
píng fǎn
  • rehabilitate;redress;redress (a mishandled case);depurge
平反 [píng fǎn]
  • [depurge;redress (a mishandled case)] 把判错的案件或做错的政治结论改正过来

平反[píng fǎn]
  1. 为科举制平反,在当代中国学术界已成为一股思潮。

    To redress this system has already become an ideological trend in the contemporary Chinese academia .

  2. 在暴民法下没有一项冤屈是适合平反昭雪的

    On the Life of Poet Monk Fu Guang of Yuan Dynasty There is no grievance that is a fit oBject of redress By moB law

  3. 但是,平反一件40年的冤案并不意味着历史可以重写。

    Fixing a 40-year-old wrong does not mean , however , that history can be undone .

  4. 原来在什么范围内弄错的,也应该在什么范围内宣布平反

    Exoneration or rehabilitation should be made known as widely as were the original wrong decisions .

  5. 马舒尔告诉我,意识的综合模式最早可以追溯到伊曼纽尔·康德(ImmanuelKant)——他的《纯粹理性批判》(CritiqueofPureReason)或可因神经科学的发展而获得平反。

    Mashour told me that the synthetic model of consciousness dates back to Immanuel Kant - his " Critique of Pure Reason " might be vindicated by neuroscience .

  6. 你是否需要给某人平反?

    Do you need to right a wrong with someone ?

  7. 最后,科学界必须为自己平反昭雪。

    Finally , the scientific community has to rehabilitate itself .

  8. 今天,吴晗的冤案早已得到平反昭雪。

    Today , Wu 's grievance has been redressed .

  9. 我们今天来这里给这里的主管一次机会平反。

    We 're here today to give the director a chance to even the keel .

  10. 历史会为我平反

    " History will absolve me "

  11. 这件冤案得到平反。

    The unjust case was redressed .

  12. 当时,商业广告一直被当作是资本主义腐朽的产物,直到1979年才获得正式平反并得以复兴。

    Commercial advertising was still considered a foul offspring of capitalism until its official rehabilitation and revival in1979 .

  13. 六年监狱生活,安瓦尔大部分都是被单独关押,直到冤案平反。

    He spent six years in jail , mostly in solitary confinement , until his conviction was overturned .

  14. 他的这本关于库斯特的军事传记,是对库斯特那因历史学家先入为主的观念而曲解的一生的平反。

    His military biography of Custer brings balance to a life that is often distorted by the preconceptions of the historian .

  15. 一九五七年反对资产阶级右派的斗争,有太过火的地方,应当平反。

    The struggle against the bourgeois Rightists in1957 was carried somewhat too far , and the mistakes made should be corrected .

  16. MinecraftEdu正在为视频游戏平反——人们过去普遍认为,玩视频游戏是浪费时间,而且容易上瘾或导致不良行为。

    MinecraftEdu is helping debunk the stigma attached to video games - generally that they 're a waste of time or lead to addictive or negative behavior .

  17. 通过审视和辨别时人及后世对于张竞生的评价,追索真相,还原一个真实而全面的张竞生,为其正名平反。

    Through the examination and identification of the evaluation for Zhang Jingsheng , I try to recourse the truth to restore a true and comprehensive Zhang Jingsheng .

  18. 学术界对于富田事变的研究包括发生经过、原因、性质、影响、教训、平反及与之相关的人和事等方面的内容。

    Academic research about the Futian Incident including its process , reason , nature , impact , lessons learned , rehabilitation and related people and things and its content .

  19. 1978年,他获得平反,次年成为广东省省长。在广东,他提出并负责成立了中国首个经济特区。

    He was rehabilitated in 1978 and the following year became governor of Guangdong , where he proposed and oversaw the establishment of China 's first special economic zone .

  20. 这部电影呈现了战时士兵的创伤经验,它将这些经历了经济大萧条以及二次世界大战的美国人所做的牺牲展现出来以平反他们在六零年代被年轻世代丑化的形象。

    By depicting the trauma of wartime experience , it demonstrating the sacrifices made by the men and women who endured the Great Depression and fought the Second World War .

  21. 本文意在为夏洛克平反,主要从以下三个方面替夏洛克辩护:时代背景,文本本身和作者。

    In order to defend for Shylock , this thesis offers a detailed research on Shylock from the following three aspects : history background , the text and the author .

  22. 赞成立学慎言平反&百年过后说科举人身保险合同自杀条款研究

    Advocating the Establishment of a Discipline and Considering the Exoneration More Prudently & Comments on the Imperial Examination system after 100 Years Study on Self-murder Exoneration Provisions in the Contract of Life Insurance

  23. 双百方针所营造的宽松的政治氛围为艺术探索提供了良好的外在条件;他宽刑省狱,平反冤案,改变了动辄诛杀的严酷的政治空气;

    A loose-fitting political atmosphere offered good external terms for the thing that art was probed . He made criminal laws lenient and redressed mishandled cases so as to eliminate astringent political atmosphere .

  24. 这一联邦的权利,安全和安置平反了来自任何超越当前裁决而不可接受的外国势力在大洋彼岸的干涉和殖民活动。

    The rights , security , and repose of this Confederacy reject the idea of interference or colonization on this side of the ocean by any foreign power beyond present jurisdiction as utterly inadmissible .

  25. 胡歌在剧中的角色梅长苏在一次战斗中遭人陷害,武功全废,韬光养晦多年凭借自己的聪明才智最终为自己蒙冤而死的父亲以及家人复仇平反。

    In the series , Mei Changsu , played by Hu Ge , relies solely on his wits to avenge the betrayal of his father and fellow kinsmen after losing all his Kung Fu skills in a battle .

  26. 第三,这三年内,特别是最近一年,中央和全国各地都平反了一大批冤假错案。

    Third , in these three years , and particularly in the past year , a great number of individual cases in which the charges were false or which were unjustly or incorrectly dealt with have been re-examined at the central level and in different localities and the verdicts reversed .