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  • muscle atrophy;amyotrophy
  1. 能改善下肢肌肉萎缩,静脉曲张,保持骨胳及关节的良好状态。

    To improve the low limbs amyotrophy , varix , to keep the good states of the skeleton and joint .

  2. 经过治疗可使CK值降低,还可改善患者的肌肉跳动、吞咽困难、舌肌颤动症状,使肌肉萎缩、构音障碍、肌力等症状保持稳定。

    The treatment can decrease the value of creatine phosphokinase , improve muscle subsultus , acataposis and lingua muscle shivering of patients , keep stable of symptoms of amyotrophy , dysarthria , muscle strength etc.

  3. 这样可能会导致身体虚弱和肌肉萎缩。

    This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage .

  4. 斯科特的肌肉萎缩,一条腿发育不完全,成了个瘸子。

    Scott 's muscle atrophied , his leg became stunted , and he was left lame

  5. 这些遗传病通常只发生在男性身上,如肌肉萎缩、血友病等。

    These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally . They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia

  6. 停止锻炼会使肌肉萎缩、脂肪增加。同样,如果花更多的精力锻炼,就会减掉脂肪。

    If you give up exercise , your muscles shrink and fat increases . By the same token , if you expend more energy you will lose fat .

  7. 蔓状血管瘤2例,血管迂曲扩张和肌肉萎缩是其特征性MRI表现。

    Cases of pampiniform angioma , tortuous dilation of blood vessel and muscular atrophy were its MRI features .

  8. 细胞外ATP防治失神经肌肉萎缩的实验研究

    The effects of extracellular ATP on denervated muscles atrophy

  9. 结论细胞外ATP对于防止或延缓失神经肌肉萎缩的发生具有一定的作用。

    Conclusion Extracellular ATP injection was a valuable method of preventing denervated muscle atrophy .

  10. 运动时糖和脂肪的代谢与IL-6有关,IL-6也可能参与肌纤维溶解和肌肉萎缩。

    The metabolism of carbohydrate and fat during exercise is related to Il-6 , while IL-6 participates in skeletal muscle atrophy and myocytolysis .

  11. 目的探讨在肌肉萎缩和恢复中血清睾酮(ST)水平的变化及不同的锻炼方式对肌萎缩恢复的作用。

    Objective To investigate the level of serum testosterone ( ST ) during disuse atrophy of skeletal muscle and natural , exercise rehabilitation in male rats .

  12. 本科室在前期工作中已经证实了局部注射ATP能延缓失神经肌肉萎缩,但其机理还未深入研究。

    We had estimated that region injecting ATP can delay atrophy of the denervated skeletal muscles , but the mechanisms are still unclear .

  13. FK506促进神经损伤后修复及中西医结合预防失神经肌肉萎缩的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of FK506 on Nerve Regeneration After Nerve Injury and the Treatment of Denervated Muscular Atrophy by Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine

  14. 结论CNTF在提高神经端侧吻合后侧支萌出率和减轻失神经肌肉萎缩方面有积极的作用。

    Conclusion CNTF had beneficial influence on promoting peripheral facial nerve collateral sprouting after end-to-side neurorrhaphy and reduce denervation muscle atrophy .

  15. 病例都有早期AMD相关的视力丧失伴肌肉萎缩或者神经血管病变。

    Affected individuals were defined as those having advanced AMD related to visual loss with either geographic atrophy ( dry ) or neovascular ( wet ) disease .

  16. 结论aFGF纤维蛋白凝胶载体可以有效保护失神经支配肌运动终板,防止肌肉萎缩,促进神经肌肉接头功能的恢复。

    Conclusion Implantation of collagen gel carrier of aFGF may prevent motor endplate degeneration and facilitate functional recovery of the neuromuscular junction after motor nerve injury .

  17. 今年,多亏了全世界病毒式传播开来的ALS冰桶挑战,对肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS,又称的葛雷克氏症)上升的关注度达到最高纪录。

    This year , awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , better known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease , reached an all-time high around the world due to the viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge .

  18. 这项研究对AMD早期患者的大量样本进行了研究,包括肌肉萎缩和神经血管病变型的基因型,它们都能导致视力丧失。

    This study evaluated a large number of samples from individuals with advanced AMD , including both geographic atrophy or " dry " AMD , and neovascular disease or " wet " AMD , which cause visual loss .

  19. GTX公司是5月份表现最佳的生物科技股。该公司生产的一种药物可预防癌症病人出现肌肉萎缩。

    GTX , a company that is making a drug to prevent muscle wasting in cancer patients , was the best-performing biotech stock in May .

  20. 神经干细胞经过体外向运动神经元诱导或同时转染神经营养因子NT3后,其延缓肌肉萎缩的效果明显增强。

    The effect of delaying denervated muscle atrophy will increase significantly after the neural stem cell induced to motor neuron in vitro or in the mean time transfected neurotrophic factor NT3 .

  21. Duchenne型肌营养不良症(duchennemusculardystrophy,DMD)表现为进行性肌肉萎缩,是一种致死性、遗传性神经肌肉疾病。

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy ( DMD ) is a fatal , genetic neuromuscular disorders that manifests as progressive muscle wasting . Although there has been enormous progress in the studies of the molecular mechanism of muscular dystrophy , there is still no cure .

  22. 结果(1)儿童时发病,早期关节挛缩和心脏受累,相继出现对称性肢体肌肉萎缩和无力是EDMD的临床特征;

    Results ( 1 ) Onset in early childhood , joint contractures and cardiac involvement , followed by symmetrical limb muscular wasting and weakness were clinical feature of EDMD .

  23. 被动活动对小鼠失神经支配肌肉萎缩的影响

    The effect of passive movement on denervated muscular atrophy in mice

  24. 他靠拐杖行走,腿部肌肉萎缩了。

    His leg muscles atrophied while he was walking with crutches .

  25. 结论肢体制动加速了失神经支配肌肉萎缩的发展。

    Purpose To study limb immobilization influencing on denervated muscle atrophy .

  26. 氨哮素对失负荷肌肉萎缩的影响

    Effects of clenbuterol on skeletal muscle atrophy caused by weightlessness or microgravity

  27. 症状包括肌肉萎缩,骨质酥松,对,我知道。

    Symptoms include muscle weakness , brittle bones , yeah I know .

  28. 这种伴有体重丢失和肌肉萎缩的全身性消耗是由疾病引起的。

    Physical wasting with loss of weight and muscle mass caused by disease .

  29. 此外,它也有利于腿部血液循环,防止肌肉萎缩。

    It also facilitates blood circulation to the legs and prevents muscle atrophy .

  30. 那是为了防止他肌肉萎缩

    Yeah . That 's to stop his muscles atrophying