
  • 网络sludge thickener
  1. 采用生物过滤法对南方某城市污水处理厂的污泥浓缩池和脱水车间的臭气进行了处理。

    The biofiltration method was used to treat the odor produced from the activated sludge thickener and sludge dehydrating unit of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in southern China .

  2. 污泥浓缩池的高效运行,对减少后续污泥脱水处理的能耗从而降低污水处理的运行成本有重要意义。

    It is very important to run the sludge thickener effectively to reduce the energy and to lower the running cost of treatment .

  3. 结合给水厂污泥浓缩池的实际工作情况,设计时宜采用保守设计,即不考虑排泥固体通量的影响。

    Moderate design might be appropriate for the practical operation of thickeners in waterworks , so the effect of DSF was ignored .

  4. 污泥浓缩池是污水处理工程中的一个重要部分,对于浓缩池污泥泥位的测量目前国内普遍采用插杆目测或使用进口设备进行测量。

    Mud concentrate is one of the most important operational parts . Workers usually use sticks or imported instruments to measure mud level .

  5. 基于静沉试验的给水厂污泥重力浓缩池的设计探讨

    Design of gravitational sludge thickener in waterworks based on static settling experiment

  6. 为降低能耗,减少基建投资和便于运行管理,本工程还采用了钟氏沉砂池、微孔曝气器、周边进水周边出水二沉池、污泥气浮浓缩池等新技术。

    This project also introduces some new technologies to lower power consumption and construction cost .

  7. 沉淀池的污泥经浓缩池后进入污泥脱水间压滤后运走,用于土地的填埋。

    The sludge coming from precipitation pond was concentrated and after pressure filtration , it is moved to land disposal .

  8. 根据实测得到的静态沉降曲线讨论迪克理论和柯伊-克里维什理论在给水厂污泥重力浓缩池设计中的应用。

    The theories of Dick and Coe-Clevenger were applied for design of gravitational sludge thickeners in waterworks based on the settling curve obtained by static settling experiment .

  9. 污泥浓缩机与污泥脱水机相结合,可节省污泥浓缩池,对各种稀污泥有很强的适应性。

    Thickener sludge and sludge dewatering machine combined savings of sludge thickening tank , the various dilute sludge is a highly adaptive .