
  • 网络internationalization of securities market;internationalization
  1. 随着各国证券市场国际化的加深,IRM的工作范围延伸到了境外,投资者对信息披露有了更高的要求,互联网在IRM中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    With the intensification of the internationalization of securities market , the working range of IRM has been outside the border . Investors have higher requests for the disclosure of information . Internet is playing a more and more important role in IRM .

  2. 证券市场国际化有广义和狭义之分。

    The internationalization of securities market has both generalized and narrow sense .

  3. 加入WTO对中国证券市场国际化无疑是机遇与挑战并存。

    Entering into WTO we have both opportunities and challenges for the internationalization of China 's securities market .

  4. 特别是我国已于2001年正式加入WTO,证券市场国际化是不可逆转的趋势。

    Especially our country has already joined WTO formally in 2001 , the internationalization of security market is an irreversible trend .

  5. 随着2001年12月11日,中国加入WTO,中国证券市场国际化的步伐大大加快。

    With China 's access to WTO on December 11th , 2001 , the pace of the internationalization of Chinese securities market has been quickened .

  6. 但是我国的证券市场国际化存在着诸多障碍,特别是我国加入WTO后更是面临严峻的挑战。

    But the security market internationalization in our country has a great deal of obstacles and the severe challenge that face especially after the accession to WTO .

  7. 证券市场国际化背景下我国QFII制度研究

    Study on the Chinese QFII in the Internationalized Securities Market

  8. 我国加入WTO将使我国证券市场国际化进程加快,证券市场的国际化必然要求会计准则的国际化。

    Joining WTO will speed the international process of securities market in our country , and the internationalization of securities market must demand the internationalization of accounting standards .

  9. QFII的进入是证券市场国际化的一种体现。

    The entry of QFII is a kind of embodiment of the internationalization of security market .

  10. 加入WTO,实现证券市场国际化,对我国证券业的生存与发展将产生重大的影响,对证券市场监管也提出了更高的要求。

    Entering WTO and realizing the internationalization of the stock market will have great influence on the existence and development of China 's securities market , and set higher demands on the stock market supervision .

  11. 第二章为证券市场国际化概述,主要内容包括证券市场国际化定义与内涵、WTO对证券市场国际化的要求、证券市场国际化理论发展以及证券市场国际化可能产生的正负面效应。

    Chapter two present a general introduction of the internationalization of securities markets , such as the definitions and contents , the requirement of WTO , the theoretical development , and the positive & negative effect to economic development .

  12. 证券市场国际化是金融全球化的重要组成部分,我国证券市场国际化是一个循序渐进的过程,QFII制度在我国证券市场的国际化进程中扮演着重要的角色。

    The internationalization of security market is an important part of the financial globalization , the internationalization of security market of China is a progressive course , QFII system is playing an important role in the opening process of security market .

  13. 浅析入世后加快中国证券市场国际化的重大意义

    The Great Importance of Internationalizing China Stock Market after entering to WTO

  14. 证券市场国际化的法律障碍及对策

    The legal obstacle of stock market internationalization and related strategies

  15. 关于证券市场国际化原因的理论探析

    A Theoretical Approach to the Cause of the Internationalization of Securities Market

  16. 我国证券市场国际化进程中法律监管问题研究

    A Research in Legal Supervision of Internationalization Process of China 's Securities Market

  17. 论证券市场国际化及其法律调整

    Internationalization of Stock Market and its Legal Adjustment

  18. B股对内开放与中国证券市场国际化

    B Share Market Opening to Domestic Residents and The Globalization of China 's Security Market

  19. 本文将阐述中国证券市场国际化的现状及存在的问题和对策。

    This text shows us the present condition of China stock market internationalization and its countermeasures .

  20. 第二部分是中国证券市场国际化现状分析。

    The third part is the international experience comparative analysis of the internationalization of security market .

  21. 本章针对第三章对制约中国证券市场国际化发展的主要因素的分析,有针对性地提出中国证券市场国际化发展的对策。第一节指出要大力发展中国证券市场。

    The second part of this chapter analyses the effect of internationalization of China security market .

  22. 这就要求我们一定要注重证券市场国际化与宏观经济环境相协调。

    This requires that we must pay attention to the international stock market and macro-economic environment .

  23. 第三章,分析典型国家和地区证券市场国际化经验,得出对我国的启示。

    The third chapter , presents the analysis of internationalization of some typical countries and obtain some experiences .

  24. 本文旨在通过对证券市场国际化的纵向与横向比较,对我国证券市场国际化的法律调整进行了分析和研究。

    This thesis analyses and studies the legal adjustment of security market internationalization according to the transverse and vertical comparison .

  25. 证券市场国际化是金融乃至经济全球化的一个重要组成部分,并且是大势所趋。

    As an important parts of a financial and economic globalization , the internationalization of stock market is a general trend .

  26. 随着我国证券市场国际化向纵深方向发展,我国企业境外借壳上市的活动日趋增多。

    Along with the fast development of the Chinese securities business'internationalization , more and more Chinese enterprises are coming into the market through shell-borrowing .

  27. 证券市场国际化迫切需要加强国际证券的监管合作与协调。

    The internationalization of the security market has a crying need for the intensification of cooperation and coordination in the supervision of international securities .

  28. 第二部分阐述了国外证券市场国际化进程中积累的丰富经验,以及这些经验对我国证券市场国际化给予的启示。

    The second part explained the abundant experience accumulated in the foreign internationalization process of security market , and the enlightenment to our country .

  29. 对制度的剖析与设计有助于我们降低开放的成本,最大程度的享受证券市场国际化带来的收益。

    The analysis and design to the regime helps us to lower down the costs of opening-up , and maximumly enjoy the benefits of internationalization .

  30. 经济学家们总是给予成本和利润永恒的关爱,如果说证券市场国际化的风险为成本的话,那么收益则为利润。

    Economists always care about costs and profits eternally . If we take the risks of internationalization as costs , the gains should be as profits .