
  1. 塑造人物形象,刻画人物性格是小说创作的技巧之一。

    To describe characters ' image and personality is one of the key techniques in the creation of a novel .

  2. 哈代所有作品中最著名的就是他的“性格与环境小说”。

    Hardy is most famous for his " Novels of Character and Environment " .

  3. 论巧合在哈代性格与环境小说中的叙事功能

    On the Narration Effects of Coincidences in Hardy 's Novels of Character and Environment

  4. 论哈代性格与环境小说中的性格和环境的关系

    The Relationship between ″ Character ″ and ″ Environment ″ in Hardy 's Novels of Character and Environment

  5. 众所周知,性格与环境小说是哈代小说中最出色的。

    As we all know , the novels of character and environment were the best novels of Hardy .

  6. 游苔沙是哈代的性格与环境小说《还乡》中的主人公。

    The Return of the Native is a " Novel of Character and Environment " written by Thomas Hardy .

  7. 性格与环境小说和精于结构的小说。

    The second , the character and environment novels and the third , novels with perfect structure and plot .

  8. 性格与环境小说也被称为威塞克斯小说,包括《德伯家的苔丝》、《远离尘嚣》、《还乡》及《无名的裘德》等优秀作品,标志着他现实主义创作的最高成就。

    It best embodies the spirit of Hardy 's " Novels of Character and Environment ", marking the crowning achievement of his literary creation .

  9. 《德伯家的苔丝》渗透出的浓浓的乡土色彩构成了哈代小说,尤其是性格与环境小说的另一重要特色。

    Tess of the d ' Urbervilles was also infiltrated with pronounced local color , which was another important feature of the Novels of Character and Environment .

  10. 《远离尘嚣》发表于1874年,是哈代最受欢迎的小说之一,属于哈代的性格与环境小说系列。

    Far From the Madding Crowd , published in 1874 , was one of the most popular novels by Thomas Hardy . It belongs to the group of Novels of Character and Environment .

  11. 在他的作品中,自然和人是其创作的源泉和关注的焦点,尤其是他的性格与环境小说,表现了其对自然和人的双重关注。

    In his novels , nature and man are not only the source of his creation , but also the themes of his novels , especially his " novels of character and environment ", which reflect his concern about both men and nature .

  12. 这个结论是通过对小说的故事情节、人物性格的塑造以及小说基调的分析而得出的。本文认为,《伊甸之东》中的某些情节纯属无用之功。

    This conclusion is obtained by analyzing the plots , the characters and the tones of East of Eden .

  13. 哈代创作的重点,归于性格与环境类小说,主要集中在后期完成,也代表着哈代现实主义小说的杰出成就。

    Hardy emphasizes his creating energy on his later works , namely the character and environment novels , which embody Hardy 's excellent achievement in his critical realist novels .

  14. 本文介绍怀特的生平和创作生涯,分析怀特笔下的人物性格,探索怀特小说的基本主题,评价了怀特的写作技巧的独特之处。

    This paper , with a brief introduction of White 's life and his writing career , analyzes the characters in his novels and explores the main theme , and offers comments on his unique writing style .