
jī xì bāo
  • myocyte;muscle cell
  1. 新型东亚钳蝎小分子成分的生化性质及其对大鼠心室肌细胞Ito的作用

    The Characterizations and Blocking Effects on Ito of Rat Ventricular Myocyte of New

  2. 体外采用5-aza诱导下有部分MSCs向肌细胞分化,证实MSCs为多潜能干细胞,具有表达肌细胞的特异性功能。

    The differentiate towards myocyte of MSCs after induced by 5-azacytidine in vitro indicates that MSCs are multipotential stem cell and be of specific function of expressing myocyte .

  3. 银杏内酯A、B对豚鼠乳头肌细胞的电生理效应

    The Electrophysiological Effect of Ginkgolide A 、 B on the Papillary Muscle of Guinea pig

  4. 目的为了检测线粒体肌病和脑肌病患者的骨骼肌细胞的线粒体DNA的缺失情况。

    Objective To study the mitochondrial DNA deletion of mitochondrial myopathy and mitochondrial encephalomyopathy .

  5. 鲤鱼、鲫鱼肌细胞线粒体DNA的限制性内切酶酶切图谱比较

    Restriction Endonuclease Cleavage Maps of Mitochondrial DNAs from the Muscles of Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus

  6. 肌细胞途径血友病B基因治疗高表达载体的构建及表达研究

    The Construction and the Study of Expression Retroviral Vector of Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B by Muscle Cells

  7. 运动诱导的骨骼肌细胞中IL-6作用的研究进展

    Progress in Role of Exercise-induced IL-6 Expressing with Skeletal Muscle Cell

  8. 目的分析子宫平滑肌瘤细胞的DNA含量,并与同源的正常肌细胞相比较。

    Objective To investigate the differences of biological aggressiveness in terms of the DNA content and cell cycle between the leiomyoma and myometrium .

  9. 胰升糖素样肽1诱导成肌细胞株C2C(12)分化为分泌胰岛素样物质细胞

    Glucagon-like peptide-1-induced myoblast line C _2C_ ( 12 ) cells differentiates into cells secreting insulin-like substance

  10. Mg~(2+)对豚鼠心室肌细胞ATP敏感钾电流的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effect of extracellular magnesium on ATP-sensitive potassium current in guinea-pig ventricular cells

  11. 分离Wistar大鼠乳鼠的心室肌细胞。

    Wistar rat ventricular myocytes were isolated .

  12. 结果较之IR组,PP组和DP组的心室肌细胞超微结构损伤明显减轻(主要表现为线粒体及肌节的保护作用)。

    Results Compared with IR group , injury of myocardial ultrastructure was reduced significantly by PP or DP .

  13. 方法采用酶急性分离的单个大鼠心室肌细胞,应用膜片钳全细胞记录技术,观察F2对ICa的影响。

    METHODS Single ventricular cell of rat was obtained by enzymatic dissociation method .

  14. 用图像分析仪检测窦房结内P细胞、T细胞、心房肌细胞、胶原纤维胞浆吸光度(A值)。

    The P cells and T cells inside the sinoatrial node , atrial muscle cells and absorptance ( A ) value of cytoplasm in collagen fibers were detected with image analyzer .

  15. 结论慢性Af患者心房肌细胞内存在钙超载。

    Conclusion : Chronic Af can lead to intracellular calcium overload in human atrial myocytes .

  16. 电镜显示DM组骨骼肌细胞肌原纤维束排列整齐松散;

    Under electron microscopy , the muscle fiber bundle of skeletal muscle cells ranked neatly and loosely in DM group ;

  17. AngⅡ对人心房肌细胞膜钙通道电流的影响及卡维地洛的拮抗作用

    Effects of Angiotensin ⅱ on Calcium Channel Current of Human Atrial Myocyte and Its Antagonism by Carvedilol

  18. 室间隔缺损儿童心房肌细胞Cx43蛋白的表达

    Connexin 43 expression in atrial myocytes of ventricular septal defect children

  19. 丹参注射液对模拟缺血预适应引起兔心室肌细胞动作电位和ATP敏感性钾电流变化的影响

    Effects of Salvia Miltiorrhiza on Action Potential and ATP-Sensitive Potassium Currents Interfered by Ischemic Preconditioning in Ventricular Myocytes of Rabbit

  20. 快速冷却2h使肌束内肌细胞外空隙面积增大,对持水性、嫩度影响不显著。

    H rapid chilling treatment did not influence water-holding capacity and tenderness , but increase extracellular area .

  21. 结论:GH可使心肌细胞、骨骼肌细胞肥大而不是间质组织增生。

    Conclusion GH can induce hypertrophy of cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells but not interstitial proliferation .

  22. 实验表明,CGRP能够显著增加心室肌细胞静息电位,提高动作电位幅度。

    The results showed that CGRP could increase ventricular myocardial resting potential and elevate the amplitude of action potential .

  23. 在骨骼肌细胞和心肌细胞内,Bcl-2家族成员之间形成二聚体,调节细胞是否进入凋亡程序。

    In the muscles and cardiac cells , the Bcl-2 family members merge together , adjusting whether it gets into the program of the apoptosis .

  24. 通过使用全细胞膜片钳技术证明了在心室肌细胞上银杏苦内酯B可浓度依赖性的缩短动作电位时程,主要与增大延迟整流型钾电流有关。

    Ginkgolide B may shorten the action potential duration in a concentration-dependent manner which mainly due to the increase of the delayed rectifier potassium current ( Ik ) in single ventricular myocytes by using patch-clamp techniques .

  25. 成肌细胞移植阻止mdx鼠运动诱导的肌损害

    Myoblast transplantation in mdx mice prevents muscle damage by exercise

  26. Tamoxifen对人心房肌细胞超快速激活延迟整流钾电流的作用

    Effects of Tamoxifen on ultra-rapid activated delayed rectifier K ~ + current in human atrial myocytes

  27. 利用全细胞膜片钳技术,采用胶原酶B急性分离的大鼠心室肌细胞,研究了牛黄酸和二甲基-氨氯吡咪对心肌细胞膜Na+/Ca2+交换电流的影响。

    Using the whole cell patch-clamp technique to study effects of taurine and 5 - ( N , N-dimethyl ) - amiloride ( DMA ) on Na + / Ca 2 + exchange current in rat ventricular myocytes .

  28. 用链霉蛋白酶E(0.5mgmL)灌流消化、分离得到豚鼠心室肌细胞。

    The ventricular myocytes were prepared from guinea pig by the enzymatic dissociation with pronase E ( 0.5 ? mg / ml ) solutions .

  29. 因此定性、定量地考察SelenoproteinW的作用,有利于分析其对于骨骼肌细胞代谢的重要意义。

    To investigate the role of selenoprotein W quantitatively and qualitatively is helpful to analysis its important meaning to skeletal muscle metabolism .

  30. 用荧光染料fura-2法测定心室肌细胞内游离钙离子浓度

    Measurement of the intracellular free calcium concentration of ventricular myocytes with fluorescent dye fura-2