
  • 网络security account
  1. 股份持有人证券账户卡及复印件;

    The securities account card of the shareholder and its photocopy ; and .

  2. 有限合伙企业开立证券账户合法性探讨

    The Investigation of the Legitimate of Limited Joint Enterprises to Open a Securities Account

  3. 所有员工及关联方的证券账户信息必须披露。

    All securities accounts of staff and their connected parties must be disclosed .

  4. 回购交易指令必须申报证券账户,否则回购申报无效。

    Repurchase transaction directions shall report securities accounts ; otherwise the repurchase reporting is invalid .

  5. 融券专用证券账户不可用于证券买卖。

    The special securities account for financed securities shall not be used for trading securities .

  6. 证券账户自律管理承诺书(格式见附件)。

    A Commitment on Self-disciplinary Administration of Securities Account ( See the Attachment for the format ) .

  7. 投资者可以向本公司申请查询信用证券账户明细数据及变动记录。

    An investor may query the detailed data and change records of the credit securities account with the company .

  8. 信用证券账户对应的投资者不列示在证券持有人名册上。

    The corresponding investors of the credit securities accounts may not be filed in the list of securities holders .

  9. 投资者日后需凭信用证券账户的明细数据自行通过证券公司主张权利。

    The investors need to claim the rights by use of the detailed data of the credit securities accounts through securities companies .

  10. 恐怕我有些坏消息要通知你由于今天的一个重大股票投资损失直接影响到了你们的证券账户

    I 'm afraid I 've got some bad news regarding a major stock loss today and its immediate effect on your portfolio .

  11. 企业以依法取得的、登记在证券账户中的证券做质押,向我公司申请典当融资的业务。

    The securities , which enterprises acquired legally , registered in the securities account to pawn through our company to apply for business financing .

  12. 投资者因合法持有上市公司A股股份,应当直接向本公司上海、深圳分公司申请开立证券账户。

    I.An investor who legally holds any A-share of a listed company shall apply directly to either Shanghai branch or Shenzhen branch of the CSDC Co.

  13. 托管人要根据受托人委托,为企业年金基金申请代理开立证券账户。

    II . A trustee shall , upon the entrustment of a fiduciary , apply for opening securities account for enterprise annuity fund as an agent .

  14. 投资者通过场内申购、赎回应使用深圳证券账户,通过场外申购、赎回应使用深圳开放式基金账户。

    Investors shall use Shenzhen securities accounts for ring subscription and redemption ; and use Shenzhen lofs funds accounts of open-ended funds for curb subscription and redemption .

  15. 当购入股票时,应按股票的购入成本借记权益性证券账户,贷记现金账户。

    When stocks are purchased , the entire cost of purchasing stocks should be debited to the marketable equity securities account , credited to the cash account .

  16. 质押库以结算参与人为单位设立,并按证券账户来源分明细记录质押券。

    With participant in clearing as a unit , the pledge base is established , and pledged bonds lists are recorded according to sources of the securities accounts .

  17. 上海、深圳类别开放式基金账户:由上海、深圳证券账户注册生成的开放式基金账户。

    Sopen-ended funds accounts of Shanghai sort andor Shenzhen open-ended funds accounts : sort refers to the open-ended funds accounts registered through Shanghai andor Shenzhen Securities accountsecurities accounts .

  18. 查询当事人和与被调查事件有关的单位和个人的资金账户、证券账户和银行账户;

    Consulting the capital account , security account or bank account of any relevant party concerned in or any entity or individual relating to a case under investigation ;

  19. 发行债券,借入贷款当债券在付息日购入时,应按债券购入成本借记债务性证券账户,贷记现金账户。

    When bonds are purchased at interest date , the entire cost of purchasing bonds should be debited to the Marketable Debt Securities account , credited to the Cash account .

  20. 投资者申请开立信用证券账户时提供的姓名或名称以及有效身份证明文件应当与其普通证券账户一致。

    Any investor which applies for the credit securities account , shall provide the name or designation , and effective ID certificates which are consistent with those in its common securities account .

  21. 工作人员开立证券账户的应当要求工作人员在本公司指定交易或托管或者申报证券账户并定期提供交易记录。

    If a staff opens a securities account , the staff shall be required to designate the trading or custodian account in the company or declare his securities account and regularly provide trading records .

  22. 投资者证券账户的开立、注销、合并及证券账户资料变更等业务,按照本公司证券账户管理相关规定办理。

    The establishment , cancellation and combination of the securities accounts of the investors and the alternations modifications of the securities accounts shall be handled subject to relevant securities account management regulations of the company .

  23. 检查证券账户中权证余额、权证发行人行权专用结算备付金账户中资金余额时,证券账户、权证发行人行权专用结算备付金账户涉及司法冻结的,应将冻结数额予以剔除。

    When checking the balance of securities warrants in securitiesy accounts and the fund balance in settlement reserve accounts of the warrant-issuer which have been frozen by judicatory , the frozen amount shall be eliminated .

  24. 目前来看,零售银行的主导地位仍将继续,尽管个人持有的证券账户激增&据报道,截至去年年底,账户数已达到1.68亿个。

    It seems the domination of retail banks is set to continue , despite the proliferation of security accounts held by individuals , which was reported to have reached 168m by the end of last year .

  25. 投资者申请开立信用证券账户前,应当已经持有普通证券账户,且已经在该证券公司从事证券交易达半年或半年以上。

    An investor shall , before applying for the credit securities account , have held the common securities account , and have been engaged in securities trading at the stock exchange for about half a year or above .

  26. 投资者信用证券账户明细数据在证券公司和本公司查询结果不一致的,由证券公司负责向投资者做出解释。

    If the query results of the detailed data of the credit securities accounts of investors provided by the securities company are different from those provided by the company , the securities company shall be responsible for explaining it to investors .

  27. 由此可见,当股市指数上涨和下跌时,证券账户数目会因此出现上升和下降,建议证券管理部门能适时调整开户政策,正确引导投资者的投资行为。

    Thus , when the stock market index rose and fell , the securities account number will rise and fall correspondingly . Through this study , it is recommended that securities account management should adjust the policy so as to guide investors make the correct decision .

  28. 信用证券账户是证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户的二级账户,用于记录客户委托证券公司持有的担保证券的明细数据。

    " The credit securities account " means the secondary account of the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients of a securities company , which can be used to record the details of the guaranteed securities held by a securities company upon Commission of clients .

  29. PeteD'Arruda说,好的方案意味着使用资产分配,把钱存入不同风险水平的金融证券和账户中。

    Pete D'Arruda says good planning means placing money into financial securities and accounts that have different risk levels , using asset allocation .

  30. 天津中行负责中银国际证券代理账户开户文件的见证,并将申请材料转交中银国际。

    BOC Tian jintianjin is responsible for attesting the documents for opening securities agency accounts and forwarding the application materials to BOC international .