
  1. 数学建模培养学生的观察力、想象力、抽象力和创造力,从而提高学生综合素质;

    The mathematical model can foster student with observation force , imaginative power , abstract ability , creative thinking , thereby improve the synthetic quality of students .

  2. 当然,要正确地观察他的意识和他的表象中的事实,就要求他事先对注意力和抽象力具有相当的训练。

    We assume of course that his powers of attention and abstraction have undergone a previous training , enabling him to observe correctly the evidence of his consciousness and his conceptions .

  3. ◆定义了开放的编译系统结构。我们在X体系结构的设计中,平衡考虑了执行效率和抽象表现力需求,从而将增加编译器代码的可重用性。

    Defines the X architecture , It balances the requirements of efficiency and abstraction to improve reusability of the source code of a compiler .

  4. 从这里就可以理解到抽象的力的发挥和有目的行动之间的区别。

    That phrase implies the distinction between abstract force-manifestation and teleological action .

  5. 由此对通常认为比较抽象的偏应力张量不变量的意义与作用有更深层次的理解。

    So , a deeper understanding of the significance and the role of the invariants of the stress deviator which are considered more abstractly has been given .

  6. 临床表现为记忆障碍、失语、失用、失认、视空间能力损害、抽象思维和计算力损害、人格和行为改变。

    The clinical manifestations are memory disorders , aphasia , apraxia , agnosia , visuospatial disability , damaging of abstract thinking and computing ability , personality and behavioral changing .