
  • 网络ningxia plain
  1. 宁夏平原是我国历史上开发较早的地区之一。

    Ningxia Plain is one of the earlier development areas in history .

  2. 宁夏平原不同雨型的Z-Ⅰ关系研究

    A study on Z-I relationship in different types of rain over Ningxia plain

  3. 宁夏平原区分布式水循环模拟研究

    Distributed water cycle simulation for plain area in Ningxia Autonomous Region

  4. 宁夏平原区耗水量研究

    Water Resources Consumption in Plain Area of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

  5. 宁夏平原是我国绿洲主要分布地区之一。

    Ningxia Campagna is our country oasis one of main distributinging areas .

  6. 对宁夏平原秋翻工作的重新认识与思考

    New Cognition and Consideration of Autumn Cultivation in Linxia Plain

  7. 宁夏平原县域农业水土资源平衡研究

    Study on the Balance of Agricultural Water and Land Resources in Ningxia Plain

  8. 宁夏平原绿洲生态经济系统的问题与调控对策

    Problems and Their Countermeasures of the oasis eco-economic system in the Ningxia Plain

  9. 宁夏平原人地关系地域系统研究

    Man-land Relation System Study on Ningxia Plain

  10. 宁夏平原农田氮素平衡和地下水氮污染初探

    The nitrogenous balance in farming fields tentative approach to ground water pollution in Ningxia Plain

  11. 不同社会应对方式,应是明清宁夏平原旱灾严重时在官民行动和心理上的体现。

    Different measures taken by officials and common people reflected their psychological situation towards serious drought .

  12. 第四章主要论述宁夏平原的水利建设与土地垦殖情况。

    Chapter IV , this chapter is mainly analyzed on water conservancy construction and land development .

  13. 宁夏平原灌淤土土壤养分与作物产量的空间变异性

    Preliminary Study on Spatial Variability of Nutrients in Irrigation-silted Soil and Crop Yield in the Ningxia Plain

  14. 绿洲农田土地系统能量转换效率与调控研究&以宁夏平原绿洲为例

    A study on energy transformation efficiency and its adjustment of oasis eco-system ── taking Ningxia plain as an example

  15. 绿洲建设在干旱区经济发展中的地位和作用&以宁夏平原绿洲为例

    The status and function of oasis construction in the development of economy in arid re-gion & an example of Ning Xia

  16. 本文系统地叙述了宁夏平原引黄灌溉的起源和发展的过程。

    The origination and development of irrigation for the plain in Ningxia Region are recounted in a systematic way in this paper .

  17. 至清初,宁夏平原的灌溉渠道渐趋完善,其分布密如蛛网。

    To the early Qing Dynasty , the distribution of irrigation channels in Ningxia Plain had been a dense web and almost perfect .

  18. 宁夏平原上排灌体系之完备,设计之巧妙,令当今水利专家们惊叹不已!

    The faultless layout of the irrigation systems on the Ningxia Plains and the ingenuity of the design have surprised many a hydraulic engineer today .

  19. 开发必须和保护并举,加大生态治理的投入。当前尤其应依靠现代科技,改善宁夏平原的生态环境。

    Increasing the investment of ecological management through develop and protect measures , improving ecological environment of Ningxia plain by modern technology and science ; 3 .

  20. 在宁夏平原上旅行,放眼四望,家家流水,户户垂杨,恰似江南水乡。

    Travelling on the Ningxia Plains , one sees everywhere canals and weeping willows surrounding the homesteads , like the fertile plains lying south of the Yangtse River .

  21. 本文给出了影响米质变化的气候指标,并指出,宁夏平原具有生产优质米的优越气候条件。

    The climatic indices of rice quality affecting rice quality were showed and it was explained that there are excellent climatic conditions producing good quality rice in Ningxia Plain in the paper .

  22. 指出了西夏具体的经济区划:鄂尔多斯、阿拉善高原为畜牧区,宋夏沿边、河西走廊为半农半牧区、宁夏平原为农耕区。

    The paper pointed out Ordos and Alxa Plateau were pastoral area , Boundary of Song and Tangut , Hexi Corridor belonged to mixed pastoral & farming area , Ningxia Plain was fanning area .

  23. 远在秦汉时代,宁夏平原的人民便依据区域独特的地理环境进行农业技术选择,通过修凿渠道、导源黄河水灌溉农田,进而发展灌溉农业。

    Long before the Qin and Han Dynasty , based on the unique geographical environment people of Ningxia began the derived the Yellow River water for irrigation of farmland , and developed the agriculture of irrigation .

  24. 最后,根据宁夏平原地域系统的承载力,预测了不同水平下系统人口增长、牲畜承载量、水资源利用、工业产出的趋势。

    At the end , the paper predicts the growth future of the system 's main factors in deferent level as population , stock quantity , irrigation and water resource use , and the industry , based on the system bearing capacity .

  25. 地处宁夏平原南部的吴忠市是一个回族聚居区,吴忠的城市化进程对回族穆斯林的传统生活方式和宗教行为产生了一定的影响。

    Located in the southern plains of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region , Wuzhong city is an assembling area of the Hui . Its urbanization has been definitely exerting much influence upon the traditional life style and religious activities of the Hui Muslims .

  26. 宁夏清水河平原中游地下水数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Qingshui River Plain , in Ningxia Province

  27. 宁夏银川平原灌区春小麦与春玉米栽培方案优化模拟研究

    Simulation and Optimization of Spring Wheat and Spring Maize Cultivation Schemes in Irrigated Region of Yinchuan Plain in Ningxia

  28. 宁夏南部清水河平原地下水水化学同位素特征演化研究

    Research on the Evolution of Groundwater Hydrochemical and Isotope Characteristics in Qingshuihe Plain , South of Ningxia

  29. 通过广义水资源配置模型和平原区水循环模型的有机耦合,分析了宁夏的真实节水潜力&耗水节约量,并建立了宁夏平原区取用水节水与耗水节水二者之间的定量化关系。

    The water saving potential of Ningxia Autonomous Region is analyzed by coupling the water deployment model of generalized water resources with regional water cycling model . The quantitative relationship between saved amount of water withdrawal and saved amount of water consumption in plain area is established .

  30. 地理意义上的黄河,奠定了黄河文化在宁夏的表现形态:南部地处黄土高原边缘,北部为宁夏平原。

    Geographically , with its south on the edge of the Loess Plateau and its north in the Ningxia Plain , the Yellow River determines the representation of the Yellow River culture in Ningxia .