
  • 网络financial bond;issue financial bonds
  1. 未经中国人民银行核准,任何金融机构不得擅自发行金融债券。

    Without approval of the PBOC , no financial institution may issue any financial bond .

  2. 未经批准发行金融债券或者到境外借款的;

    The bank issues financial bonds or borrows funds from overseas without approval ;

  3. 这部分资金将全部来源于国家金融机构,不对社会公众发行金融债券。

    This part of the funds will all come from national financial institutions , and financial bonds will not be issued to the public .

  4. 开行是我国最大的政策性银行,贷款主要投放于基础设施、基础产业和支柱产业项目,资金来源主要是在银行间市场发行金融债券。

    CDB , the largest policy bank in China , mainly provides credit support to infrastructure projects , basic industry and mainstay industry . CDB raises funds mainly by issuing financial bonds in the inter-bank market .

  5. 本国金融机构发行之金融债券。

    A financial bond issued by a domestic financial institution .

  6. 商业银行发行次级金融债券是对商业银行资本金进行补充的有效途径。

    It is an effective method to compensate the capital of commercial banks by issuing subordinate financial bonds .

  7. 机构投资者获得国家发行的金融债券的利息、国库券利息免征企业所得税。

    Institutional investors do not need to pay for the income tax when get the interest of national financial bonds and treasury bill .

  8. 商业银行要按照人民银行规定购买政策性银行发行的金融债券。

    A commercial bank shall , according to the regulations of the people 's bank , buy the financial bonds issued by policy banks .

  9. “储蓄存款利息,国债和国家发行的金融债券利息,免纳个人所得税”

    " Interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state , shall be exempted from individual income tax "

  10. 甚至为储户存款作担保的联邦储蓄与贷款保险公司本身也已无力清偿债务。储蓄存款利息,国债和国家发行的金融债券利息;

    The FSLIC , which insured depositors ' money , itself became insolvent . interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state ;

  11. 通过发行政策性金融债券投资来拉动经济增长,相对于政府国债投资有诸多优势。

    And cooperate to government bond investment float political financial bonds investment to pull economy growth has many advantages .

  12. 美国发行的债券以金融债券为主,今年迄今为止,已占袋鼠债券发行量的60%。

    Us issuance , dominated by financials , has accounted for 60 per cent of kangaroo bonds so far this year .

  13. 允许银行在资本市场发行股票、发行长期金融债券等使资金得以从资本市场回流到货币市场。

    Allow the bank issues the stocks and long-term float bonds , etc. on the capital market to make the funds move back to the money market .

  14. 第三章分析了我国国有商业银行资本金补充途径,包括发行股票、发行长期金融债券、税收减免返还、财政注资和利润留成以及金融创新增强银行本身的积累能力等。

    Third , the paper analyzes the methods of supply capital to the national banks , the methods include : issue share , issue long-term bond , taxes reduction or return , finance share , profit remain and finance innovation to increase bank 's accumulation ability , and so on .