
  • 网络wessel;Wesel;Wiesel
  1. 《华尔街日报》经济编辑韦塞尔报道。在美国,制造业自2008年1月以来首次增长;

    In the U.S. , the manufacturing sector grew for the first time since January 2008 ;

  2. 但韦塞尔拒绝进屋,说龙卷风正在远离他们,于是他的妻子拍了一张风暴的照片,发给了她的父母。

    When her husband refused to come inside , saying the cyclone was moving away from them , Mrs Wessels took a photo to show her parents the storm .

  3. 照片中,韦塞尔一身夏日休闲打扮,穿着宽松的短裤,戴着太阳镜,在一场身处可怕的云柱背景下,完全不紧张。

    In it , the sockless Mr Wessels , dressed leisurely in summer shorts and sunglasses , is seen in mid-stride , utterly unflustered by the calamitous column of cloud .

  4. 此事是这样开始的:韦塞尔当时正在修剪草坪,他们9岁的女儿向他的妻子塞西莉亚发出警告,当时一场猛烈的龙卷风在从远处逼近。

    It all started when Mr Wessels 's wife , Cecilia , was alerted by their nine-year-old daughter that he was mowing the lawn while a ferocious tornado loomed in the distance .

  5. 我们一直往西开行,1月11日,我们走过了韦塞尔角,角在东经135度和南纬10度,是卡彭塔里亚海湾的东尖端。

    We were traveling due west and on January 11 we doubled Cape Wessel , located in longitude 135 degrees and latitude 10 degrees north , the western tip of the Gulf of Carpentaria .

  6. 当被问及龙卷风当时离他有多近时,韦塞尔答道:“我一直看着呢”。他的态度和他花园的风格一样酷,而这件事让很多人对他敬重不已。

    When asked later about the tornado 's proximity to him , Mr Wessels 's nonplussed response , " I was keeping an eye on it , " seemed as cool as his gardening style and itself attracted more than a little esteem .