
  • button condenser
  1. 采用新型工艺开发的5V小型电容器电容量达到3F以上且电容器电阻低于120mΩ,具有良好的电化学特性。

    Of the newly-developed 5 V supercapacitor , the capacitance is over 3F , and the resistance less than 120 m Ω .

  2. 小型铝电解电容器的高温容量变化率

    Small Al Electrolytic Capacitor 's Capacitance Shift Rate Caused by High Temperature

  3. 提高超小型铝电解电容器生产一次合格率

    Increase of the yield of super miniature electrolytic capacitors

  4. 小型真空可变电容器的研制

    Research of a Small Variable Vacuum Capacitors

  5. 宽温小型低压铝电解电容器的研制

    Development of Small Low Voltage Al Electrolytic Capacitors with Wide Temperature Range

  6. 一种小型集中式电容分压器的研制

    Study on a concentrated capacitor divider in small scale