
  • 网络abstract knowledge
  1. Reber(1967)首先提出内隐学习这个概念,内隐学习是一种产生抽象知识、平行于外显学习方式的无意识过程,或者说是对客体或者事物之间结构关系的无意识获得。

    Reber ( 1967 ) firstly advanced the conception of implicit learning . Implicit learning is an unconscious process in which abstract knowledge produces going with the explicit learning .

  2. 没有人怀疑他对于抽象知识的理解能力。

    No one could doubt his ability to learn abstract knowledge .

  3. 此外,与具体知识增加所达到的效果相比,抽象知识的增多更有助于个体生成抽象概括的刻板信息。

    The increasing of abstract knowledge generates more abstract generalization of information to individuals .

  4. 试图将抽象知识灌输给儿童是毫无意义的。

    There 's no point in trying to thrust abstract information down the throats of young children .

  5. 要积极应用现代教育技术使微型实验宏观化,静态事物动态化;抽象知识形象化,复杂工艺简洁化,昂贵实验仿真化,实验管理信息化。

    With the modern teaching technique , we can make mini visual size experiment macroscopic , static thing dynamic , abstract knowledge visual , complicated technique concise and cost experiment simulated .

  6. 充分利用计算机多媒体的作用对学生各种感官的综合刺激,形成学生对抽象知识的形象表象,对表象进行类比、概括抽象促进学生抽象思维能力的提高,提高数学教学效果。

    Fully stimulates using the computer multimedia function to the student each kind of sense organ synthesis , forms the student to the abstract knowledge vivid representation , carries on analogy , the summary to the representation abstractly promotes the student abstract thinking ability enhancement , enhances mathematics teaching effect .

  7. 这么抽象的知识,孩子是不能理解的。

    Such abstract knowledge is above children 's comprehension .

  8. 通过抽象代数知识,求出所有正多面体的旋转群。

    Using the knowledge of abstract algebra , the rotation groups of the regular polyhedron are determined .

  9. 对创新集群的结构进行了深入分析,将其结构抽象为知识网络、产业网络、价值网络和服务网络四大网络。

    By further dividing its structure into knowledge networks , industrial networks , value networks and service networks .

  10. 数据挖掘技术旨在从大量的数据中提炼出抽象的知识,揭示出蕴含在这些数据背后的客观规律,实现知识的自动获取。

    Data mining methods aim to abstract some useful knowledge for a mass of data , and open out the objective rules behind these data .

  11. 它并不仅是域专家头脑中的知识,它是严格组织出来的,并且有选择的抽象的知识。

    It is not just the knowledge in a domain expert 's head ; it is a rigorously organized and selective abstraction of that knowledge .

  12. 在理论和实践中滋长,从抽象的知识到具体的了解,并在引人注目的光荣事件中涵养了我们。

    We progress from the theory to the practice , from abstract knowledge to the concrete and nourishing knowledge of the grace event which is inviting us .

  13. 其次,对配电网相关的技术规范和导则进行研究,将其抽象为知识,并应用产生式规则对知识进行表示。

    Second , the paper studies technical specifications and guidelines related to the distribution network , abstract it to be knowledge , and represent the knowledge with the application of knowledge production rules .

  14. 在对大量数据处理中,可以从不同概念层次、不同粒度上去观察、分析问题,从不同的属性值取值粒度层次中得到不同层次信息的知识,满足人们对不同抽象层次知识的要求。

    While processing the large amounts of data , the problem can be observed , analyzed from different conceptual level , different levels of granularity . Gaining different levels of information from different granularity of knowledge meets people 's requirement of different levels of abstract knowledge .

  15. 具体包括了:阐释抽象数学知识的几何意义;构建数学知识的言语表征网络与表象表征网络;延迟使用符号体系;鼓励学生使用直观推理;运用多样化的直观技术。

    Specific include : the interpretation of abstract mathematical knowledge of the geometrical meaning of constructing mathematical knowledge ; speech representation of network and network delay using imagery representation ; symbol system ; to encourage the use of intuitive reasoning ; the application of diversified visual technology .

  16. 运用抽象代数的知识对整系数多项式进行摸p约化处理,得到了整系数多项式在有理数域Q上不可约的4个新判别法。

    In this paper , We apply the knowledge of abstract algebra to study integral polynomials that are simplified by module p and obtain four new irreducibility tests for integral polynomials .

