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huái jūn
  • military force trained and commanded by Li Hongzhang
  1. 袁世凯早年投身淮军勇营,亲身参与了旧式勇营的治军活动。

    Yuan Shikai early to join the Huai camp , personally involved in administering the military activities of the old Yong Camp .

  2. 以湘、淮军为主的勇营军制的崛起使汉人在晚清提督、总兵和团练将领任职中占绝大多数,从全国区域分布来看,又以湖南和安徽两省人数居多;

    But the rise of the Brave-Army System made Han people accouted for the majority in other army posts , and the numbers of military generals in Hunan and Anhui provinces were the most .

  3. 在军事方面,这里既有清政府的绿营兵、淮军,还有团练,在太平军中,也存在着不同的派系,犬牙交错,互相争斗。清代云南绿营兵研究

    In the military field , there were the conflicts in armed forces of Qing government and factional conflicts in Taiping army . A Study of Green Standard Army in Yunnan during the Qing Dynasty

  4. 晚清清军马队营制经历了两次变化,第一次是湘、淮军的勇营制代替了八旗、绿营的马队营制;

    The evolution of cavalry battalion system in the late Qing period went through two stages : the first was the substitution of the cavalry of Yong battalions for the cavalry of Eight-Banners and Green-vests ;