
wén wù bǎo hù
  • Cultural Relics Protection;conservation;preservation of cultural relics;protection of historical relics
  1. 文物保护用水溶性氨基树脂的研制

    A study of the water soluble amino resin for Preservation of Cultural relics

  2. 文物保护和档案工作取得新成绩。

    Fresh progress was made in the preservation of cultural relics and in archives-related work .

  3. 面向文物保护的3S技术及其集成应用

    Application of 3S-technology and its integration in protection of cultural relics

  4. 以文物保护信息资源数据中的空间资源数据为基础,结合GIS技术进行了系统的结构搭建。

    This article is based on the space resource data from the cultural relic protection information data and establishes the systematic framework combining GIS technology .

  5. 古代青铜文物保护研究现状及AMT的应用

    Bronze artifacts preservation and application of AMT

  6. XD8铁质文物保护剂

    XD_8-protective agent for iron relics

  7. 马蹄寺旅游景区是国家4A级旅游景区,是省级森林公园,景区内有全国重点文物保护单位马蹄寺石窟群。

    Mati Temple is the national4A tourist attraction and the provincial forest park , where have Mati Temple Grottoes , which are the important heritage site under state protection .

  8. 是国务院批准的首批国家级文物保护单位。

    It Is the first and national class cultural protecting unit .

  9. 青铜文物保护技术的传承与发展

    The Circulation and Development of Protective Technology in Bronze Cultural Relics

  10. 胶液加固保护法是纸质文物保护的有效方法之一。

    A glue for protecting the paper historical relic is introduced .

  11. 不,这可是重点文物保护单位。

    No , this is a key relic site under protection .

  12. 去年暑假,我们真正有机会认识文物保护的工作。

    Last summer , we really learnt more about heritage preservation .

  13. 纺织品类文物保护技术文化部文物保护科学技术研究所

    Institute of Antiquities Preservation Sciences and Techniques , Ministry of Culture

  14. 宿迁老城区文物保护与利用规划

    Cultural relic protection in old district of Suqian and its application

  15. 改性丙烯酸树脂文物保护材料耐光性能研究

    Study on light fastness of relic protection material of modified acrylic resin

  16. 鼓励和推动市民参与文物保护的工作;

    To encourage and promote public participation in heritage preservation ;

  17. 文物保护用复合型调湿剂的机理研究

    Study of principle of the complex humidity - controlling agent

  18. 扁鹊庙为省重点文物保护单位。

    Que temple key units to be protected in order to save .

  19. 此项研究是关于文物保护背后的政治和经济动力。

    This project investigates the political and economic dynamics behind heritage conservation .

  20. 这里是全国重点文物保护单位河姆渡文化遗址。

    Hemudu cultural ruins is a protected national heritage site .

  21. 历史教学应重视文物保护教育

    Stress on the Education of Protection of Cultural Relics in History Teaching

  22. 试论西部大开发与文物保护&以青海省塔尔寺为例

    Great development of western regions and cultural relic 's preservation

  23. 重要建筑及遗址的文物保护档案问题

    Documentation of Significant Building and Sites for Historic Preservation

  24. 涂料在文物保护中的应用

    Application of coatings in the protection of historical relics

  25. 历史文物保护与地下空间开发利用

    Protection of Historical Cultural Relics and the Development and Utilization of Underground Space

  26. 文物保护中树脂的去除方法

    Removal of Polymer Resin in Conservation of Cultural Relics

  27. 青铜文物保护研究现状及发展趋势

    The Research Status quo and the Coming Development of Ancient Bronze Artifacts Protection

  28. 铁器文物保护中锈层化学稳定转化的研究

    Study on chemical stabilized conversion of rust layer in conservation of archaeological iron

  29. 光导纤维反射光谱法及其在文物保护中的应用

    Fiber optics reflectance spectroscopy and its application advancement in the conservation of cultural relics

  30. 仿生无机材料在石质文物保护中的应用

    Application of Biomimetic Inorganic Materials in Stone Conservation