
  • 网络Urbanization Rate;Rate of urbanization
  1. 此外还利用线性模型和Logistic模型对中国2000-2050年的城市化率进行了预测,结果表明中国城市化进程在经历1975-2010年的高速增长后,城市化速度将逐步放缓,预计在2050年达到80%左右。

    This paper also predicts the urbanization rate of China with linear model and logistic model . The results show that China urbanization process would gradually slow down after experiencing high-speed growth in 1975-2010 .

  2. 这是因为嘉峪关有着特殊的地理经济条件,导致非农业人口比重很大,所以流动人口较大,使其城市化率变化不稳定,而人均GDP则由于经济的快速发展而持续升高。

    This is because the Jiayuguan has a special geo-economic conditions , resulting in non-agricultural population accounts for a large floating population so large , so that changes in urbanization rate instability , and per capita GDP due to the rapid economic development and continues to rise .

  3. 此外,在许多地区,城市化率每增长1个百分点,人均国内生产总值(GDP)就会增长逾2%。

    Further , for every percentage point increase in the urbanisation rate , in many places there is more than a 2 per cent increase in gross domestic product per capita .

  4. 人均GDP产值、单位面积农业生产总值、农民人均纯收入、绿洲人口密度、城市化率和文明度等经济社会安全评价指标;

    The GDP per capita , the gross agricultural output per unit , the net income per farmer , the population density of the oases , the rate of the city urbanization , and the rate of civilization .

  5. 结果表明:近20年太湖流域GDP年均增长率为11.6%,城市化率提高31个百分点,工业总产值增长了13倍,作物播种面积和有效灌溉面积逐年减少;

    The annual growth rate of GDP reached 11.6 % , the rate of urbanization increased 31 % and the gross output value of industry increased 13 times . However , the crop area and effectively irrigated area decreased year after year .

  6. 将城乡居民人均收入比作为被解释变量,人均GDP、城乡二元生产率对比系数、我国实际利用的外商直接投资额、财政支出用于农业的比重、城市化率作为解释变量。

    The model took per capita income of urban and rural residents as the Explained Variable , and per capita GDP , urban-rural dualistic productivity , FDI in actual use , the proportion of financial expenditure for agriculture , and urbanization as the Explanatory Variables .

  7. 用城市化率和GDP分别对房地产投资额进行实证分析,通过对时间序列的平稳性检验、单整性检验、协整检验得出了西安市城市化与房地产业存在着长期均衡关系。

    Respectively , with the urbanization rate and GDP empirical analysis of real estate investment , through the test of stationary time series , integration , cointegration , it will be obtained that there is long-term equilibrium relationship between Xi ' an urbanization and the real estate industry .

  8. 一些人相信,中国的城市化率甚至可能已经达到了饱和点。

    Some believe that China may have even reached saturation point .

  9. 中国人口城市化率的深层次分析

    A Deep Analysis of the Urbanization of Population in China

  10. 城市化率也由1978年的17.92%上升到2003年的40.53%。

    From 1978 to 2003 the urbanization rose to 40.53 % from 17.92 % .

  11. 当城市化率达到一定的高度,批零系数会呈下降趋势;

    When urbanization rate reaches certain period , the wholesale and retail coefficient is decreasing .

  12. 中国合意城市化率研究

    The Optimal Urbanization Ratio of China

  13. 目前,世界发达国家的平均城市化率已达到75%以上。

    At present , the average urbanization rate developed countries have reached more than 75 per cent .

  14. 模型的驱动因素包括经济增长、人口规模、城市化率、家庭数量等。

    Model-driven factors , including economic growth , population size , urbanization , the number of such families .

  15. 本文第7章在数理模型分析的基础上丰富和扩充了合意城市化率的概念。

    Based on the mathematical model , Chapter 7 enriches and expands the concept of optimal urbanization ratio .

  16. 土地生态压力较大的在空间上主要分布在人口较为稠密、城市化率较高的地区。

    Land with high ecological pressure is mainly distributed in the area with high dense population and urbanization rate .

  17. 运用了回归分析模型分析成都市城市化率与经济增长之间的线性对数曲线关系,并进行因果检验。

    The nonlinear relation between Urbanization and economic growth is studied using regression analysis , and Granger Causality Test .

  18. 从乡城转移的角度看,城市化率低于非农就业的增长。

    From the view of cities and towns transfer , urbanization rate is lower than the growth of non-agricultural employment .

  19. 城市化率的不断提高以及服务业产值比重的日益提高是地域经济发展的重要标志。

    The constant rise of urbanization rate and production value of service industry is the critical symbol of regional economic development .

  20. 改革开放以来,由于国民经济的快速发展,我国城市化率不断提高、城市化进程不断加快。

    Since the reform and opening , the urbanization rate and process accelerated quickly because the rapid development of the national economy .

  21. 湖南省属我国中部省份,城市化率偏低,整体消费水平以及消费率均不高。

    Hunan province , located in central China , has a low level of urbanization and consumption as well as consumption rate .

  22. 随着人口增长、生活水平和城市化率的提高,人们对生活用水量急剧增加。

    As the increasing of population , updating of living standard and urbanization , the amount of living water will rapidly go up .

  23. 当今世界上发达国家的城市化率已达75%,世界特大城市已达到366个。

    At the present time , the rate of Urbanization has reached 75 % in developed countries , and megalopolises have reached 366 .

  24. 在本文的最后一章,总结了本文的观点并提出关于居民消费率对城市化率影响方面的研究展望。

    At the end of the paper , summarizes the points of this paper and proposes the prospect of the study on this subject .

  25. 在中国30年的改革开放进程中,随着经济持续稳定的快速增长,城市化率也在不断地提高。

    In the 30 years of reform and opening up , as rapid and stable growth of China economy , urbanization rate has been improving .

  26. 长期以来,云南的城市化率普遍偏低,不仅滞后于工业化的发展,还落后于经济发展的要求。

    For a long time , the urbanization rate of Yunnan is generally low , which is a drag on the development of industrialization and economic .

  27. 与以往学者的研究结果不同,城市化率对消费的显著促进作用在本文的实证结果中并未得到体现,我们对此作出了较为合理的解释。

    Differ from previous scholars ' findings , urbanization does not reflect significantly in prompting consumption in this article , we make corresponding explanations to it .

  28. 1980年,印度的城市化率为25%,比中国的20%领先一步。

    In 1980 , India was further ahead than China with an urbanisation ratio of 25 per cent ratio compared with the latter 's 20 per cent .

  29. 如果综合考虑除非农人口比例法测算的城市化率,2020年唐山市城市化率达到65%以上是乐观的。

    If considering the urbanization rate unless the proportion of non-agricultural population calculates , in 2020 the urbanization rate of Tangshan City will achieve more than 65 percent .

  30. 而由一、二产业产值比例,人均国内生产总值,城市化率,一、二产业就业比例构成指标体系进行综合测度,可以客观地描述工业化进程。

    While , the measuring synthesis of industry product value , per capita GDP , urbanization rate and the percentage of industrial employment can objectively indicate our industrialization process .