
zhèng yán
  • testimony;deposition;oral testimony;verbal evidence
证言 [zhèng yán]
  • [deposition;oral testimony] 证人证明案件事实的话

  • 一个处于高度义愤状态的人的证言

证言[zhèng yán]
  1. 因为我们要求听取利昂·兰卡斯特的证言

    because we 're requesting the deposition of Leon Lancaster .

  2. 刑事书面证言代替证人出庭而在庭审中运用,这种现象无论是在我国还是在其他国家都存在。

    The phenomena exists in every country that Criminal written deposition replaces the witness in court trial .

  3. 仅仅根据有争议的目击者证言和供词就定了罪。

    The convictions rest solely on disputed witness and confessional statements

  4. 又有两个目击者被传唤,提供证言后获准退席。

    Two more witnesses were called , heard and dismissed

  5. 证言会激怒陪审员,使他们背离案件事实。

    The testimony would inflame the jurors , and lead them astray from the facts of the case

  6. 在未听到对他不利的证言之前,你假定他是无罪的。

    You assume his innocence before hearing the evidence against him .

  7. Affidavit宣誓证言律师请他的客户在宣誓证言上签了名。

    The lawyer invited his client to subscribe the affidavit .

  8. 例句她的证言没有一句是真的,她根本就没出现在犯罪现场。

    She wasn 't even at the crime scene .

  9. 持续不断的宣传攻势(包括朋友和支持者的证言、她自己写给拥趸的公开信件)带来的结果是,在她刑满释放之前,她旗下公司marthastewartliving的股价就已经完全涨回来了。

    A steady publicity campaign that included testimonials from friends and supporters and her own open lettersto fans meant that , even before she had finished her prison sentence , the share price of her company , Martha Stewart Living , hadfully recovered .

  10. 他自己的证言表明他不可能做这件事。

    According to his own testimony he can 't do it .

  11. 第二部分:证人证言在民事诉讼中的地位。

    Second : The status of witness testimony in civil litigation .

  12. 我本来很有信心但他证言可能会让形势逆转

    I can have convictions but his own testimony could overturn them

  13. 他们听取了保守团体六名领导人的证言。

    They heard from the leaders of six of those organization .

  14. 诚实证人证言或然性探析

    An Exploration on the Possibility of the Testimony from Honest Witnesses

  15. 第三部分:证人证言的审查判断。

    Third : The examination and judgement of the witness testimony .

  16. 诉讼证据制度引入专家证言浅探

    Tentative Analysis on Inducing Expert Testimony into Litigation Proof System

  17. 你已经签署你和被告关系的证言。

    We have your signed testimony as to your relationship .

  18. 这位雄辩的律师在法庭上对证人的证言提出质疑。

    The eloquent lawyer impugned the witness 's story in the court .

  19. 这律师仍在费力地阅读复杂的证据和证言。

    The lawyers are still wading through the complex evidence and testimony .

  20. 主要的方法是录取当事人和证人的宣誓证言。

    The chief method is to take depositions of parties and witnesses .

  21. 法官不得不亲笔记下所有证言。

    The judge had to write all the evidence down in longhand .

  22. 在刑事诉讼中对证人证言的审查认证方法

    Censoring and Attestation Method of the Witness ' Testimony in Criminal Lawsuit

  23. 伪证的识别与证言真实性的评估

    Identification of Perjury and Evaluation of the Authenticity of Testimony

  24. 美国专家证言制度研究

    The Study of the Expert Testimony in the United States

  25. 民事诉讼证人证言之完善

    On the Perfection of the Testimony of Witness in the Civil Action

  26. 你希望你的证言当庭宣读么?

    Do you wish that testimony read to this court ?

  27. 她的说法太夸张了.他们的证言太夸张了。

    Her claims are overinflated . Their testimonies are overinflated .

  28. 里斯林断然拒绝任何指责他妻子的证言。

    Riesling absolutely refuses to have any testimony reflecting on his wife .

  29. 他们从他的证言中挑出(与事件)有关联的事实。

    They sifted out the pertinent facts from his testimony .

  30. 第一章为刑事书面证言概论。

    The first section is conspectus of criminal written deposition .