
  • 网络mother earth;Gaia;Earth Mother
  1. 如果你允许自己“迎合”大地之母的改变所需,带着更好的准备去“提升”,你就会自然的理解,为什么“物理的改变”是必须发生的。

    If you allow for the changes Mother Earth needs to carry out to prepare for Ascension , then you will understand why certain physical changes are necessary .

  2. 有这麽多仰赖大地之母和她的震动的系统。

    So much depends on Mother Earth and Her vibrational system .

  3. 这是大地之母来到尖锐刺耳的声音停止的方式。

    This is Mother Earth 's way of coming to a screeching halt .

  4. 意为“大地之母”

    meaning " mother of the world . "

  5. 一个人必须要明白的最大件事,是向大地之母折腰。

    The biggest thing one has to know is to bend down towards the Mother Earth .

  6. 大地之母引领着我。

    Mother earth guide me .

  7. 谢谢你,大地之母,赐予我们这一切。

    Thank you , mother earth , for all your bountiful gifts and for all our relations .

  8. 放松肩部和颈部,感觉仿佛是地心引力在把你拉向孕育万物的大地之母。

    Relaxing your shoulders and neck , feeling that gravity of the earth pulling you towards mother earth .

  9. 在中间的土元素是客家女性,我用来象徵自然之母或大地之母。

    The earth element is the Hakka woman , who I use to symbolize as Mother Nature or Earth Mother .

  10. 人间没有了大地之母,种子不再发芽,肥沃的土地结不出成串的麦穗,人类面临巨大的灾难。

    However , without the Goddess of harvest , seeds did not grow and human beings would confront a great disaster .

  11. 因此那将会是你的最先的迹象之一:大规模的混乱现象被大地之母真正的隆隆声跟随。

    So that will be one of your very first indications : the appearance of massive turmoil followed by Mother Earth really rumbling .

  12. 在第三天,大地之母将完全进入光子带而且上升到第四度空间的真实转移将发生。

    On the third day , Mother Earth will fully enter the Photon Belt and the actual Shift to the Fourth Dimension will occur .

  13. 利用土地致富是最合理的生财之道,因土地提供的财富乃大地之母的恩赐,只是走这条路致富较慢。

    The improvement of the ground is the most natural obtaining of riches , for it is our great mother 's blessing , the earth 's ; but it is slow .

  14. 大地是万物之母,石头就是她的尸骨。我们可以往身后扔石头,我想神谕说的就是这个意思。

    The earth is the great parent of all ; the stones are her bones ; these we may cast behind us ; this , I think , the oracle means .