
  • 网络securities institutions
  1. 保险机构投资者也可向证券经营机构租用专用席位。

    Insurance institutional investors may , at their option , hire special seats from securities institutions .

  2. 这使得证券经营机构的权利义务界定处于不确定状态。

    This sort of dispute makes it difficult to define the rights and duties of securities institutions .

  3. 证券经营机构计算机千年问题整体解决方案

    The Overall Resolution of Computer 2000 Problem in Negotiable Securities Managing Constitution

  4. 证券经营机构不得采用任何方式申购基金。

    The securities operating institutes shall not in any way subscribe the funds .

  5. 加强制度建设,规范证券经营机构和中介机构的行为;

    Regulating the behavior of stock exchange media companies ;

  6. 云南证券经营机构的现状分析

    An Analysis of the Status of Yunnan Stock Institutions

  7. 我国证券经营机构危机的处理

    Deal with the crisis of our security management organizations

  8. 证券经营机构的风险管理证券营业部数据存储管理策略

    Risk management of securities corporation Backup Tactics of the Data in Securities Business Branches

  9. 扶持证券经营机构,发展资本市场

    Support Securities Corporation and Develop Capital Market

  10. 新疆证券经营机构的经营状况与全国证券业发展的背景是息息相关的。

    The management and operations of the Xinjiang Securities institutions are closely related to the development of securities business .

  11. 保险公司的资金不得用于设立证券经营机构,不得用于设立保险业以外的企业。

    No insurance company may use its funds to set up any security operation organization or enterprise irrelevant to insurance .

  12. 日本、韩国和我国的台湾地区,就有专门经营证券经营机构融资融券的融资公司,是一种比较重视通过融资机构而进行融资的模式。

    And the financing company of Japan , Korea and Taiwan pay attention to the model of financing by the institutions .

  13. 同国外同行相比,我国证券经营机构风险管理意识淡薄,管理机制也很不完善,存在内部控制机制和内部控制制度不健全、风险控制不严的情况。

    Compared with foreign counterparts , there exist problems , such as : weak risk management , poor internal control , and the backward management system .

  14. 文章详细分析了我国西部资本市场的区域特点,指出其上市公司数量少,结构单一,证券经营机构分布不均衡,投资者缺乏,金融市场效率相对低下等问题;

    The paper has analysed the regional characteristics of capital market , and the regional difference between east and west China in the respect of capital market .

  15. 在海外,美国经过一百多年的探索和完善,已经走出了一条以市场化的证券经营机构的融资模式,是一种比较注重利用市场融资工具和手段而进行的融资模式;

    Overseas , America has shaped a financing model of the managing organizations marketing for 100 years , which attaches importance to financing tools and measures of market .

  16. 证券经营机构不得允许一个自然人开设和使用一个或多个资金帐户对应多个股票帐户或基金帐户申购本基金。

    The securities operating institute shall not permit an individual to establish and adopt one or more capital accounts for subscribing the funds by corresponding several share accounts or funds accounts .

  17. 证券经营机构、信托资产管理机构在提交申请材料之前两个季度末的相关数据均应符合以上要求。

    The relevant data of the securities operating agency and the trust assets management agency at the end of two previous quarters before the submission of application materials shall satisfy the aforesaid requirements .

  18. 在同一证券经营机构内,投资人须变更经办营业部的,比照“系统内转托管”有关规定办理。

    If any investor needs to change its business department in the same securities operating agency , it shall go throughcarry out the procedures according to the relevant provisions concerning the " inner-system transfer of depository " in the system .

  19. 本文对云南证券经营机构的现状作了客观的分析,指出随着国家西部开发战略的实施,调整和壮大云南证券经营机构的规模,提高其经营能力势在必行。

    Through an analysis of the status of Yunnan stock institutions , this article points out that with the implementation of the state strategy for developing western China , it is imperative to improve their management abilities through an adjustment of their structures and sizes .

  20. 认购:在开放式基金募集期内,投资人通过证券经营机构在证券交易所,或通过基金管理人及其代销机构购买基金份额的行为。

    Subscribeption : refers to the acts of the investors to purchase the unit fundsfunds unit through the securities operating agencies at stock exchanges or through the funds managers and the selling institutes on a commission basis thereofcommission institutions during the period of raising the open-ended funds .

  21. 这样的事情发生在法国兴业,这家刚被《银行家》杂志评为“年度第一证券衍生产品经营机构”的银行,就更说不过去了。

    All this , to boot , at the bank heralded as equity-derivatives house of the year by the Banker magazine in2007 .

  22. 与中国货币市场的联系不畅的状况相适应,在中国的资本市场中,作为资本经营主体的证券公司及其他证券经营机构的资金融入机制也尚未形成。

    Coincident with the blocking of the currency market of China , the inflowing market institutions which subject the securities company and other organization as the main body of fund managing have not formed .

  23. 证券公司作为专门从事证券经营业务的机构是资本市场发展的必然产物。

    Securities company specializes in the operation of securities , which originates in the development of the capital market .

  24. 交易:开放式基金在证券交易所上市后,投资人通过证券经营机构在证券交易所内以集中交易方式买卖基金份额的行为。

    Trade : refers to the acts of the investors to trade the unit fundsfunds unit by centralized transactions through the securities operating agencies at stock exchanges after the open-ended funds are listed at stock exchanges .

  25. 证券公司违反本通知规定的,比照〈证券经营机构股票承销业务管理办法〉的有关规定予以处罚。

    Any securities companies breaking this Circular shall be punished according to relevant provisions in managerial procedures on securities operational organizations undertaking shares .