
diàn huà ɡōnɡ sī
  • Telephone company;carrier;telco
  1. 政府已经向3家私营电话公司授予了特许权。

    The government has granted concessions to three private telephone companies .

  2. 这家电话公司是该国最大的用工单位。

    The telephone company is the country 's largest employer .

  3. 保护消费者团体并不热衷于取消对电话公司的限制。

    Consumer advocacy groups are not so enthusiastic about removing restrictions on the telephone companies .

  4. 电话公司把电缆铺设在街道下面。

    The telephone company laid their cables beneath the streets .

  5. CoastalArea电话公司争取到一笔大订单,于是让朱莉娅组建一支专业团队来负责安装设备。

    The Coastal Area Telephone Company lands a big con-tract and asks Julia to develop a team of professionals to install the equipment .

  6. 许多移动电话公司都在致力于开发3G电话,并希望在今年晚些时候能把产品公布于世。

    Many mobile companies now are working on3G phones which they hope to debut later this year .

  7. 传统电话公司也已注意到这种发展趋势,它们正在努力修建可在传统通讯系统上运行的IP网络。

    The development has not gone unnoticed by traditional phone companies , which are trying to build IP networks to run on top of their legacy systems .

  8. 移动电话公司CellC的“带女儿去上班的一天”就是一个好例子,这是一个每年一次的活动,女孩可以了解参与这个项目的公司。

    The mobile phone company Cell C 's'Take a Girl Child to Work Day'is a good example , an annual event where girls can learn about the companies that participate in the scheme .

  9. 现在政府或许能够出售国家铝业公司(nationalaluminiumcompany)、移动电话公司bsnl以及其它国营企业的更多股份。

    Now the government might be able to sell further stakes in state-controlled national aluminium company , mobile phone company bsnl and others .

  10. 苹果在日本取得的成功主要受iPhone推动,大规模营销措施以及电话公司提供的丰厚补贴支持了iPhone在日本的销售。

    The iPhone has propelled Apple 's success in Japan , supported by heavy marketing and rich subsidies from telephone companies .

  11. 和黄去年全年盈利共一千一百七十三亿四千万元,大部分收益来自出售英国流动电话公司Orange的股权。

    Hutchison made $ 117.34 billion last year , due mostly to a huge windfall from the sale of its stake in British mobile phone firm Orange .

  12. 第一款电子圣诞树灯是一家电话公司PBX安装工发明的。

    The first electric Christmas lights were created by a telephone company PBX installer .

  13. 如今巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)也开始采取这种策略。他最近开始反对枪支管制,支持死刑,还同意对执行窃听的电话公司给予豁免权,导致他的支持者感到不爽。

    Now Barack Obama is at it too , upsetting supporters with his recent opposition to gun control and support for the death penalty and immunity for wire-tapping telephone companies .

  14. 2000年成立、由几家区域电话公司组成的verizon,决定创建第三种网络。

    Verizon , formed in 2000 out of several regional telephone companies , decided to create a third network .

  15. 在斯利姆的情况中,他的金矿是墨西哥电话公司(TelefonosdeMexico),他于1990年从政府手中获得了该公司的控股权。

    In Mr Slim 's case , the gold-mine was Tel é fonos de M é xico , or Telmex , in which he obtained a controlling stake from the government in1990 .

  16. 利用xDSL技术(x代表所有的DSL变种),电话公司处于能超越有线电视业的地位。

    With XDSL technology ( the X represents all the DSL variations ), the telephone companies are in a position to leapfrog the cable TV industry .

  17. 大约在同一时间,新英格兰电话公司(NewEnglandTelephoneCompany)的拉尔夫•莫里斯(RalphE.Morris)看着圣诞树上挂着的一串串交换彩灯,而这些比蜡烛更安全。

    About this same time , Ralph E. Morris of the New England Telephone Company looked at switchboard lights and proposed that strings of them be hung on Christmas trees - they would be safer than candles .

  18. Skype是一家互联网视频电话公司,当时在伦敦分部和爱沙尼亚的塔林(Tallinn)分部差不多有20名员工。

    The internet video calls company then employed about 20 people across offices in London and Tallinn , Estonia .

  19. 案例部分以时间为序,介绍了2000年到2001年间,中德合资企业SIM移动电话公司的市场营销管理问题。

    In " the case " , the marketing management status of SIM Mobile Phones Company from 2000 to 2001 is presented in time sequence .

  20. 如果电话公司或其他互联网服务提供商的用户利用服务线路非法将一份mp3文件张贴在网上以供下载,那么有关公司或提供商是否应负责任呢?

    Should the telephone company or other ISP be liable when one of its customers uses their connection illegally to post a copy of an.mp3 file for download ?

  21. 电话公司奎尔通讯(Qualcomm)与美国航空公司联合提供卫星传导的空地手提电话服务。

    Cell phone company Qualcomm ( QCOM ) has teamed with American Airlines ( AMR ) to develop satellite-based air-to-ground cellular service .

  22. 难怪几乎世界上每一个电话公司都来PCCW参观访问学习,该公司财务总监AlexanderArena说。

    No wonder that " just about every phone company in the world " has come to visit PCCW , says Alexander Arena , the firm 's finance chief .

  23. 西班牙电话公司和英国的沃达丰(Vodafone)是在迅速发展的中国电信公司中进行战略持股的唯一两家西方集团。

    Spain 's Telef ó nica and Vodafone of the UK are the only western groups with strategic shareholdings in fast-growing Chinese telecoms companies .

  24. 印度这些公司在过去也因顾客业绩不佳而受困,但都克服了。BT是英国的一家电话公司,过去是一家很大的顾客,但是现在也只是靠老本维持了。

    The Indian firms have survived the decline of clients before : BT Group , a British phone company that used to be a big customer , is now but a shadow of its former self .

  25. 作为市值排名全球前五的电信集团,西班牙电话公司热切希望加强中国业务,并于去年收购了中国内地领先固话运营商&中国网通(ChinaNetcom)5%的股权。

    The Spanish company , among the world 's top five telecommunications groups by market value , is keen to beef up its presence in China and last year bought a 5 per cent stake in China Netcom , a leading mainland fixed-line operator .

  26. 诺基亚目前市值为88亿美元,较苹果发布iPhone时减少92%,仅比微软去年收购网络电话公司Skype的价格高一点。

    Its market value is now at $ 8.8 billion , 92 % lower than where it stood when Apple released the iPhone and just above the price Microsoft paid last year for Internet phone company Skype .

  27. ni-1型和DMS100型网络所要求的SPID由电话公司指定

    Ni e a and dms 100 network require spy , which is assign by the telephone company

  28. 塔塔工业集团,移动电话公司bhartiairtel,以及一批医药生产商已在非洲大陆投入巨资。

    Tata , an industrial conglomerate , Bharti Airtel , a mobile-phone company , and a batch of generic-drug producers have invested heavily on the continent .

  29. AT&T也表明,美国众多本地市场,仍有超过五家移动电话公司,竞价提供客户业务,因此从这场混战中带走T-Mobile,应不致破坏竞争。

    The company also argues that many local markets in America still have five or more mobile-phone firms pitching for customers ' business , so taking T-Mobile out of the mix should not dent competition .

  30. 一些大型移动电话公司纷纷表示既气愤又无奈。

    Some large mobile phone companies said they angry and helpless .