
qínɡ yǔ biǎo
  • barometer;weatherglass;glass;indicator or reflection
晴雨表 [qíng yǔ biǎo]
  • (1) [barometer]

  • (2) 气压表的俗称

  • (3) 比喻能及时反映事物变化的指示物

  • 行情公报是股市的晴雨表

  1. 我们的睡眠模式是心理健康的晴雨表。

    Our sleep pattern is a barometer to our psychological well-being .

  2. 在过去的总统选举中,密苏里州一直是国内其他州的晴雨表。

    In past presidential elections , Missouri has been a barometer of the rest of the country

  3. 几十年来,这家公司一直是英国经济的晴雨表。

    For decades the company was the bellwether of the British economy

  4. 晴雨表的指针指向“多云”。

    The needle on the barometer was pointing to " cloudy " .

  5. 报纸常被称作舆论的晴雨表。

    Newspapers are often called barometers of public opinion .

  6. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)分析师表示,由于生产周期短以及客户基础多样,微芯一直是一个非常不错的行业晴雨表。

    Analysts at Credit Suisse said Microchip is historically an extremely good industry barometer for its short lead-times and diversified client base .

  7. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)分析师表示,由于生产周期短以及客户基础多样,微芯一直是一个“非常不错的行业晴雨表”。

    Analysts at Credit Suisse said Microchip is historically an " extremely good industry barometer " for its short lead-times and diversified client base .

  8. “我们就是巴西社会众生万象的晴雨表”,该院HIV专家费南多•费瑞博士表示。

    " We are like a barometer of what is happening in the Brazilian society ," says Dr Fernando Ferry , an HIV specialist at the hospital .

  9. 通过实证分析阐明我国股市是国民经济的晴雨表,GDP持续增长决定上证综指向上运行趋势,储蓄存款余额增减变动决定上证综指波动。

    The steady increase of GDP determines on the up-going tendency of the index , which fluctuates thanks to the increase or decrease of its deposit balance .

  10. 研究结果表明,在不同阶段,股票市场价格指数与GDP间的关系是不一样的,其经济晴雨表的作用依赖于宏观经济运行状况。

    The results show that the relationship between stock market price index and macroeconomy is different at various stages . Whether it can acts as a barometer depends on the macroeconomic condition .

  11. 股票价格指数与宏观经济变量之间的Granger因果关系不是很显著,且与工业增加值之间的联系较弱,所以股票价格指数并不能完全充当我国经济发展的晴雨表。

    But the Granger cause relationship between stock price index and macroeconomic variables is not significant , and the linkage between stock price index and added industry value is weakly .

  12. 与此同时,反映船运成本的波罗的海干散货指数(balticdryindex)在不到两个月的时间内大跌60%。该指数在2008年出现暴跌,当时被一些人视为全球经济的晴雨表。

    At the same time , the Baltic Dry Index of freight costs , regarded by some as a barometer of the global economy when it plunged in 2008 , has fallen 60 per cent in less than two months .

  13. 在以前的研究中,宾大研究人员已经证实测量HDL外排能力可能是一个比单独测量高密度脂蛋白(HDL)水平更有效的预防心脏疾病的晴雨表。

    In a previous study , researchers at Penn have demonstrated that measuring HDL efflux capacity may be a more effective barometer of protection from heart disease than measuring HDL levels alone .

  14. PMI指数可以追踪工厂和车间的活动,被认为是牵动世界发展的中国经济健康的重要晴雨表。

    The index , which tracks activity in factories and workshops , is considered a key indicator of the health of China 's economy , a major driver of global growth .

  15. “相对于服装市场过去四年较为疲软的行情,奢侈品市场的需求行情似乎一路看涨,它就成了ipo的晴雨表,”瑞信分析师巴斯说。

    " The demand environment looks to be improving , relative to three or four years of fairly weak apparel trends . That stimulated activity has led to a window of IPO activity , " says Mr buss at Credit Suisse .

  16. 瑞典是世界上第一个在全国范围内测量顾客满意度的国家,建立了瑞典顾客满意度晴雨表(SCSB)。

    Sweden is the first country which has established a national economic indicator reflecting customer satisfaction .

  17. 中国最大的搜索引擎百度(Baidu)用搜索查询数量的下降作为苹果商店客流量的晴雨表,正确地预测苹果在华季度收入同比下降23%-34%。

    Baidu , China 's biggest search engine , used a fall in search queries as a proxy for foot traffic to Apple stores to correctly predict a 23-34 per cent year-on-year fall in Apple 's quarterly revenues in China .

  18. 鉴于广告公司的情况通常是经济趋势的晴雨表,Publicis的疲软业绩预示中国等新兴市场今年或遭遇坎坷。

    As advertising agencies often are barometers of economic trends , Publicis 's weakness points to a rough ride for China and other emerging markets this year .

  19. 宏观经济及宏观经济政策对房地产市场及股票市场的发展产生重要的影响,同时房地产业已成为拉动GDP的一个重要增长点,股票市场作为国民经济的晴雨表作用越来越明显。

    Macro-economic and Macro-economic policies have an important impact on the development of the real estate market and the stock market , and the real estate has become an important growth point to boost GDP ; the role of stock market as a barometer of the national economy becomes significant .

  20. Minecraft游戏年度盛会MineCon是一个绝佳的晴雨表,从中可看出这款游戏流行指数的飙升。

    A good barometer of how rapidly the game has grown in popularity is minecon , the annual minecraft convention .

  21. 投资是预示一国经济周期发展的晴雨表。

    Investment is the barometer of economic development of a country .

  22. 晴雨表检查目前海面和水平面的大气压力。

    Barometer checks atmospheric pressure at current level and sea level .

  23. 证券市场是现代经济的重要组成部分,发挥着经济晴雨表的作用。

    The securities market plays an important role in modern society .

  24. 心的晴雨表预报一场暴风雨的来到。

    The Forecast says there will be storms in My heart .

  25. 但是中国的这个晴雨表好像不太有用。

    But Chinese economic barometer seems to be no use .

  26. 区域上市公司是宏观经济运行的晴雨表。

    Regional Listed companies are a barometer of macroeconomic performance .

  27. 石油价格是世界经济的晴雨表。

    Oil prices are a barometer of the world economy .

  28. 作为全球增长的晴雨表,中国的钢铁需求情况并不令人鼓舞。

    As a barometer for global growth , it is hardly encouraging .

  29. 葡萄酒是气候晴雨表,对气候变化尤为敏感。

    Wine is a particularly sensitive barometer of climate change .

  30. 西伯利亚流放是俄国社会政治斗争的“晴雨表”。

    Siberian exile was a barometer of political struggle in Russian society .