
  1. 在抒情艺术这一章里,主要分析了韦应物哀婉伤感的抒情基调和平淡中见深意的诗情。

    The chapter on lyrical art mainly analyses lyrical tone of pathos and sentimentality and lyrical modes of gentleness and soulfulness .

  2. 自唐末北宋以来,人们开始称韦应物为山水田园诗人。

    Since the late Tang and Northern Song Dynasties , people have begun to call Wei Yingwu the poet of landscape and pastoral .

  3. 因此,济世和隐逸思想成为其文化心态结构中起主要作用的两种人生价值取向,并对韦应物的诗歌创作产生了深远的影响。

    So the thoughts of serving and secluding comprised two useful ideal values in his cultural mind , and had powerful influence on his poetic writing .

  4. 至于韦应物的诗,学者们几乎都评为风格平淡,所谓意致简远超然,似其为人。

    As for his poem , the learners almost appraise its style unromantic and " the intention is simple , profound and transcendent , which likes him " .