
  • 网络reform of the household registration system;reform of household registration system;household registration reform
  1. 深化户籍制度改革,建立城乡统一的劳动力市场。

    Third , deepen reform of household registration system , the establishment of a unified labor market .

  2. 外来人口聚集地区户籍制度改革过程中的计划生育工作对策

    Family Planning in the Areas With Large Floating Population Under the Pressure of the Reform of Household Registration System

  3. 试析WTO与中国三农问题和户籍制度改革

    On WTO , Problems in Agriculture , Countryside , Peasants and Residence System Reform in China

  4. 论我国现行户籍制度改革的公共政策分析

    Analyze on the Reform of China 's Existing Household Registration System

  5. 构建和谐社会背景下的户籍制度改革

    Innovation of Household Registration Under the Background of Constructing Harmonious Society

  6. 提出来户籍制度改革的模式方法。

    Carry out reform of the household registration system model method .

  7. 新户籍制度改革背景下我国退伍安置改革的思考

    A Reflection on the Reform of Ch ina 's Demobilization Placement

  8. 关于深化深圳户籍制度改革的思考

    Study on How to Promote Registered Residence System Reform of Shenzhen

  9. 对我国户籍制度改革的思考&从农民工的视角审视

    Thinking of China household registry reform & from farmer s angle

  10. 城市地区户籍制度改革及其路径思考

    Household Registration System in Urban Areas : Reform and Its Path

  11. 户籍制度改革是当今的热点问题。

    The household registration system reform is a hot issue today .

  12. 户籍制度改革的价值取向也不应该是城镇化,人口迁徙自由才是其价值取向的本质概括;

    The value orientation of the reform should be free migration urbanization ;

  13. 社会需求与户籍制度改革的均衡点分析

    An Analysis of Balance between Society Demands and Innovation of Household Registration

  14. 中国户籍制度改革分析

    The Analysis of the Reform of Chinese Household Register System

  15. 户籍制度改革:开启城市经济的源头活水

    Household Registration System Reform : Source of Improving Urban Economy

  16. 户籍制度改革成本可能没有一些人担忧的那么高。

    And that reform might not cost as much as some fear .

  17. 论我国城市化进程中的户籍制度改革

    On the Reform of Household Register System in Chinese Urbanization

  18. 同时,中国将加快户籍制度改革。

    China will also accelerate the reform of the household registration system .

  19. 试论城乡二元结构破解与我国当前户籍制度改革

    Chinese Dualistic Economic Structure Transference and Household Register System

  20. 户籍制度改革与社会人口流动研究

    Study on the Reform of the Household Registration System and the Population Flow

  21. 户籍制度改革对计划生育影响与对策探讨

    Impacts and Countermeasures of the Reform of Household Registration System on Family Planning

  22. 六是如何弥补户籍制度改革的成本?

    Sixthly , how to fund the cost of household registration system reform ?

  23. 加强高校户籍制度改革以促进人才流动积和式的性质

    Reform the Management Pattern Registered Permanent to Promote the Fluidity of the Talents

  24. 当前户籍制度改革中的三个误区

    Misunderstandings of China 's Reform of Household Registration System

  25. 实行户籍制度改革。

    Implement the system reform of the household register .

  26. 户籍制度改革与劳动力资源配置

    Reform of Household Registration System and Labor Resources Allocation

  27. 外来人口分布与户籍制度改革探讨

    Distribution of the Floating Population and the Reform of the Household Registration System

  28. 论我国户籍制度改革

    On Reform of the Census Register in Our Country

  29. 对我国户籍制度改革价值取向的反思

    Reflections on the Value Orientation to China 's Reform of Household Registration System

  30. 户籍制度改革对农村城镇化的深层影响(续)

    The Profound Effects of Domicile System Reforming on Urbanization in Rural Areas ;