. 神经系统的不良反应主要为小脑萎缩、小脑功能失调症、智能障碍、颅内压增高等。

    Nervous system adverse reactions are mainly cerebellar atrophy , cerebellar dysfunction syndrome , intellectual dysfunction , increased intracranial pressure and so on .

  22. 结果:人脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗可显著改善共济失调模型小鼠的运动功能损伤,并减轻其小脑组织萎缩,减少细胞凋亡。

    HUC-MSCs also alleviated cerebellar atrophy and decreased the number of apoptotic cells in the therapeutic group .

  23. 曼彻斯特皇家医院的一位专业人士指出,她的小脑正在萎缩,这是一种类似运动神经元疾病的退化性疾病,没有方法可以治愈。

    A specialist at Manchester Royal Infirmary realised she was suffering from cerebella atrophy , a degenerative disease similar to motor neurone disease ; for which there is no treatment .

  24. CT/MRI扫描显示小脑和脑干萎缩。

    CT / MRI scan showed atrophy of the cerebellum and brain-stem .

  25. 辅助检查:MRI:大部分MSA患者有阳性表现,橄榄体、脑桥和小脑部位有萎缩,PD患者未发现特征性病变。

    MRI show atrophy in olive , pons and cerebellum for most of MSA patients and no special change for PD patients ;

  26. 慢性酒精中毒病人小脑蚓部前部萎缩。

    Here is anterior vermian atrophy of the cerebellum in a patient with chronic alcoholism .

  27. 在动物实验基础上,将胎龄为9~12周的人胚胎小脑组织悬液移植到6例患有严重小脑萎缩的患者脑内。

    On the basis of animal experiment , 9 ~ 12 week human embryonic cerebellar tissue suspension was transplanted into the cerebellum of 6 medically intractable patients with severe hereditary cerebellar degenerative ataxia .