
  1. 淮南铁路的建成通车,对安徽近代经济发挥了积极作用。

    It had certain positive effect on the development of Anhui economy in modern times .

  2. 张静江与淮南铁路&兼论淮南铁路的经济意义

    Zhang Jingjiang and Huainan Railway Railway Market

  3. 蚌埠是纵贯我国东部地区南北的大动脉&京沪铁路的一等客站,并经淮南线与京九铁路相连。

    Bengbu is a north-south artery of north and south eastern part of China-Beijing-Shanghai Railway , first-class passenger station , and after the Beijing-Kowloon railway line and connected to Huainan .