
wū diǎn
  • stain;spot;taint;blemish;blot;mark;smear;black mark;speck;blotch;smirch;scar
污点 [wū diǎn]
  • (1) [stain;black mark;blemish;smirch;spot]∶沾在衣服上的污垢

  • (2) [taint]∶丢脸的、有损名誉的事情

污点[wū diǎn]
  1. 这将成为他记忆中一个不可磨灭的污点。

    It will remain an indelible stain on his memory .

  2. 在NBA抹去一个不堪管理层留下的污点可能会花费多年时间。

    Bad management in the NBA can leave a stain that takes years to wash away .

  3. 那条尽人皆知的丑闻成了他的一个污点。

    The public scandal was a black mark against him .

  4. 她卷入了这次欺诈案,在她的品格上留下了一个很大的污点。

    Her involvement in the fraud has left a serious blot on her character .

  5. 他的操行记录至今无任何污点。

    He has a spotless record so far .

  6. 他的额头上有一个黑乎乎的污点。

    There was a dark smudge on his forehead .

  7. 他有一个污点。

    There was one black mark against him .

  8. “他的私生活没有任何污点,”麦克史密斯说。

    ' His private life is as clean as a whistle , ' says McSmith .

  9. 他犯的罪是他履历中的一个污点。

    The crime he committed is a blot on his record .

  10. 你能把这件外套上的污点洗掉吗?

    Can you clean the coat of these dirty marks ?

  11. 去除领子上的污点最好的办法是使用未稀释的液体洗洁净。

    The best way to get stains off collars is to use liquid detergent at full strength .

  12. 例句我从来没收到过一张超速罚单,我的车本上一分都没扣,毫无污点。

    I 've never even been issued a speeding ticket – my driving licence1 is clean as a whistle .

  13. 由金融领域触发的2008年大衰退(GreatRecession)给这项记录蒙上了污点,但并不能将其彻底抹去。

    The financially triggered Great Recession of 2008 - ? blemishes this record but does not wipe it away .

  14. rim将克服这一品牌污点事件,如果存在任何污点的话。

    Rim will get over the brand taint , if there is one .

  15. 他的公共服务记录没有任何污点或不名誉之事(詹姆斯J.科尔帕里克)

    His record of public service is untouched by any stain of shadiness or sleaze ( James J.Kilpatrick )

  16. 只有美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)能够带来人们所期望的领导力:他没有污点、颇得人心,而他领导下的国家不管怎么说仍占据着主导地位。

    Only Barack Obama , the US president , can provide the desired Leadership : he is untainted , popular and leader of the country that , for good and ill , remains central .

  17. JeffreyDinslage称,人们经常问他关于玫瑰叶片上的污点问题。

    Jeffrey Dinslage says people often ask him about unhealthy on rose leaves .

  18. 国际足联的案件至少还涉及其他两名污点证人:德里恩·沃纳(DryanWarner)和达里尔·沃纳(DaryllWarner),他们有可能达成了与布莱泽类似的协议。

    There are at least two other cooperating witnesses in the FIFA case that suggest the kind of agreement Mr. Blazer may have struck : Daryan and Daryll Warner .

  19. 上世纪90年代中期,艾斯纳先是栽培,随后又连续否决了杰弗里•卡岑伯格(JeffreyKatzenberg)、迈克•奥维茨(MikeOvitz)担任自己在迪士尼的副手,这成为其任期内的污点。

    Mr Eisner 's cultivation and then rejection in turn of Jeffrey Katzenberg and Mike Ovitz as his second-in-command at Disney in the mid-1990s marred his tenure .

  20. 另外值得一提的是,IGCAR有污点的安全和危险的记录。

    It 's also worth mentioning that the IGCAR has a tainted safety and hazard record .

  21. 微软今年早些时候对aQuantive价值进行减记,使其财报有史以来第一次出现季度亏损,堪称它在公共关系上的一个污点。

    The aquantive write down earlier this year forced Microsoft to report its first quarterly loss ever , a public relations stain .

  22. 印度内政部长齐丹巴兰(P.Chidambaram)周四表示,印度国土最近遭遇的恐怖主义袭击是政府的“污点”,应该采取更多措施防止这种状况在未来再次发生。

    India Seeks to Counter Internal Terrorist Threat Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Thursday described recent terror attacks on Indian soil as a " blot " on the government , and said more needs to be done to prevent them in the future .

  23. 你可以磨、波兰、邮票或污点。

    You can grind , polish , stamp or stain it .

  24. 唯一的例外就是去除相机图象传感器上灰尘导致的照片污点。

    The single exception to this rule is sensor dust removal .

  25. 斑点着色的毛织物(染后显现植物性疵点,经着色涂盖,使色泽一致)使事物有污点或染上颜色的行为。

    Burl dyed cloth the act of spotting or staining something .

  26. 床单上有污点,浴缸也不干净。

    The sheet is stained and the bathtub is not clean .

  27. 《污点》的写作算是愈合了此前的伤痛。

    The stain on the writing of be healed after pain .

  28. 她不懂得如何擦干没有污点的碟子。

    She doesn 't know how to dry without leaving spots .

  29. 这是部长档案中一个严重的污点。

    This is a serious blemish on the minister 's record .

  30. 我认为这个污点不会从他身上去掉。

    I think the stain will not come out of him .