
  • 网络google adsense;adsense;google ad
  1. 当一位互联网用户访问某个包含谷歌广告的网址时,这次访问将被记录下来,并用来编辑个人资料,然后这些资料将被调用,对该用户将来直接投放广告。

    When an Internet user visits any website containing a Google ad , the visit will be recorded and used to compile a profile that will then be deployed to direct future advertising to the user .

  2. 蒂姆o阿姆斯特朗——时任谷歌广告销售副总裁;

    Tim Armstrong - then , Google 's vice president for advertising sales ;

  3. 该公司还通过在文章旁显示广告,从谷歌广告系统中赚钱。

    It also makes money by displaying adverts alongside its articles from Google 's advertising system .

  4. 你可以很好地完成,尽管他们不得不支付昂贵的谷歌广告来确保这个操作。

    Nice work it you can get it , although they have to buy the expensive Google ads to enable this to operate .

  5. 尽管瓦里安在其中有很大的功劳&他撰写的教材可是我的微观经济学圣经,不过谷歌广告的成功基石在他到来之前就奠定了。

    Nice as it would be to give Varian all the credit for this - his textbook was my microeconomics bible - the foundation stones of Google 's advertising success had been laid before he arrived .

  6. 谷歌广告的用户点击量较去年同期仅增加15%,低于上一季度的17%,增幅为该公司公布的历史最低水平。

    The number of times users clicked on Google 's adverts grew only 15 per cent from the year before , down from 17 per cent in the preceding quarter and the slowest growth rate it has ever reported .

  7. 约翰・詹姆斯(JohnJames)就是一位使用谷歌新广告并感到满意的广告客户。他是AcumenBrands的首席执行长,该公司旗下拥有零售商。

    One happy advertiser using Google 's new ads is John James , chief executive of Acumen Brands , which owns retailer .

  8. 据搜索广告研究公司AdGooroo说,沃尔玛(Wal-MartStoresInc.)和eBayInc.是谷歌产品广告的最大买家。

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and eBay Inc. are the top buyers of Google 's product ads , according to AdGooroo , a search-advertising research firm .

  9. 那么,这五家公司中谁在走下坡路呢?一年前,当谷歌的广告业务似乎更容易受到Facebook崛起的影响时,该公司似乎处境艰难。

    So which of these five is losing ? A year ago , it was Google that looked to be in a tough spot as its ad business appeared more vulnerable to Facebook 's rise .

  10. 更有趣的是,Godaddy是谷歌AdWords广告的大客户,因此“God”的第一个预测结果是GoDaddy的赞助商链接。

    Also interesting is that a Go Daddy is a heavy Google AdWords user , and so the first result for the " God " query is a sponsored link for Go Daddy .

  11. 欧盟宣称,正在调查谷歌的广告销售网络和DoubleClick的广告服务平台一旦合并是否会将竞争对手排除在外。

    The EU has said it is examining whether joining Google 's ad-selling network and DoubleClick 's ad-serving platform would box out competitors .

  12. Alphabet周一晚间的报告称,由于谷歌网络广告业务的发展势头强劲,其第四季度的净利润上涨了5.3%,达到49亿美元;营收上涨了18%,达到213亿美元。

    Alphabet reported a 5.3pc increase in fourth-quarter profits to $ 4.9bn on Monday night and an 18pc increase in revenue to $ 21.3bn , as Google 's web advertising business continued to go from strength to strength .

  13. 现在,谷歌的广告每月可吸引用户拨打超过1000万个电话。

    Now , Google ads generate more than 10 million calls a month .

  14. 你可以看到一些额外的间距对谷歌的广告格式。

    You can see the extra bit of spacing on Googles Ad Formats .

  15. 买家在淘宝上搜索商品时,卖家的广告会出现在搜索结果页面上,这与谷歌的广告模式相似。

    Much as with Google Inc. , the ads from merchants appear with Taobao 's product-search results .

  16. 内龙哈表示,协议中的金额反映了谷歌从广告中获得的收入,那些广告通常假装成为加拿大药房所做。

    He said the amount represented revenue from the ads , which typically purported to be on behalf of Canadian pharmacies .

