
  • 网络The Spanish Civil War
  1. 当盖尔霍恩发出她第一篇关于西班牙内战的报道时,她也许已经开辟了一片新的天地。

    Gellhorn may have broken new ground when she filed her first report on the Spanish Civil War .

  2. 《弗罗里达酒店:西班牙内战中的真实、爱与死亡》(HotelFlorida:Truth,LoveandDeathintheSpanishCivilWar)。

    HOTEL FLORIDA : Truth , Love , and Death in the Spanish Civil War .

  3. 据悉,格拉纳达大学法医系曾做过一些意义重大的DNA鉴定,包括对西班牙内战留下的秘密坟墓中的尸骨和哥伦布尸骨的鉴定。

    The university forensic team has previously worked on other high-profile identifications , including bodies from unmarked civil war graves , and the remains of Christopher Colombus .

  4. 1938年西班牙内战期间,该组织经弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥将军(Gen.FranciscoFranco)允许,在全国范围内发售彩票。

    Founded in 1938 during the Spanish Civil War , the organization was allowed by Gen. Francisco Franco to run a nationwide lottery .

  5. 西班牙内战之后,残存的BA-6一直在西班牙陆军内服役到50年代初。

    After the end of the Civil War , several BA-6 's remained in the Spanish army until the early '50s .

  6. V-VS经历了30年代的大清洗,很多西班牙内战的老兵被清洗掉了。

    The V-VS had undergone serious cutbacks in the '30s , and many of the Spanish Civil War veterans had been purged .

  7. 他的兄弟死于西班牙内战。

    His brother was killed in the Spanish Civil war .

  8. 对西班牙内战中的事件的虚构描写。

    A fictional account of events that occurred during the Spanish Civil war .

  9. 它是:西班牙内战,朝鲜战争,第一次世界大战还是第二次世界大战?

    Was it : Spanish Civil War , Korean War World War I or World War II ?

  10. 西班牙内战以及1936至1937年之间的其他事件扭转了这种状况,从此我认准了我的立场。

    The Spanish war and other events in1936-1937 turned the scale and thereafter I know where I stood .

  11. 笔者首先回顾了英国在西班牙内战期间所采取的不干涉政策。

    Firstly , the author reviews the policy of nonintervention taken by Britain during the Spanish Civil War .

  12. 主人公是一个叫罗伯特·乔丹的老师,在西班牙内战中经历斗争找到了真爱。

    The protagonist , a teacher named Robert Jordan , finds love and battle in the Spanish Civil War .

  13. 曾以志愿人员身份参加第一次世界大战,后以记者身份参加了第二次世界大战和西班牙内战。

    Participating in World War One as a volunteer , and the Spanish Civil War and World War Two as a correspondent .

  14. 他们从西班牙内战说起,然后是一战、二战、冷战

    They started with the Spanish Civil War , then moved on to world war one , World War Two , the cold war

  15. 罗伯特·乔丹是一位在西班牙内战中帮助共和国游击队作战的美国人,他被派往法西斯后方去炸毁一座桥梁。

    Robert Jordan , an American fighting for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War , is sent behind Fascist lines to destroy a bridge .

  16. 作为本世纪20年代风行欧美的迷惘的一代的主流作家,海明威的一生与战争联系在了一起,他经历了人类空前浩劫的一次世界大战,并参加了1936年开始的西班牙内战。

    As the spokesman of " The Lost Generation " which prevailed in Europe and America in the 1920s , Hemingway related his life with wars .

  17. 终其一生,伍尔夫经历了三次战争&第一次世界大战,西班牙内战和第二次世界大战。

    Throughout her life , she has experienced three wars , i.e. the First World War , the Spanish Civil War , and the Second World War .

  18. 西班牙内战爆发后,面对英法的不干涉态度和德意的强势介入,为获取经济利益和地缘政治利益,苏联决定援助第二共和国。

    Confronting the attitude of noninterference from Anglo-French as well as " muscular interventionism " involved by Germany and Italy , the Soviet Union decided to assist the republic to obtain economic benefit and geopolitical interest .

  19. 他参加过两次世界大战和西班牙内战,战场上血腥的厮杀和残酷的死亡强烈地震撼了他的心灵,使他对战争进行不断的深刻反思。

    Hemingway had participated in both World Wars and the Spanish Civil War . In the battlefields , Hemingway saw brutal fights and deaths which shocked him greatly . After the wars , he was compelled to reflect on them repeatedly .

  20. 西班牙的埃布罗河三角洲因曾为西班牙内战期间的战场而出名,现在又成为另一场战争的所在地,那就是稻农们正面临两大敌人的挑战:以水稻为食的巨头苹果蜗牛,以及持续上升的海平面。

    The Ebro Delta , in Spain , famous as a battleground during the Spanish Civil War , is now the setting for a different contest , one that is pitting rice farmers against two enemies : the rice-eating giant apple snail , and rising sea levels .