
bīng biàn
  • mutiny
兵变 [bīng biàn]
  • [mutiny] 军队不听指挥、不守军纪而发生叛变的事情

兵变[bīng biàn]
  1. 唐代桂州戍卒兵变论析

    Comments on the Mutiny of Guizhou Garrison Soldiers in the Tang Dynasty

  2. 印度兵变期间(1957)美军被包围。

    The British were besieged during the Indian Mutiny ( 1857 ) .

  3. 某海军基地的士兵不服从军官领导,发生了兵变。

    Sailors at a naval base had mutinied against their officers .

  4. 南美沿海的海上发生了兵变。

    A mutiny has taken place off the coast of South America .

  5. 兵变的直接原因,是新的埃菲尔德步枪。

    The immediate cause of the mutiny was the new Enfield rifle .

  6. 军队里有兵变的谣言。

    There were rumours of mutiny among the troops .

  7. 举行兵变以对抗现存的权威。

    Engage in a mutiny against an authority .

  8. 到了一月份,就爆发成为兵变。

    In January it broke out into muting .

  9. 六一六兵变与广州民众

    Guangzhou 's Common People and June 16th Mutiny

  10. 这种状况让我无法待下去,没有一个教练可以在部下兵变的情况下继续工作。

    No coach wants to go through that type of stuff when you have mutiny .

  11. 他的目的是说服人们起来反对阴谋的'愤怒'和'兵变',因此,报仇凯撒的死亡。

    His aim is to persuade people to rise against the conspirators in'rage'and'mutiny'and hence , avenge Caesar 's death .

  12. 政府已经宣布成立一个特别法定的计划,以便确定是谁组织了这场兵变。

    The government announced plans to form a special tribunal to try the border guards who organized the mutiny .

  13. 大业十四年(618)三月,宇文化及在江都发动兵变,缢杀炀帝。

    In the 14th year of Daye ( 618 ) , Yuwen Huaji in Jiangdu staged a mutiny and hanged Emperor Yang .

  14. 1955年的托里特兵变点燃了南北战争的烈火,也是阿拉伯主义与非洲主义对抗的开始。

    The Torit mutiny in 1955 ignited the fires of the war , and also was the antagonism of the South and the North .

  15. 不满情绪酿成了兵变.一个活生生的人要被屠杀,被撕成几块,轰动情绪就是从这儿产生的。

    Discontent stirred the men to mutiny . the immortal creature that was to be so butchered and torn asunder , yielded the sensation .

  16. 二是民间领袖人物发生了类似“陈桥兵变”的事,自己还是下课。

    Second , civil society leaders have taken place in similar " Chen Bridge mutiny " of the matter , or their own school .

  17. 实际上这场兵变反映了明代中后期政治军事体系中存在的制度性问题。

    In fact , the mutiny reflected the institutional problem existed in the political and military system in the middle and late period of the Ming dynasty .

  18. 印度兵变:1857年东印度公司孟加拉军队的当地士兵发动兵变。

    India mutiny : In 1857 the native troops of the Bengal army of the East India Company mutinied because of 1.resentment at the reforms of ancient .

  19. 宋朝从公元960年宋太祖赵匡胤陈桥兵变建立,到1279年被元朝灭亡,共存在了319年。

    Song lasted 319 years from 960 , when Zhao Kuangyin , founded Song through an army revolt , to 1279 when it was destroyed by Mongolia .

  20. 1857年东印度公司孟加拉军队的当地士兵发动兵变后,1858年印度改由英国君主统治。1877年维多利来女王正式成为印度女皇。

    After the muting of Bengal army in 1857 , the control of India passed to the British Crown and Queen Victoria became Empress of India in 1877 .

  21. 一七七七年,美洲军队看来大势已去,二十一岁的伯尔有一天听说手下酝酿兵变,于是下令半夜检阅。

    One day in1777 , with things looking bleak for the Continental army , the21-year-old colonel learned that a mutiny was in the works and ordered a midnight inspection .

  22. 他为对抗利库德集团兵变建立的前进党,虽然只是个新生的中立党,却本可以在即将来临的大选中轻松获胜。

    He had reacted to a mutiny from his Likud party by creating a brand-new centrist party , Kadima , which was expected easily to win the forthcoming general election .

  23. 公元926年发生魏州(河北大名东南)兵变,庄宗毙于流矢。

    In 926 , the military coup was broken out in Weizhou ( now southeast of Da Ming , Hebei ) and Emperor Zhuang was killed by a flying arrow .

  24. 据美联社报道,这座宪兵大楼已被烧毁,但房间里发现有血迹,这也佐证了这座4万人的城镇上周发生兵变的报道。

    The building was burnt out , according to AP , and there were bloodstains in rooms , which bolstered reports of a mutiny last week in the town of 40000 .

  25. 嘉平元年(249),司马懿发动兵变消灭独揽大权的曹爽。

    In the first year of Joyous Stability ( 249 ) , Sima Yi decided that the reign of the weak Wei Emperors needed to stop and pulled off a Coup d'etat .

  26. 他在1882年曾随清军前往朝鲜,协助国王李熙平定壬午兵变,并与该国士大夫结交。

    In 1882 , he had been to Korea with the Qing army , helping the Korean Emperor Li Xi to put down Muting in 1882 , which resulted in his association with Korean literati .

  27. 这场兵变对亲身经历过它的德宗、顺宗、宪宗产生了很大的影响,从而在各个方面影响了唐王朝中后期的政局走势。前人学者对其兵变本身已经做过了很多深入的研究。

    This mutiny had a great impact on Te-tsung and his successors , thus affecting all aspects of the political trend of the late Tang dynasty ; previous scholars have done a lot of the mutiny itself-depth research .

  28. 以壬午兵变为契机,清对朝政策发生了重大的变化,由消极的以夷制夷政策转变为积极的干涉政策。

    Take " Im-ou military revolt " as a turning point , Qing 's policy to Korea has had tremendous change , from " uses one barbarian to control the other " transforms into " the interference policy " .

  29. 他登基后的第一个任务就是确保不会再有任何兵变,他为此建立了一支专业的朝廷军队,这些军队的将领受到了中央政府的严格控制。

    His first task was to ensure that there would be no further military coups and he did this by establishing a professional army loyal to the dynasty with its military com-manders under the strict control of the central government .

  30. 本文重点介绍了民国前期东北土匪的来源及其形成的社会历史条件,东北土匪组织结构及活动方式,东北土匪与流民、兵变和日俄列强的关系。

    This paper focuses on the source of the Republic of pre-and north-northeast bandits bandits organizational structure , activities , etc. , northeast bandits and refugees , mutiny , and the Russo-Japanese relations powers , and north-east bandit formation of social and historical conditions .