
  • Electronic switch;【电工】electronic [power] switch
  1. 引入了非线性的控制策略来抑制输入dc的干扰,恰当的控制了电力电子开关元件的开启与关断,并取得了良好的动态校正效果。

    The nonlinear control strategy is designed against the input dc perturbation and achieves well dynamic regulation .

  2. 应用带PLC的电力电子开关改造轧钢机辅传动控制系统

    To remake accessory drive control system of rolling machine by electric and electronic switch with PLC

  3. 具有PLC控制的晶闸管交流电力电子开关

    Triac AC electronic switch with PLC

  4. PIN二极管电子开关在滤波器切换中的应用

    Application of PIN Diode Electronic Switch in Filter Switching

  5. 功率MOSFET在大功率电子开关中的应用研究

    Study of Power MOSFET Application in the High-power Electronic Switch

  6. 采用以IGBT为主组成的电子开关通断合/分闸线圈电流。

    It adopts Electronic switch being composed of IGBT to control the opening / closing coil current .

  7. FPGA主要用于对发射高压多路电子开关、接收模拟矩阵电子开关的控制和数字化发射延时聚焦等控制的实现。

    In this design , the FPGA chip mainly used to control the multi-switchs , the analog matrix electron swiths and the digital fire-delay focusing etc.

  8. 带有双电子开关的LDO电源管理芯片的设计

    The Design of LDO Power Management Chip with Dual Electronic Switches

  9. 使用电子开关对高低通滤波器进行智能控制;研究了AFM在纳米材料科学、纳米生物学中的应用,并且获得了非常满意的结果。

    The results are very satisfactory after applied the AFM to the field of nanometer material science and nanometer biologics .

  10. 基于PIN二极管开关电路在射频信号切换方面的特性,设计了一种应用于滤波器切换的PIN电子开关电路。

    Based on characteristics of PIN diode switch circuit in RF signal switching , a PIN electronic switch circuit is designed to perform filter switching .

  11. 功率MOS是在集成电路工艺基础上发展起来的新一代电力电子开关器件。

    Power MOS is a novel power electronic switching devices , which is developed on the basis of integrated circuit technology .

  12. 介绍采用编程器件合成视频,用单片机编程实现视频同步消隐,用可编程逻辑器件实现图像数据流DA控制,快速电子开关复合视频信号。

    Synchronization and blank signal are implemented with single-chip computer . Image data stream is controlled to proceed DA with PLD . Electronic switch is selected to synthesize video .

  13. 采用多路模拟电子开关进行通道元件的选择,系统采用RS232串口电路与PC机通讯。

    The selection of multi-channel component is accomplished by multi-channel analog electronic switch , RS232 serial interface circuit is used as the communication interface . 2 .

  14. 常规的PWM逆变电路,电力电子开关器件在大电压下导通,大电流下关断,处于强迫开关过程,因而存在开关损耗大,工作频率低、体积大及电磁干扰严重等缺点。

    The switch devices in the conventional PWM inverter turn on with high voltage and turn off with heavy current . It results in more consumed power , low frequency , and large volume , severe EMI etc.

  15. SiC是近几年迅速发展的一种半导体材料,在微波功率器件、功率电子开关器件、高温工作器件等方面比Si和GaAs具有更大的优势。

    Silicon carbide is an emerging semiconductor material which has been widely predicted to be superior to both Si and GaAs in the areas of microwave power devices , power electronic switching devices , high temperature device .

  16. 电子开关1500A短路试验

    Research for 1500A Short - circuit Test for the Electronic Switch

  17. 本文揭示了电力电子开关电路与线性电路有机结合而派生的开关线性复合功率变换器(Switch-LinearityHybridPowerConverter,简称SLH)的低阻输出特性;

    One fact is revealed in this paper that combining a power electronics switch circuit with a Linear circuit can create a Switch-Linearity Hybrid Power Converter ( SLH ), which possesses low output resistance .

  18. 采用MOSFET构成一对双向导电型电力电子开关,对交流电进行斩波控制,形成交流Buck-Boost电路。

    In order to control the AC with the chopping method , MOSFET is used to design a pair of two-way electronic switch and an AC Buck-Boost circuit is formed .

