
chōu chù
  • hyperspasmia;convulsion;clonic convulsion;twitch;tic;spasm
抽搐 [chōu chù]
  • [tic;twitch] 肌肉不随意地收缩

抽搐[chōu chù]
  1. 控制抽搐,人工呼吸,机械通气支持,保证氧供是抢救成功的关键。抑制中枢神经过度兴奋,防止惊厥,维持正常呼吸功能,保证机体氧供,是成功抢救、防治并发症发生的基础。

    To control hyperspasmia , establish mechanical ventilation and guarantee the supply of oxygen were the key points for the successful emergency treatment .

  2. 用于痈疮、毒蛇咬伤、跌打伤痛、凉风抽搐等症。近年来随着研究的深入,重楼的药用价值日益被重视。

    It is used to cure ulcerative carbuncle , venomous snake bite , pain and hyperspasmia and so on . Recently , with deeper study , the value of Rhizoma Paridis as medicine has been highly thought .

  3. 他恐惧地盯着我,嘴在抽搐着。

    He stared at me in horror , his mouth working .

  4. 剧烈的抽泣使她全身抽搐。

    Violent sobs racked her whole body .

  5. 剧烈的颤抖使他抽搐不已。

    A violent shiver convulsed him .

  6. 奥利维娅的脸上一阵抽搐。

    Olivia 's face convulsed in a series of twitches

  7. 她左眼处的肌肉出现抽搐。

    She developed a tic in her left eye .

  8. 当我作出反抗时,她右侧脸庞就会开始抽搐。

    When I stood up to her , her right cheek would begin to twitch

  9. 他呼吸起来都很痛苦,当他的手摸过肋骨时痛得抽搐了一下。

    It hurt to breathe , and he winced as he ran his hand over his ribs

  10. 那个害痉挛的孩子四肢不断地抽搐。

    The child in a spasm kept twitching his arms and legs .

  11. 他的脸因发怒而抽搐。

    His face was convulsed with rage .

  12. 惊厥前也可出现躁动,烦躁,错觉,抽搐等症状。

    Restlessness , anxiety , confusion , and twitching may also precede convulsions .

  13. 那只狗痛苦地抽搐着。

    The dog twitched with pain .

  14. 迈克尔的尸体不偏不倚正好落在他妈妈的车前,这位可怜的妈妈将车马上停了下来,跳下车,跪在迈克尔的身边,抽搐地哭了起来,她被震惊了,脑海一片混乱。

    Michael 's mother slammed the brakes as the body of her son landed in front of her . She leapt from the car and fell to her knees by him , sobbing19 in shock and confusion . There was no need to look for a pulse .

  15. 前言:目的:探讨无抽搐电休克治疗(MECT)对精神分裂症患者记忆功能及抽象思维能力的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effect of modified electroconvulsive therapy ( MECT ) on memory and abstract thinking in schizophrenics .

  16. 根据手术结果,MR诊断面肌抽搐及三叉神经痛患者神经血管压迫或接触的敏感度为94%,准确度为83%,阳性似然比为188。

    The sensitivity , accuracy , and positive likelihood ratio of MR diagnosis of vascular compression or contact was 94 % , 83 % , and 1.88 , respectively .

  17. 意识丧失伴抽搐的患者,尽管其脑电图(EEG)检查正常,但通常可将其诊断为癫痫。

    BACKGROUND : Patients with loss of consciousness and convulsion often have the diagnosis of epilepsy despite normal electroencephalograms ( EEGs ) .

  18. 面肌抽搐与三叉神经痛的MRI诊断表现为:进行性或突发性面瘫,常伴有面肌抽搐。

    MR diagnosis of hemifacial spasm and trigeminal neuralgia Expression is : Undertake gender or paroxysmal face paralysis , often accompany tic of flesh having a side .

  19. 结果2例患者均表现为头痛和肢体抽搐,头路CT见颅内钙化,MRI等见软脑膜血管畸形等表现。

    Results : The main radiographic findings were intracranial calcification on CT and vascular malformation of leptomeningeal angiomatosis on MRI in 2 patients who suffered from headache and limb seizures .

  20. 单双侧无抽搐电休克治疗精神分裂症在治疗指标及血清肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)上的差异

    The therapy results and CPK differences of the unilateral and bilateral ECT in schizophrenia

  21. 三叉神经痛(Trigeminalneuralgia)是一种在面部三叉神经分布区反复发作的短暂阵发性剧痛,又称痛性抽搐。

    Trigeminal neuralgia ( TN ) is a sort of recurrent paroxysmal transient megalgia on the face of the trigeminal nerves areal area .

  22. 目的:探讨抑郁症患者电抽搐治疗(electroconvulsivetherapy,ECT)的远期疗效与是否伴有妄想的关系。

    AIM : To investigate whether the long term effect of electroconvulsive therapy ( ECT ) for depressive patients is related with the presence of delusions .

  23. NEKIAKELLEY,家长:她的疾病导致她经常抽搐。

    NEKIA KELLEY , PARENT : Her condition causes her to seize constantly .

  24. 结论:对反复手足抽搐,AHO躯体畸形者应查血钙、磷、甲状旁腺激素(PTH)及脑CT。

    Conclusion : Patients who have repeated tetany , AHO deformity of body should be detected calcium ; phosphorus , PTH and brain CT .

  25. 42例突然发病,出现头痛、头晕、抽搐或昏迷等症状而加以重视,应考虑本病的可能;CT或MRI扫描有助于诊断;

    The findings revealed that 42 cases occurred suddenly , and that the disorder should be suspected while manifesting headache , dizziness , twitch and coma , and that MRI and CT scanning were of importance for the diagnosis .

  26. 目的探讨无抽搐电休克(MECT)对记忆力的影响。

    Objective To study the memory deficiency of non-Convulsive ECT ( MECT ) on schizophrenics .

  27. 结论癫痫发作引起血清和CSF中NSE水平的升高;癫痫发作导致神经元损伤,抽搐发作及频繁发作时神经元损伤更严重。

    Conclusion NSE in serum and CSF could reach higher levels after seizures , suggesting that neuronal damage may result from seizures , especially when tic and frequency occur .

  28. 结果:诺氟沙星BPAA组大鼠EEG示痫样放电,并伴有局部抽搐和全身强直痉挛发作等行为学改变;

    Results : The epileptiform discharges appeared in norfloxacin combined with BPAA group , accompanied with limb twitching and clonic tonic seizures .

  29. 结果:注射氯化铁5~7d后,87%的大鼠出现反复发作的自发性抽搐和癫痫样放电。

    Results : In 5 ~ 7 days after injection , recurrent spontaneous seizures and epileptiform discharges were observed in 87 % of model rats .

  30. 目的:观察尿毒症脑病(UE)的临床表现特点,探讨痫性抽搐(ET)与颅脑影像学异常结果的关系。

    Objective : To observe the clinical features in uremic encephalopathy ( UE ) and investigate the relationship among the epileptic twitch ( ET ), the representation of CT or MR examination .