
  • HALAL;Halal Food;Halal Meat
  1. 国防部发言人说,载着清真食品、运水卡车和帐篷的两架C-17型运输机星期三将飞往巴基斯坦。

    The other $ 10 million comes from the Pentagon , where a spokesman says two C-17 cargo planes will fly to Pakistan Wednesday , carrying Halal meals , water trucks and tents .

  2. 本文的研究,对其它清真食品老字号企业的未来发展,也有一定的借鉴与参考意义。

    This study also has certain significance of reference for the future development of other old halal food enterprises .

  3. 把VI概念引入清真食品的整合与管理中,对于树立清真食品形象、保护清真食品权益都是有益的。

    If the idea of VI could be introduced to integrate and supervise the Chinese Islamic foods , it would be beneficial for their proprietor to build the brand and protect their rights and interests .

  4. 关于清真食品产业发展问题的几点思考和探索

    Reflection and Analysis on the Problems about the Development of Muslim Food Industry

  5. 所有城市和大城市在缅甸最有食用清真食品的商店和餐馆。

    All cities and most large towns in Myanmar have Muslim food shops and restaurants .

  6. 在中国,约有十个少数民族有食用清真食品的传统习惯。

    In China , about ten minority peoples have the tradition of eating Muslim food .

  7. 如何有效规范管理清真食品,是非常值得我们认真研究和思考的问题。

    How to regulate the Islamic Food effectively is worthy of our deep investigation and reflection .

  8. 新疆特色清真食品大盘鸡制作工艺

    Brief introduction of the processing technology of stir-fried chicken with big dish of Xin-Jiang muslim characteristic food

  9. 像上海这样国际化的大都市,专门为保障清真食品的供应立了法。

    In aninternational metropolis like Shanghai , there is local legislation ensuring the supply of Muslim food .

  10. 最后,他不得不买一辆汽车到附近的城镇购买清真食品。

    He finally had to buy a car to be able to shop for halal food from nearby towns .

  11. 西部民族地区产业集群品牌联合研究&以宁夏清真食品产业为例

    Study on Industry Cluster Co-branding in Western Minority Areas : A Case Study of Ningxia Islamic Food Industry Cluster

  12. 在华盛顿这个特区,清真食品对于弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州从来都不是的一个大问题。

    In Washington DC , Virginia and Maryland , the issue of halal food is never a big one .

  13. 马来西亚强烈要求国际清真食品行业制定统一标准,以面临日益扩大的市场。

    Malaysia urged the international industry of Halal products to standardize guidelines in a bid to reach a larger market .

  14. 茌平瑞洋清真食品有限公司,成立于2000年,位于山东省聊城市。

    Chiping Ruiyang Muslim Food Co. , Ltd. , was established in2000 , is located in Liaocheng City , Shandong Province .

  15. 报告指出,因为学校没有穆斯林学生倾向的清真食品,穆斯林孩子不会在学校进餐。

    The report notes a tendency for Muslim children to opt out of school meals because of a lack of halal food .

  16. 介绍了新疆特色清真食品大盘鸡的起源、加工工艺及发展现状。

    The original , the processing technology and the developmental situation of Muslim characteristic stir-fried chicken with big dish were briefly introduced in this paper .

  17. 不过,如果你能找到一个清真寺,你将能够找到一些穆斯林清真食品摊位和附近的小餐馆。

    However , if you could find a mosque , you will be able to find some Muslim Halal food stalls and small restaurants nearby .

  18. 该溯源体系已成功运用于2010年广州亚运会,协助确保了亚运会清真食品的安全与供应。

    The traceability system has been successfully used in the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games , and assisted to ensure the safety and supply of halal food .

  19. 本文从四个方面对这一问题加以探讨,提出制定《清真食品法》是有效管理清真食品的标本兼治的根本之策。

    From 4 aspects , the author discusses this problem , and suggests to establish Law of Islamic Food , which may be an essential way .

  20. 在一些富裕的阿拉伯国家的支持下,清真食品以低廉的价格在校园内的公共场合飞速发展。

    Support from the rich Arab countries has multiplied the pace of getting rich varieties of halal food on cheaper prices in the common halls of their campus .

  21. 第二部分主要从清真食品管理政策法规依据、管理机构、管理职责、管理手段四方面对清真食品管理体制现状进行分析。

    The second part mainly analyzes the current system of halal food administration from four aspects including the relevant policies and laws , administrative branches , responsibilities and means .

  22. 展会规模大、活动多、层次高,将是国际清真食品、穆斯林用品、特色农产品、羊绒及其制品等领域的一次盛大聚会。

    This indeed is the highest level event and display of products such as Halal food , Muslim commodities and featured agro-products in the50 yeas'history of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region .

  23. 近日,中国社会科学院马克思学院的专家习五一在她个人的新浪微博上写道,她反对国家对清真食品立法。

    Xi Wuyi , an expert on Marxism at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , recently wrote on her Sina Weibo account that she advises against national legislation on halal food .

  24. 由此,形成了亚运会清真食品供应链的国际性,加上清真食品的民族宗教特性使得亚运会清真食品供应链管理颇具难度。

    Thus , the formation of the Asian international halal food supply chain , coupled with ethnic and religious characteristics of halal food and halal food makes the Asian supply chain management quite difficult .

  25. 食品安全是当今的热门话题,清真食品具有普通食品所不具有的宗教性、民族性等社会性内涵,所以清真食品在供应链管理方面有特殊要求。

    Food safety is a hot topic today , with general food halal foods still have the religious , ethnic and other social content , so the halal food in supply chain management have special requirements .

  26. 2015年5月,几个穆斯林砸毁了中国西北青海省西宁市一家面包店的设备,因为他们发现送货车里有猪肉、香肠和火腿之类的非清真食品成分。

    Several Muslims smashed the facilities of a bakery in Xining , Northwest China 's Qinghai Province in May 2015 after discovering non-halal ingredients , such as pork sausages and ham , in its delivery van .

  27. 第四部分从加强清真食品管理立法、明确划分清真食品管理职能、加强行政执法、规范清真食品生产经营行为和加强对清真食品生产经营的监督五方面提出解决问题的对策。

    The fourth part puts forward five countermeasures ranging from strengthening legislation of halal food administration , clearly dividing administrative functions , strengthening administration enforcement , standardizing halal food production and operation as well as strengthening supervision .

  28. 寻甸东发食品有限公司,是一个以生产天然清真系列牛肉食品为主的个体私营企业。

    Xundian Tung Fat Food Co. , Ltd. , is a series of producing natural beef halal food-based private enterprises .

  29. 清真饮食文化及其食品行业管理研究

    A Survey on Halal Food Cultural and Management of Food Industry

  30. 清真饭馆,任何食品饮料不得带入室内,敬请谅解。

    Authentic Muslims ' Restaurant . No food and drinks are allowed to Be Brought in . Beg to Be excused .