  19. 描述了变换电路硬件系统各部分的设计,并详述基于三电平技术的DC-DC电路以及利用功率电力电子开关元件配合脉冲变压器得到高精度脉冲电源的电路。

    By using of this way , the hardware system was blocking . The three-level technology was used to design the DC-DC circuit , and the impulse transformer is used to form the impulse .

  20. 本文对模拟电子开关的常用特性进行了回顾,并对传统的电子继电器、集成模拟开关CD4066的各种相关特性进行了测试、分析;

    This article reviews the characteristic of electric analog switch .

  21. 针对超声波回波信号波形处理的要求,设计多通道Butterworth滤波器,通过对高性能电子开关编程控制选择相应滤波器,实现对滤波器通带宽度变换。

    According to the need for ultrasonic echo signal processing , we design multichannel butterworth filter and control analog switches to select different filter by program , to achieve bandpass transform .

  22. 本文提出了一种新的电力电容器调容方法,该方法基于PWM控制原理,用电力电子开关控制两组电容器的投切,通过调节控制脉冲的占空比连续调节电容。

    The paper presents an new method of continuously varying capacitance , which is based on the principle of PWM . Two power capacitors are switched under the control of IGBT or Power MOSFET and the capacitance continuously varies when pulse duty cycle is changed .

  23. 本文介绍了Pt电阻温度传感器批量测试系统信号调理模块的设计,该信号调理模块采用了多通道四线制设计,使用多路电子开关实现了温度传感器的多通道测量。

    The design of signal adjusting module of Pt-resistance temperature sensor testing system is introduced in this paper . And the signal-adjusting module adopts multichannel and four-wire method . It used multichannel electronic switches to realize the multiplexer testing of the Pt-resistance temperature sensor .

  24. 介绍了P_E5000原子吸收光谱仪电源的工作原理、故障现象、故障分析,以及用国产小型继电器替换电子开关K盒的修复措施。

    This article introduces the working principle , common troubles and trouble analysis methods for power supply in P_E 5000 atomic absorption spectrophotometer . The troubles in power supply can be removed by replacing the electronic switch K with home_made mini_relay .

  25. 利用高频功率电子开关逆变技术,在TIG焊接电弧回路中施加调制信号,对应着调制电流的上升沿和下降沿可分别激发出电弧超声。

    With the addition of modulating signal to the TIG welding loop by the high frequency power electronic switch inverting techniqUe , the arc ultrasonic has been excited corresponding to the rising edge and the descending edge of the modulating electronic current .

  26. 其次,以交流调压电路的双向电子开关控制方式及电路动态模型为依据,选取了电路元器件的相关参数,并实现了单相交流调压变换与三相交流Cuk型调压变换。

    In the second step , to analyze the dynamic model and parameter selection of circuit based on a bilateral electronic switch control , and to design the one-phase AC voltage regulator circuit and three-phase AC Cuk circuit are described .

  27. 它表明ACE的建造工作仍然任重而道远,并不能够一蹴而就。它正确地阐述了ACE的起源,是图灵在1936年的“严谨的数学论文”,并且解释了如何利用电子开关来提高机器的速度,

    It presented the building of the ACE as a somewhat distant possibility , rather than being just round the corner . Correctly it set the origin of the ACE in Alan 's ' severely mathematical paper ' of 1936 , and explained how electronic switching provided the speed to make such a machine practical .

  28. 利用电力系统仿真工具PSCAD/EMTDC建立了无弧有载调压方案的仿真模型,对电力电子开关间的切换配合与过渡衔接情况进行了仿真研究与分析,初步验证了方案的可行性。

    The simulation model of the scheme was established using PSCAD / EMTDC ( Electro Magnetic Transients for DC ) . Simulation study and analysis for the shift and transition of power electronic switches was carried through , and the feasibility of this scheme was validated primarily .

  29. 用胶条将墙上的电子开关粘上。

    He put tape over the electric switch on the wall .

  30. 电子开关在使用的过程中能带来较大的社会效益和经济效益。

    The switches can be bring vast society and economy benefit .