
yǎnɡ xīn diàn
  • Hall of Mental Cultivation
  1. 2020年紫禁城建成600周年之前,预计养心殿的修缮项目将完工。

    The project is scheduled to be completed by 2020 , just in time to celebrate the Forbidden City 's 600th birthday .

  2. 养心殿作为宫内的一处重要建筑,在康熙时期的情况一直不甚清楚。

    An important building in the Palace , the situation of the Yangxin Hall in the Kangxi reign has been unclear to us .

  3. 占地3800平米的养心殿是于1537建造的,主要是用于皇帝召见官员。

    The 3800-sq-m Hall of Mental Cultivation , built in 1537 , served in part as a place for emperors to meet officials .

  4. 养心殿是清朝(1644-1911)最后八位皇帝的寝宫,20世纪80年代曾进行过局部修复。

    The Hall of Mental Cultivation , the residence of the last eight Qing Dynasty ( 1644-1911 ) emperors , was partially restored in the early 1980s .

  5. 雍正皇帝(1678-1735)是第一位住在这里的帝王。同时,养心殿也见证了慈禧太后(1835-1908)早年在这里的传奇历史。

    Emperor Yongzheng ( 1678-1735 ) was the first monarch to live there , and the building witnessed the early days of the reign of the legendry Empress Dowager Cixi ( 1835-1908 ) .