  17. 公司建议广告提供商给每个主题都做一个广告。谷歌的广告可以用40种不同语言呈现,而且可以以不到一秒的时间上传。

    The company asked ad providers for ads for every topic , available in40 different languages , and loaded in sub-second time .

  18. 张永恒表示,从谷歌撤走广告业务的公司可能回到这家美国搜索引擎,以使自己的广告业务多样化。

    Mr Cheung said companies that had withdrawn ads from Google might return to the US search engine to diversify their advertising presence .

  19. 谷歌在线广告业务的增长放缓不可避免,要抵消这一不利影响,关键在于寻找新的收入来源。

    Finding alternative sources of revenue is critical to Google as it tries to offset the inevitable slowing growth in its online ad business .

  20. 为了炫耀其照片备份系统服务,谷歌在广告中还展现了手机使用者捕捉“柯达时刻”的几个场景。

    To show off its photos backup service , Google 's commercial includes several scenes of smartphone users about to capture a Kodak moment .

  21. 施密特建议瓦里安可以“看看”谷歌销售广告的方式,因为“它或许能让我们赚点小钱”。

    Schmidt suggested that Varian might " take a look " at the way Google sold its advertising because " it might make us a little money " .

  22. 一些设立了“付费墙”的新闻网站抱怨,谷歌基于广告的搜索业务损害到了它们的收费能力。业界讨论的一个焦点就在于,如何让谷歌新闻更好地为这类网站服务。

    Areas under discussion will include how to make Google News work better for sites that use online paywalls but have complained that the company 's advertising-based search business hurts them .

  23. 在谷歌展示广告副总裁尼尔•莫汉看来,实时广告交易平台是谷歌实现端对端广告解决方案的“关键一环”。

    For Google , the exchange is " one key piece of the puzzle " in producing an end-to-end advertising solution , according to Neal Mohan , vice president of display advertising .

  24. 不过,该主管表示,即使是在欧美市场,通过把谷歌网站广告封禁一小时或一天迫使谷歌走上谈判桌,应该是可行的。

    But even within those markets , it would be feasible to block adverts on Google just for an hour or a day to bring the company to the negotiating table , the executive said .

  25. 上榜的科技界女性总共有16位,还包括谷歌的广告高级副总裁苏珊·沃西基(排名第30)和华为公司董事长孙亚芳(排名第77位)。

    There are 16 tech women in total , including also Susan Wojcicki , SVP of ads at Google ( No. 30 ) and Sun Yafang , chair of Huawei Technologies ( No. 77 ) .

  26. 他并未解释这项技术还将扩大谷歌的广告覆盖面,但这款助手将会收集的所有额外数据的潜力是不言而喻的:这将成为终极的个性化智能。

    He did not explain how the technology would also extend Google 's advertising reach , but the potential from all the extra data the assistant will collect was implicit : this will be the ultimate personalised intelligence .

  27. 此项新服务本意是帮助用户更加快速地找到结果。然而有搜索专家表示,对用户搜索方式的间接改变,将对许多在谷歌投放广告、或依赖谷歌搜索引擎流量的业务产生广泛的影响。

    The new approach is intended to help users find results more quickly , though some search experts said that indirect changes to how users conduct their searches could also have a wider impact on the many businesses that advertise on Google or rely on traffic from the search engine .

  28. 但Android能否帮助谷歌进军手机广告市场仍未可知。

    But its ability to help Google expand in the mobile-ad market remains unproved .

  29. 但他的任期将因未能与微软(microsoft)达成交易和未能与谷歌达成搜索广告协议而为人们所铭记。

    But his tenure will be remembered for his failure to consummate a deal with Microsoft and the collapse of a search advertising agreement with Google .

  30. 例如谷歌,靠广告赚钱,其智能电话操作系统android却不收费,还让其他人修改这种软件。

    Google , for instance , which makes its money from advertisements , does not charge for Android ( its operating system for smart-phones ) and lets others modify the software .