
  • 网络weldon
  1. 韦尔登:有几件事情。

    Weldon : We have a few things .

  2. 韦尔登:你知道,这是很有趣的。

    Weldon : You know it 's interesting .

  3. 虽然没有了亲生父亲,但米歇尔•韦尔登的三个儿子并不缺少父爱。

    Although their biological dad has disappeared , Michele Weldon 's three sons have not been fatherless .

  4. 韦尔登:纵观一下我们这个组织,我们拥有三个业务部门。

    Weldon : The way that we look at our organization is that we have three business segments we work in .

  5. 当我们原以为到巴西去了的韦尔登夫妇进入舞厅时,我们大吃一惊。

    When we saw the Wiltons whom we imagined to be in brazil , enter the ballroom , you could have knocked me down wiht a feather .

  6. 韦尔登:我想挑战总是在于人才的选拔上面,你必须要确保你有很优秀的能够管理好公司的领导者。

    Weldon : I think the challenges always are around the area of people and making sure that you have enough really outstanding leaders to run the businesses .

  7. 韦尔登:也许我在这方面的看法不对,但是大约70%的配药都是现今在美国很常见的药物。

    Weldon : I could be wrong on this but I think that about 70 % of drugs dispensed are generics , here in the United States today .

  8. 《黑人小说》考察了极为广泛的一系列小说,在此过程中让我们注意到了某些引人入胜但却鲜为人知的作品,如詹姆斯。韦尔登。

    Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels , bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnsons Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man .

  9. 韦尔登:如果去看一下卫生保健的费用,我想我们每个人都有责任,应该将其控制在一定的范围之内。

    Weldon : If you look at the cost of health care , I think it 's a responsibility we all have to figure out how to get it under control . It 's driven by demographics .

  10. 韦尔登:有时当我们试图将不同小组的人员结合到一起工作时,他们往往在自己的工作领域里已经有足够多的事情要做,而我们却要他们跨界与其他小组的人一起来工作。

    Weldon : When we try and bring people together , across the different groups , sometimes there is enough to do in their own group and now we are asking them to cross boundaries and work together .

  11. 怎样才能得到提高?韦尔登:我想,将权力下放给公司在创新方面带来的好处就在于,它将很多拥有不同技术、不同想法的人们聚集到一起,他们创造出很多不同的产品和技术以满足众多病人和消费者没有被满足的需求。

    Weldon : I think that where decentralization helps in innovation is that it allows different people with different skills , different thoughts , to bring together different products and technologies to satisfy the unmet needs of patients or customers .