  17. 本文以挡土墙的智能设计为例,探讨了在开发道路智能CAD系统时,如何用概念化的知识描述复杂的设计过程这一关键性问题,提出了抽象道路设计知识的两种方法。

    Abstract Taking retaining wall design for an example , this paper discusses how to represent the complex process of design in concept form when developing a Road Intelligent CAD System , and puts forward two methods to get the knowledge about road design .

  18. 介绍了在电工学理论课程教学中引入EWB软件实验,使理论教学与仿真验证相结合,将抽象的理论知识变成直观的感性认识。

    This paper introduces the software EWB is imported in the electronic engineering of theory teaching , and the theory combines with the simulation , the abstract theory becomes intuitionistic geist knowledge .

  19. 选择具体有用而非抽象理论的知识的实用教育;实用建筑。

    Functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical ; functional architecture .

  20. 第3章为数学化的途径。在弗赖登塔尔分类的基础上提出了一种新的分类方法,将数学化分为了经验材料的抽象和数学知识的组织两大类。

    This thesis proposed a new classification method , which divided mathematization into two arrangements & abstraction of experience material and organization of mathematical knowledge .

  21. 19世纪法国实证主义哲学家孔德(augustcomte)认为,知识可以分类为虚构的宗教知识、抽象的形而上学知识和科学的实证知识。

    According the August comte , a French positivism philosopher in19th , knowledge can be divided into three catalogues : theological knowledge , metaphysical knowledge and positive knowledge of science ;

  22. 在归纳和抽象临床实验知识的基础上,我们首次将干细胞龛的概念引入到该病的数学建模中来。

    On the basis of clinical and experimental data , we introduce the concept of stem cell niches , for the first time , into the mathematical modeling of MDS .

  23. 将交互式动画应用于中医针灸网络课件中,可以使枯燥抽象的针灸知识变得形象生动,提高远程学习的效率和质量。

    Interactive animation applied to the Chinese medicine acupuncture Web based courseware can make the abstract acupuncture knowledge more vivid , and improve the efficiency and quality of distance learning .

  24. 数字矿床还能对矿床信息进行抽象分析与知识提取,形成能为矿床预测勘查、设计与生产提供决策与服务的整体方案。

    In addition , DMD technology can perform the abstract analysis and knowledge extraction from the mineral deposit information , provide an overall solution for mineral deposit exploration , design , mining and production .

  25. 针对这种情况我们设计一套实践方案,通过让学生对一个实际数字信号的简单处理,不仅增加学生的感性认识,而且还能帮助学生理解和巩固抽象的理论知识。

    To solve the problem , the author designed a practice project to let students process an actual signal , which could not only give students perceptual knowledge but also help them understand the nonfigurative theoretical knowledge .

  26. 另外,类型范畴理论适合知识的抽象描述和知识处理,并且具备表达和推理能力,本文的工作还将有利于智能开发软件的研究。

    Further more , the work will be conducive to the development of intelligent software , for the typed category theory meets the need of abstract knowledge description and knowledge processing , and has representational and inferential power .

  27. 从语文课程的本质属性&言语性、思维性、抽象的语文知识以及认知发展理论分析了现代教育技术手段直观呈现的负面影响,并研究语文教学中语言和文字媒介对思维的促进作用。

    From the essence of Chinese subject-verbal quality , thinking quality and abstract Chinese knowledge to cognition theory , the author analyzes the direct negative effects of e-education , and studies the promotional effects of language and words on thinking in Chinese teaching .

  28. 体验学习不是单纯地背诵抽象的理论知识,它是学习者主体亲身参与活动,发现问题而反思内省,形成积极的情感、态度、价值观,最终得到行为改变和心灵升华的学习过程。

    Experiential learning is not simply memorize the abstract theoretical knowledge , but focuses on the learner involved in the activities , identifying the problems and reflecting , forms the positive emotions , attitudes and values . In the end , the learners change their behaviors .

  29. 前者用六个模型描述和控制一个MAS,由于模型描述处于抽象程度较高的知识级,易于修改,使得SCM系统具有较高的开放性和可扩充性。

    The former uses six models to describe a MAS . Because the model description is in a highly abstract knowledge level , easy to be modified , making the SCM information system open and extensible .

  30. 多媒体教学,生动形象地展现抽象难记的知识;

    Displaying the complex contents in a lively way with multimedia teaching ;